Chapter 652 King Qin’s worries]

Only below the stairs, Ling Hegao of CRRC, who was also looking up to the pinnacle of power, watched this scene faintly.

Seeing Qin Song’s short stay by Lu Buwei’s side, he showed a faint smile.

“It seems that today’s council is a game.”

The main hall of the Xianyang Palace is called the “Shenlong Palace of the Unity of the Four Seas”, which is located at the commanding heights of the land of Xianyang.

This hall is magnificent and extraordinary. There are 108 pillars that support the dome alone, and two people are needed to hug it.

The interior of Xianyang Palace is even more gorgeous, with the delicate fragrance and precious Magnolia as the frame of oak.

The gilt-bronze pavilion is decorated with gilded bronze heads, and the delicate and elegant “six thirty zero” patterns are carved on the vertical bars and horizontal sills.

The open door was decorated with jade, and the apricot wood floor was spotless.

Looking up, there is a huge bronze mirror hanging above the main hall. This is a human and ghost that needs to be seen clearly. King Qin Yingzheng loves this bronze mirror.


Yan Shun, as the commander of Zhonglang household in the ban of Su Wei, has visited the main hall four or five times from last night to this morning.

When there is no one, it looks empty, only when the wind blows in, the rows of bronze bells on the side of the temple occasionally make a sound.

Those bronze bells will ring on every day of the dynasty. With the gesture of Junshun, only three hundred music officials in Yiyi clothes were in place.

The first to be sounded was the jingle bells, and then the drums, si, qin, and sheng were played one after another, and a huge ensemble kicked off.

Both sides of the main hall are already covered with ministers of civil and military affairs, no one is talking, and they are all closing their eyes as if listening to this ensemble.

Those who understand will know that this is the joy of “Daya” exclusively for Chaohui temples.

With the magnificent music resounding through the hall, King Qin Yingzheng walked to the dragon chair.

The Great Dynasty will officially begin.

“Worship, worship again, worship again.” The ceremonial officer shouted in the hall.

Everyone knelt down one after another, bowing to the rhythm.

Since Jing Ke assassinated King Qin, no one has been given the treatment of Swordsman.

Everyone surrendered their swords twenty steps away from the forbidden door.

When they came to the gate of the palace, they took off their shoes one after another, and entered only in white clothes.

This rule is to prevent the assassination from happening again.

Today, the court meeting, Lang Wei, and the guards are all mobilized.

From Yanshun to ordinary guards, everyone must line up the flags and ceremonies in the hall and outside the hall.

Although Junshun was the most personal guard of King Qin Yingzheng, he was fortunate enough to carry a group of burly and powerful guards with swallowed foreheads and tiger heads.

However, Yan Shun’s hands were empty. The lords in the hall were without weapons. The warriors with soldiers outside were separated by more than a hundred steps, and they were not allowed to go to the hall without the emperor’s order.

If something goes wrong, Yan Shun can only use his body to give the emperor a fatal blow and capture the assassin with his fists. This is also the time when Yan Shun is always shocked.

Yan Shun secretly said in his heart: “It’s no wonder that when Jing Ke was assassinating, he had to rely on Xia Wuqi’s medicine bag to save him. Fortunately, the medicine bag, otherwise the guards who escorted him would become King Qin’s funeral.”

In addition, the different positions in the hall represent different levels.

And the degree of closeness with the King of Qin. The general Mengzhi stood directly under the “Your Majesty”, which is the emperor’s couch. This position indication is reserved for those generals who are brave enough to fight.

Yan Shun could only stand on the right side of the hall, parallel to the seat of the ministers. However, this position is the closest to King Qin’s victory.

Yan Shun didn’t care about this. In his eyes, except for King Qin’s victory, he would not pay attention to other people.

Even if it was Zhongfu Lu Buwei and Prime Minister Li Si, Na Shun would not take a second look.

King Qin Yingzheng slowly sat on the top of Long Yi. At this time, as the Yayue finished playing, the courtesy officer shouted “No” again!

The officials at the end of the hall immediately stepped forward and came down.

The generals are listed on the west side and face east according to the rank and official position.

The civilian officials headed by the prime minister are also listed in the east and facing west.

Wenwu station class is over. The hall was solemn and solemn, and no one dared to speak before King Qin Yingzheng spoke.

The Qin State can be regarded as a vassal who established the country for hundreds of years. It is not a nouveau riche who rose from the head of Guizhou. Although the ritual and music system is not as prosperous as the Shang and Zhou Dynasties, it has its own rules.

During the whole process, the etiquette officers of law enforcement continued to patrol the side, staring at everyone.If there are people who are not in good manners, they will be invited out of the hall immediately!

Under the full view of everyone, the taste must be unbearable.

So even if they went to Yingzheng to ignore these people, the ministers were still trembling, and no one dared to take it lightly.

King Qin Yingzheng opened his eyes, “My ministers, what do you think about the land entitlement proposed by the widow three days ago?

Method? 1.3”

Yingzheng didn’t say any more nonsense, and directly got to the topic.

Lu Buwei slightly sideways, glanced at the people next to him, Qin Song nodded at him, as if it was a good discussion, and the ministers stepped out one after another.

This time Qin Song was the first to say: “The great king, the Qin law has orders, the clan has no military merit theory, and must not be belonged to the family. The sons and grandchildren are included in this list. Now your majesty has ascended the emperor’s throne, and the head of Guanzhongqian gave the first class nobility. However, there are no rewards for more than ten sons, so it is better to make them be granted according to Zhong’s father’s words. It is not only beautiful to respect the position of the sons, but also to build the territory?”

These words of Qin Song are nothing more than to put gold on Lu Buwei’s face. .

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