Chapter 653 Torn skin)

Because Lu Buwei agrees to this way of expropriating land for winning the government.

Some of the civil servants even agreed, and Qin Song triumphantly said: “Zhou Wenwu divided the enfeoffment, so that Zhou has eight hundred years of life.” Qin Jiyin and Zhou Zhitong should also continue this practice…

Li Si closed his eyes and said nothing, but his ears were full of compliments.

Some generals also expressed their support for this kind of land grant.

He Gao was a little impatient. He could not wait to step forward and drag Li Si to His Highness. He knew that he said lightly, even if he said something that he disagrees with, King Qin Yingzheng would not take it seriously.

Li Si finally opened his eyes, two bright lights shot out, “My lord, I have something to say.” Li Si fell face down on the ground.

Said: “The king, the minister thought that Qin Song’s feudalism was all pedantic, and it was to plunge our Great Qin Empire into a place where no one can recover.”

As soon as this remark came out, all the important ministers in the Xianyang Palace were eclipsed. Only King Qin sang Li Si quietly.

08 He Gao squeezed his fists, his palms were full of sweat. He had anticipated this, but he did not expect that this feudal dispute between counties and counties, a dispute over national policies, would be so violent in the first great dynasty meeting!

In fact, Qin Wang Yingzheng is a person who likes to listen to all kinds of opinions. Regarding national politics, he will not let himself make a decision with a slap in his head.

On major issues, winning the government still fully respects the opinions of those important ministers in the DPRK and China.

Qin Wang Yingzheng’s “Han Feizi” advocated: “Although the master is virtuous, he can’t do it alone! If you can’t fight the crowd, you can’t do everything. Instead of using one person, it is better to use one country…”

From He Gao’s position, Lu Buwei’s face was angry, but he didn’t seem to talk for the time being, just let the people around him debate.

Li Si was still lying prostrate on the main hall, he would not get up without the prince’s order.

Qin Wang Yingzheng said indifferently: “Prime Minister, there is a slander in this statement. You go on.”

This sentence made everyone confused about the idea of ​​winning the government.

Li Si went on calmly. “Only Qin Song said that Zhou had the world, and the land was divided up like a melon, and the fifth ranks of father, prince, uncle, son, and male were established, and the children were divided into princes.”

Li Si looked around, his eyes were close to Qin Song.

“There are more than a hundred princes, like stars lined up, spread all over the world, like spokes concentrated in the valley of the car, gathered around the emperor Zhou; together for the pilgrimage meeting, and away from the guardian fence, is this so?”

There was nothing wrong with what Li Si said, and Qin Song and others nodded and said yes.

They also knew that Li Si would not say a few words so casually, and there would definitely be further comments.

Qin Song felt a little sudden. He raised his eyes and sang Lu Buwei. This time Lu Buwei closed his eyes. Ignore Qin Song’s gaze for help.

Who is Li Si? A disciple of the scholar Xun Qing, I am also a scholar. He has been in Jixia and Lanling. He is too familiar with the Confucian set. When he sees the other party in the set, he immediately attacked with his spear. That shield!

Li Si didn’t seem to give Qin Song a chance to fight back. He talked eloquently: “But why did the princes avoid talking about the next thing?” Qin Song’s mouth opened and closed a few times, but he still didn’t make a sound. Because Qin Song didn’t know what he should say.

“The Zhou family has only been passed down for more than a hundred years. When Zhou Yi was supported by the princes, he went down to meet the princes himself and hurt the princes. Although Zhou Xuan had Zhongxing, he could not decide the heir of the Lu princes. ”

Li Si gradually increased his tone.

“In this way, the barbarians are gradually being majestic. It is even more difficult for the princes to control the kings of Zhouli and Zhouyou. The co-Hou Bo openly acted as the emperor, and Shen Hou colluded with the dogs and entered the bandit.” He Gao almost applauded Li Si.

“When the King of Ping moved east, Zhou had been listed as a prince. Since then, there have been those who shoot arrows at the king’s shoulder, and those who aspire to the weight. No one regards the emperor as the emperor.

This time Li Si swept his eyes to King Qin Yingzheng sitting above the hall.

“So I thought that Doctor Yan Zhou has been passed on for eight hundred years, but in fact it is only three hundred years. After five hundred and fifty years, the so-called Zhou Tianzi is nothing more than an empty name! The reason for the 630 is because the Zhoufen power is more than 100 years. The princes, in the end the royal family invaded and decayed, the princes’ tails will not fall

After talking about the disadvantages of Zhou’s feudalism. Li Si then raised his head and looked at some civilian generals around him.

Qin Wang Yingzheng listened a little with gusto, and admired Li Si’s knowledge even more in his heart. “Prime Minister, flat body, you go on.”

After Li Si thanked King Qin and stood up, the opposite was Qin Song who was a little cowering.

Li Si deliberately watched him and said: “Therefore, the children of Zhou Wenwu have the same surname, but the gentleman’s Ze, the fifth generation is cut off, hundreds of years have passed, the princes have been alienated. In order to annex the land, they attacked each other like enemies. They punish each other, even the emperor Zhou could not be forbidden, and they were even bitten back by the princes, gradually declining.”

“The five hundred and fifty years of chaos left by the Zhou Dynasty are finally unified by His Majesty Lai, and they are all counties and counties of Qin. For the philosophers and heroes, you can use the taxation of the public to repay, why repeat the retreat of the Zhou Dynasty? ? Therefore I think that feudalism is not a good policy. Setting up prefectures and counties in various countries is the art of tranquilizing the world!”.

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