Chapter 656 What to decide]

“Qin Wang’s victory in politics must be inclined to counties and counties. My answer does not necessarily have any major changes to the national policy.

But it has a great influence on my personal career. ”

Yan Shun didn’t think that a little person could change his idea of ​​winning politics.

Yan Shun still has a little self-knowledge. He also understood that King Qin’s victory in letting himself speak was only a kind of respect for his subordinates, and had nothing to do with state affairs.

Or it can be said that the king of Qin was tired from the review and performance of the political review and wanted to find it. Just play a game.

So Yan Shun thought it through in his mind, and he must follow several principles in what he said next.

Don’t offend Li Si! Don’t let Qin Wang Yingzheng feel that he has deviated too much from what he wanted.

But he couldn’t completely agree with Li Si, he had to have his own opinions, so that King Qin won the government easily to remember!

After sorting out his thoughts, Yan Shun bowed his head and said: “The minister was born from a humble background, and one served as a guard in the palace, so I know what a county is.”

Seeing that King Qin Yingzheng did not make a statement, Yan Shun had no choice but to continue talking-go on.

“In the battle of Chu Chu, I saw Hu Jun Douran and Sleeping Jun Sun Feng fighting against them, and then I knew what feudalism was. Therefore, what Prime Minister Li said today was how good the feudalism of Xia, Shang and Wednesday was. If it’s bad, I don’t dare to make false statements.

“It’s better if you don’t know. Say what you think. Don’t worry, people just want to listen to your heart.”

King Qin Yingzheng leaned half of his body on the dragon chair and touched his beard and thought to himself that he had heard the political opinions of almost all the clan, civil servants, military commanders, and Yilang.

Although the will to win the government has been determined, I intend to agree with Li Si’s advice, abolish the old system, completely cut off the wheel of feudalism and division, and let the world under its own rule drive on a brand new road!

But this time, he also wanted to know, how does a young man who has risen from the bottom and followed him for many years think about this matter?

This is not a consultation, let alone questioning, but an investigation of the young man’s political views and measures.

In the talent pool of King Qin Yingzheng, some military commanders use powerful bows to shoot down powerful enemies.

But after the magpies are exhausted, they must be put on the shelf. Those crows that occasionally fly by are not worth using.

Yan Shun was originally a slaughter of cattle, and when he needed it, he could eat and sleep well.

After hesitating for a long time, Yan Shun finally gritted his teeth. He was still cautious.

Knowing what kind of impact a sentence will have on him.

Yan Shun slowly said: “The following officials have a humble opinion that feudalism and prefectures and counties seem to be contradictory, but in fact, it may not be possible to coexist.

Having said that, Yan Shun took a peek at the face of King Qin Yingzheng.

With no joy or anger, Yan Shun boldly said: “How about, like the ancestors of the Qin Dynasty in the past hundred years, feudalism and prefectures coexist, implementing one country and two laws!”

The term “one country, two laws?” seems to have passed from Qin to the present.

Qin Wang Yingzheng was puzzled by this new term.

“Yan Shun, this word is novel, you can tell me specifically what it means.”

Don’t look at Yan Shun as a guard-born tiger general, but he can naturally hear some different political opinions by the side of King Qin every day, which gives Yan Shun a chance to get through.

Every time I hear a different voice, Nashun will write it down, and then add some thoughts in his mind.

Yan Shun’s summary is indeed good. For more than a hundred years, Qin has always implemented a dual-track system of prefectures, counties, and monarchs.

0……………Look for flowers…

The fiefs of these princes and counties are intertwined, and it is not impossible to call it “one country, two laws”.

This is also a name that Li Si agrees with,

Yan Shun really learned this word after chatting with Li Si, but he didn’t expect to use it today.

However, Qin Shihuang was a little disgusted with this “one country, two laws”.

Because at the beginning of his succession, Qin had a tendency to overwhelm counties and counties by feudalism.

When that is the case, in the four realms of Qin, from court ministers to local officials, they all said: “And Rongshi? And Lushi?” I don’t know that there is King Qin!

In addition, what Yan Shun said did not sound very different from Prime Minister Li Si’s proposition.

Qin Song and others did not dare to advocate full enfeoffment like the Zhou Dynasty, but set the place of enfeoffment in the three places of Yan, Zhao, and Chu just conquered.

Because the three places are not only far from the Qin country, but also have great cultural differences. As for the Qin mainland and the Sanjin, they are still prefectures and counties.

Therefore, in the eyes of Qin Wang Yingzheng, what Yan Shun said is just a replay of the old tune and nothing new.

Fortunately, Yan Shun’s next words made Ying Zhengzhong be patient again and did not drive him out of the bedroom.

“Hengshan, Huaibei, Huainan and other places, as far as the ministers saw, although there were a lot of local tycoons and scholars, the industry and commerce were more prosperous than Guanzhong.” Yan Shun’s voice became much quieter.

“But the system between counties and townships is not much different from that of Qin Dynasty. In addition, there are many household registrations in these places. If the vassals are entrusted, it will not only lose a lot of taxes in vain.

“A hundred years later, or as the Prime Minister said, it will become a big trend. So the minister thought that wherever the household can be divided into the common people, the county should not be divided!”

This statement is different from Li Si. Qin Wang Yingzheng became interested: “Go on.” The factory,

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