Chapter 657 In-depth traceability]

Yan Shun saw that Ying Zheng was very interested in what he said.

However, he is still very cautious. He knows the saying that companions are like tigers.

Therefore, Yan Shun had to wander around in his head for every sentence.

Since King Qin Yingzheng let himself go on, Yan Shun lowered his head and said: “Great King, the humble job needs a map of Da Qin.

Qin Wang Yingzheng pointed to Yanshun’s back. Just behind Yanshun, a topographic map of Daqin made of silk and silk was hung.

Yan Shun bowed and walked to the front of the map. This map depicts in great detail the land that appeared in Daqin today.

“Lord, please take a look. From Xianyang to Nanjun or Nine “Six Three Three” Jiangjun, it takes two months by land; from Jiangling or Shouchun to Nanchang, it takes at least half a month by water.”

Qin Wang Yingzheng heard the town mentioned by Yan Shun and looked for it on the map.

“From Nanchang to Shanggan, there were a lot of forests and swamps during the period, and roads were difficult and difficult. It would be difficult to communicate the annual plan. If something went wrong in the local area, we had to deal with it, and it was difficult to know the court.

Qin Wang Yingzheng’s fingers moved quickly on the map, and his eyes moved past these large and small towns.

Every time Qin Wang Yingzheng swipes his face with his fingers, some surprises are added.

The mountains and rivers above were all brought to mind by the winning government.

Listening to what Yan Shun said, King Qin Yingzheng nodded.

Daqin’s territory has now expanded several times, and his leadership feels a little overwhelming.

Junshun looked at King Qin from the corner of his eyes, and watched Yingzheng sinking into thought, before speaking softly.

“In addition to the long distances and imperial court decrees that could not be communicated in time, Shangxi and other places were also dominated by Yue people, with no reliance on the people of Qimin, and no taxation. Even if nominal counties were set up, there would be no people to predict. There is no soil to cure.”

This sentence spoke to the heart of King Qin Yingzheng.

Although Daqin’s taxation income is not small today, the counties and counties sleeping far away do not have taxation at all.

Regardless of whether it is not paying taxes, it also needs some financial support from the Great Qin State.

Whenever I think of this, winning the government feels a pain in my head. Although Daqin’s land is vast, some laws and regulations have not been fully implemented.

Yan Shun was a little fascinated by King Qin’s victory, so he speeded up his speech.

“When I was in the army, I heard from Jiujiang County Sikong Zhanghan that in the past, Han Bo was ordered by Zhou Wang to entrust the Northland.”

Before Junshun was a guard to win the government, he was regarded as a general in the army.

After several big battles and many places, Yan Shun’s vision is still very broad.

“Go on.” Yingzheng’s eyes were scanned on the silk map.

It’s like reviewing his fertile soil.

From the domineering expression of Yingzheng’s mouth, Junshun could tell that King Qin Yingzheng’s mind was running telling at this moment.

Yan Shun lowered his posture a bit.” Sikong of Jiujiang County said that he was succumbed to the Northern Kingdom. The frontier has become a city and fertile land, which may be the benefit of enfeoffment.”

After saying these words, Yan Shun waited quietly for King Qin to make a statement.

Yingzheng’s gaze shifted from the map to Shun’s face.

“Yan Shun, in this case, what Prime Minister Li Si said is quite reasonable.”

King Qin Yingzheng also understood Yan Shun’s intentions.

Yan Shun looked at King Qin a little tired, and quickly changed his support and returned to the bookcase in the bedroom.

“Shun thinks that Shanggan, Cangwu and other places, instead of leaving counties and counties vacant, it is better to entrust Zhu Gongzi towns. But there is no need to enshrine kings.”

Ying Zheng asked: “You don’t have to be crowned kings. Wouldn’t it arouse the dissatisfaction of the officials in those counties and counties. If this continues, how can you be stable?”

Yan Shun knew that King Qin Yingzheng had fallen into a closed mind at this moment.

However, Yan Shun still hesitated in the following words, because these words were a bit similar to the meaning of being an official with King Qin.

Seeing that Yan Shun did not speak, Ying Zheng asked, “Yan Shun, can there be other ways without the king?”

Yan Shun said all the following after pondering for a long time.

“It is enough to be designated as Bianhou, so that it can lead the people to migrate, govern according to the custom, and slowly promote enlightenment. It can also send supervisors, wei, and Cheng assistants to the Bianhou territory, and the Jiujiang County and Changsha County will make it so, even though A hundred years later, there are changes in the frontier, and the court can easily deal with it.’

The words were over, but Yan Shun found out that King Qin had beaten the bamboo slips in his hand a few times.

This is an expression of determination.

After a while, Yingzheng said slowly 1.3: “The place where the households are organized is the county, and the barbarians contempt the children as the frontiers. This is what you call one country, two laws?”

Yan Shun listened to King Qin’s voice a bit uncomfortable. “promise.”

After speaking, he took his body back two steps, this kind of view must be separated by a certain distance between the emperor and his ministers.

Yan Shun returned to the front of the book case. Yingzheng’s face was a bit ugly.

“Yan Shun, you want to use my princes as the magistrates of the frontiers. The princes grew up in the north. Death!”

Yan Shun hurriedly fell face down. “The minister is like a stupid bird, and the minister did not consider this, a capital crime!”.

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