Chapter 655 Ye Wen Yan Shun]

Most of the generals agreed with Li Si’s statement, and several generals scolded Qin Song, which made King Qin a little unhappy about winning the government.

The difference in political opinion is not a personal attack. Yingzheng decided to beat those who carried out personal attacks on it tomorrow morning.

In this feudal, prefecture and county debate, King Qin had a choice long ago, allowing the officials to debate in the hall, sitting and watching Lu Buwei and Li Si wrestling, just want to see what views the officials hold.

If everyone is feudal, it would be dangerous, but judging from the current situation, most of the ministers still agree with Li Si’s point of view.

After reading and scribbling, Qin Wang Yingzheng raised his head and rubbed his sore neck because of staying up all night for too long.

Ask the attendant to put on a warm fox watch for himself, and ask the attendant again

“Who is on duty tonight?”

The guards must keep their eyes open all night and be on call. If they fall asleep, they will be severely punished.

So after being summoned, Yan Shun went to the bedroom with the guards soon.

The official position of Yanshun 633 is still not kept in the palace of King Qin.

He just stayed in the side hall, letting those hands go down to the night in the palace of winning politics.

Outside the Xianyang Palace, it was already quiet, but in the palace behind, it was a bit busy in the silence.

Yan Shun saw the palace maid carrying the bamboo rolls in and out. It was probably a memorial sent by each county.

Yan Shun was well aware of King Qin’s temper to win politics. As long as he won the government, he would not take a break as long as he could not finish the government affairs for a day.

Now that the hour has passed, ordinary people have had several dreams long ago. Who would have thought that Daqin’s Yingzheng was still reviewing the memo before the case.

“It’s really not acceptable to be a King Qin.” Yan Shun thought so, and stepped into the bedroom.

“Greetings to the king.” Yan Shun looked at the somewhat weary Ying Zheng and hurriedly stepped in to salute.

The attendant in the hall of duty saw Yan Shun being brought in, and with a cat-like soft movement, gently rolled up the (aibd) curtain and bends in.

A faint fragrance sprayed from the beast furnace.

Yan Shun knew that it was the most precious sandalwood.

It is made with Angelica dahurica, Doraemon, Gansong, Sanna, Huoxiang, Ligusticum, Galangal, Fennel, Woody, Clove, Asarum, Rhubarb, Frankincense, Ganan, Water Rest, Rose Petal, Borneol, and several spices Let the craftsman make it.

Permeated in the palace, let the question smell a refreshing feeling.

Ying Zheng has removed his crown and is wearing a black suit. After sitting on the case, he read the slips.

The two court ladies waited on the side of the imperial case from a distance, making the huge palace seem unusually empty.

At this time, King Qin Yingzheng finished reading another volume of Jane.

Leaning over the imperial case, sucking a bit of ink, did not pick up his head while pointing, but moved his jaw slightly, saying “I know.”

Yan Shun stood by Yingzheng’s side legally. He would not ask questions privately, but waited for King Qin Yingzheng to ask himself.

Ying Zheng appeared extremely serious when reviewing the notes, frowning, or nodding, or stroking his palms, and even more often, he would tap his palms on the dragon case a few times, and even for a long time, he forgot Yan Shun’s exist.

Seeing that King Qin Yingzheng had nothing to ask himself, Yan Shun could only stand with his nose and heart, and he dared not come out.

He felt that winning politics should be someone who hates being interrupted in the work process. After following King Qin for so many years, Yan Shun can still understand the temper and nature of winning politics.

It was not until I read three more bamboo slips, finished writing instructions, and had no work at hand, that King Qin Yingzheng raised his head and said:

“Previously, the officials discussed the issue of land and marquis, what do you think?’

“Majesty, the servants are no longer commanders, but guards. They only care about the personal safety of the king and dare not discuss politics!

Qin Wang Yingzheng waved his hand. He trusts Yan Shun very much.

“But you say it’s okay.

Yingzheng put down the bamboo slips and pen: “It’s the widow who asked you to say it!”

Although it is the principle of Qin officials not to go beyond power, the king of Qin gave an order that dogs who should be watching households must learn to catch mice, and hens who should lay eggs must also learn to call. This is the power of the king’s order.

This is the supreme monarchy. If King Qin asks you to speak, then you have to say. Although Yan Shun was a little embarrassed, since King Qin asked himself to express his inner opinions, Yan Shun could only speak honestly.

Fortunately, after listening to Li Si and Qin Song’s debate today, Yan Shun also thought about it after he came down. There was still a little stock in his stomach.

The so-called feudalism means that the monarch divides the land to the royal family or heroes, and can be hereditary.

The enfeoffee enjoys the right to rule in the fief, which is a real seal. There is also a type of concealment, which does not grant land, but only grants titles, salaries and privileges to nobles.

In counties and counties, the central government divides the country into counties and counties, and appoints county guards and county magistrates to govern, and they have terms of office and are not hereditary.

The Zhou Dynasty is a typical feudal system, so the Qin Dynasty is a typical county system.

In terms of historical development, from feudalism to prefectures and counties is an inevitable process.

However, the pros and cons of this repeated pros and cons are an enduring topic for two thousand years. It is often said that Qin’s rapid death is related to the indiscriminate affiliation. Taking this as a beginning will attract countless controversies.

And Yan Shun, who stood beside Qin Wang Yingzheng, didn’t think about how to think of a complete strategy for Da Qin, but was thinking about his own gains and losses. This is the difference in a person’s perspective. .

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