Chapter 654 A Book of Songs]

In one go, Li Si retreated to his own standard.

No one spoke in the hall. The logic of Li Si’s remarks is clear. Not only the civil servants who depend on Lu Buwei can’t spot the flaws, but even the King of Qin won’t be able to think of rebuttals for a while.

Fortunately, King Qin’s victory in politics did not embarrass Li Si, and he was just a listener today.

He did not agree with the prefectures and counties, nor did he categorically deny feudalism. Instead, he ordered: After the prime minister, Yushi doctor, Jiuqing, Neishi and other important officials go back, they will play succinctly, and talk about the advantages and disadvantages of feudalism, prefectures and counties, and their own opinions. Delivered to North Korea tomorrow.

Qin Wang Yingzheng made a hint to the etiquette official. The etiquette officer stood in front of the temple and shouted “Stop discussing, retreat!” to end this intriguing grand meeting.

King Qin did not stay in the Xianyang Palace, got in the car and left the hall under the escort of Yan Shun and the guards.

Qin Song breathed a sigh of relief.With this time buffer, he can at least sort out his thoughts and refute what Li Si said!

And Qin Song decided to let Lu Buwei look for some opponents, so that the memos written in this way would attract the attention of King Qin.

Lu Buwei smiled and looked at Li Si, waved his sleeves, and left the hall angrily with Qin Song and other ministers, as well as some close ministers.

Li Si smiled frankly and did not fear at all. He condescended Lu Buwei for a long time. In the past, he has been echoing Lu Buwei on trivial matters and let him relax his vigilance. Today, he suddenly stated his position and prepared for a final victory.

In terms of verbal debate, he only dared to recognize the top three, but he was more sloppy than writing an essay, playing with the words, the dynasty is wrong, it is the whole world, who is his opponent of Li Si?

Li Si shook his head and sighed, which was different from the way he came. But suddenly I wanted to open it again.

Li Si widened his waist and tied the belt, straightened his waist, and strode out of the palace!

He Gao followed closely behind him, and He Gao understood that he had completely fallen to Li Si through this dispute above the court.

He Gao also had his own plans. The reason why he chose to stand beside Li Si was to see that Qin Wang Yingzheng had some distance from Lu Buwei.

As the feudal, prefecture and county disputes were brought to the table, the court struggle between Lu and Li had already come to an end.

The ministers had different minds, or they said that they were feudal, or that the county was good, but He Gao, who had been watching coldly throughout the process, felt that he had gained insights again.

Although Lu Buwei disagrees with Reese’s view, he has to admit that Reese’s words are extremely confusing.

“What Li Si said in the last paragraph is really vicious, especially the word hero, which clearly implies that many officials support feudalism because they are dissatisfied with the status quo and want to break the soil and seal the selfishness of the emperor. 々.”

Lu Buwei whispered secretly in his heart.

Li Si returned to the mansion and refused the visit of the civil servants and generals. He sat alone in the study for a long time.

His mind was thinking about King Qin’s real idea of ​​winning the government.

It wasn’t until the servant knocked on the door that Li Si realized that night had fallen.

“I can’t manage that much, I want to fully present my ideas to King Qin.”

Li Si picked up the brush on the book case. Pick up a pen crazy book.

“Qin, according to the world’s heroic map, is the upper reaches of Liuhe, and established laws and orders without sealing off his children, so that his sons and common people are brave in public war. Every time he seizes a land, he abolishes the monarch and establishes counties and counties. Therefore, Qin Yiqiang, the power of the whole country is a public weapon. and also

At this point, Li Si opened up Daqin’s map stall to the side of the book case.

“Chu is not the case. The nobles are too many, the nobles are too heavy, and Wu Qi can’t control it. The battle of Yanying, Wu’anjun solitary army went deep, but the Chu Fengjun loved his family, watching the wind and fleeing. So the Chu country became weaker and weaker, although There is a place for five thousand miles, holding a million halberds, and not being able to defeat the one hundred thousand sharp soldiers of Qin, why? So the power of dividing the country is a private weapon.”

These few lines gave Li Si a sense of high spirits.

**” Therefore, the division of titles must be weak, and the counties and counties are strong. Today, although your Majesty has unified the country, if you divide the world and half of the country as the country, do you know that after a hundred years, the children and grandchildren will repeat the affairs of the Zhou family?”

Li Si put down the brush in his hand, and muttered softly, “King Qin, this is what the Weichen thought.

After reading the memorabilia that Li Si submitted overnight, King Qin Yingzheng rarely smiled.

“It’s another good article that can spread all over the world.” Ying Zheng said with a smile.

No, it should be said that as long as it is an article written by Li Si, it can be read in unconsciously, and it will be amazing after reading it.

King Qin Yingzheng has a better understanding of Yi Li Si. It’s just that, in terms of winning the government (Wang Haohao), Li Si is just a great talent who can help him become an emperor, and it is satisfactory to use.

But those words written by Han Fei can be followed as the way of the king.

Yingzheng remembers that when he first saw “Five Beetles” and “Lonely Anger”, he was shocked as a heavenly man, and said: “Wow, a few people can see this person swimming with them, and you can’t hate you for death!”

It’s a pity that things are not always what people expect.

Yingzheng stood up and paced in the palace, slowly dispelling the distracting thoughts in his heart.

Looking at the memorial notes piled up in front of me, in addition to Li Si, Lu Buwei, Qin Song, etc. all wrote memorial notes and handed them in overnight.

Although his literary talent is much worse than that of Li Silai, at least he did not remain silent.

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