Chapter 651 Express your own opinions]

Yingzheng quickly finished reviewing the matter, and took a bunch of bamboo slips from the maid of the palace. Above them were the weapons of the world that were recently planned to be promoted, the Guan Liang from all over the world, and the implementation of Qin laws and Qin’s weights and measures in Zhao Chuyan…

Yingzheng made the palace maid beat her back and got busy again.

What Qin Wang Yingzheng did was not only destroy the bronze body of the old world, but also cast the mafic bones of the new order. There were too many things to build, and it was simply a myriad of things.

It’s just that Ying Zheng temporarily hides these beautiful pictures in the bottom of my heart. But the speed of drawing scrolls is constantly increasing.

That’s why King Qin Yingzheng is so busy. He reviews and breaks the prison during the day, organizes the memorial book in the middle of the night, and starts the cock crows the next day. Place.

Winning politics first set an example for those ministers. With this kind of example, those courtiers dare not fall into slack.

Suxing the night and sleeping soundly, it is more appropriate to use this sentence to describe the work of King Qin Yingzheng. If it were not for him in his prime and full of energy, most people would have been overwhelmed or neglected in politics.

After finally taking care of these things, the night was dark after the two guards of the height of Marathon had read the hundreds of jins and carried them away.

King Qin Yingzheng rested only under the service of the palace maid. Due to lack of heart, King Qin won the government and lost his desire to return to his concubine.

Li Si stayed at home for three days, and the cold on his body was completely healed.

The sky was light, and He Gao walked to Li Si’s house.

Today is the day of the great dynasty, and it is also the day when the government has won the government to let everyone express their views on the prince of the land. He Gao still wants to hear what Li Si means.

But when He Gao arrived in front of Li Si’s mansion, Li Si had already arrived at the door of Xianyang Palace.

Standing under the main hall, Li Si looked up.

A faint morning glow rose from the horizon, and the entire Xianyang Palace became a golden red.

Climb up the stairs, the left is the slope, the emperor can ride up the car.

On the right are three hundred and sixty steps for the ministers to step up.

Li Si walked slowly, and he had to think carefully about what he was about to say on the temple as he moved.

After a consideration, Li Si quickened his pace.

On the foundation stone stands tall wooden pillars and a ground made of slabs of stone.

The gleaming golden wall belt and the rare jade between the walls make its architecture more luxurious than other palaces.

Perhaps it was just dawn, and the illuminated palace was as bright as the daytime sun.

The pottery horns circling on the eaves several feet above the ground, and the sculpture of the mysterious bird that is about to fly, gave out the first cry of the empire.

Today is the three-day meeting of the King of Qin. The three gongs and the nine qings all came to the end, and the convoy with torches drove out from all over Xianyang and gathered in front of the Xianyang Palace.

Then head to Kuilongmen in mighty.

After entering, Qunchen’s carriage stopped, holding Yugui in his hand and pedaling at the temple on foot.

A four-wheeled nest car also parked under the main hall.

Li Si did not look back. From the honorific titles of several ministers, he could tell that it was Lu Buwei who had arrived at Kuilongmen.

“You and I will win or lose. The official career of the next ten years, and Daqin’s national policy for all generations, will be determined by today’s dynasty meeting!”

Suddenly this thought flashed through Li Si’s mind.

He couldn’t help stopping. “Is it going to tear my skin with Zhongfu today?” Li Si asked himself in his heart.

Lu Buwei also found Li Si walking in front, so he quickened his pace.

There is still a thought in his heart, the so-called knowing oneself and the enemy, each has a chance of winning.

0……Look for flowers……

Lu Buwei wanted to know what Li Si’s attitude was towards the land expropriation that Qin Wang Yingzheng wanted to make.

At this point, Lu Buwei quickened his pace, trying to catch up with Li Si in a few strides.

But at this moment, Lu Buwei was about to climb a step, but he slammed his body to one side! Lu Buwei said, his legs were weak and he was about to roll down.

If he falls down here, Lu Buwei is afraid that he will die immediately!

Fortunately, it was too late and it was fast. A black-faced Daiichiro who had been staring at Lu Buwei on the stairs stepped up and supported Lu Buwei.


“Father Zhong, be careful.” After saying this, the black-faced Dayi Lang tidyed up Lu Buwei’s crown.

Lu Buwei was grateful and didn’t let him make a fool of himself in front of hundreds of officials.

“The old man has been up and down here countless times. I didn’t expect to fall today and climb to this position. There are not many people who can survive.”

After saying this, Lu Buwei carefully looked at the person in front of him.

The black-faced Daiichiro still maintains the posture of evidence and is very respectful.

Dai Yi Lang is a son of nobles in Guanzhong, because he is a northerner because he doesn’t have a production job, so he looks pale.

The person in front of him was dark, Lu Buwei remembered that this person was Qin Song, who was given the title of Mo Lang a few days ago by King Qin.

Qin Song, Lu Buwei, still has some understanding.

This person is good at flattering, being incompatible with those of Li Si.

Thinking of this, Lu Buwei went on to say: “Mo Lang, wait for a briefing at home after returning to the court.’

Li Si didn’t care about Qin Song’s attitude, for him Qin Song could only be regarded as a villain.

Seeing that Lu Buwei was not chasing him, Li Si immediately walked into the hall. factory.

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