Chapter 640 reinforce】

Wang Zhi finished the tactics in one breath, and then looked at the soldiers who had come back, but Prince Dan was not at ease. Putting the wounded soldiers back into his team would definitely say something friendly to Qin.

Prince Dan once thought about this issue. A word of death is simple to say, but it is not easy to do it.

Not to mention that these injuries are also from Yan nationality. There are still some relatives in Jincheng. What is important is that once these injuries are killed, those Yan national soldiers who are still in the city will definitely hate Prince Dan. This approach is not advisable.

Doing so will make the soldiers of the Yan State guarding the city unstable.

Nankan knew about Prince Dan’s difficulties, so he approached his ear and said, “General, it’s really impossible. I just want to gather these injuries first, gather them in an idle military camp, and raise them well.”

Seeing Prince Dan’s hesitant gaze, Nankan lowered his voice to 623 extremely low, “General, let’s not treat the wounded and sick, and save some food to let them fend for themselves.”

Prince Dan nodded, “Only in this way can I rest assured.”

In fact, Prince Dan’s original intention was to secretly dispose of the injured Yan Army soldiers.

These words of Nankan made Prince Dan even more determined. “It is not allowed to feed the wounded and sick for three days, let alone the medical craftsmen in the army to change their medicine.”

Nankan responded and hurriedly arranged for people to concentrate all the injuries in a secluded courtyard.

Nankan can’t control the rest of the matter.

After three days of injury, there are very few left.

What Nankan and Prince Dan did not expect was that a few soldiers who were not seriously injured ran out. Therefore, it was said in the army that Prince Dan was going to kill the wounded. News of abuse of the wounded was everywhere.

Wang Li was thinking hard in the military tent.

The weather is getting colder and colder, which is not a good thing for Qin Bing.

If you do not capture Jincheng as soon as possible, I am afraid you will really have to return without success.

Wang Li is a person who can judge the situation. Once the situation on the battlefield is not good for him, he will retreat in time.

A guard ran into the big tent, “General, Daqin Guowei, escorted 100 strong crossbows and 50 ballistas have arrived outside the camp.

Hearing the good news, Wang Li immediately stood up.

“Hurry out of the camp to meet the lieutenant.”

Wei Liao’s arrival was beyond Wang Li’s expectation. What he didn’t expect was that he also brought a crossbow and a ballista.

For Wang Li, who desperately needed a siege weapon, it was a timely autumn wind and rain.

“Meet the general.” Wei Liao quickly got down from the carriage and knelt down in front of Wang Zhi.

Don’t think that Wei Liao is Daqin’s national lieutenant, but from the perspective of his position, Wang Li is the commander of this army, so Wei Liao wants to come down to see him.

“Master Guowei has worked hard along the way.” Wang Zhi hurriedly stepped forward to help Wei Lian.

“My lord, where did you come from?”

Wei Liao walked side by side with Wang Zhi into the barracks.

“I (aibd) was ordered by General Wang Jian to send crossbows and ballistas to the general. General Wang also said, let you conquer the Yan army in Jincheng in the shortest time.

Wang Li said: “With the powerful crossbows and ballistas sent by the adults, I will be as powerful as a tiger, and I will definitely be able to capture the thief, Prince Dan.”

Wei Liao followed Wang Ben into the military account. “What strategy does the general have to defeat the enemy of Jincheng in the shortest time?”

Wei Lian had already seen from his expression, Wang Zhi was in anxiety.

Wang Li also told the truth, told the current situation of the two armies, and also told Wei Liao about his strategy.

Wei Lian was speechless for a while, then walked out of the military tent, scanned the sky with his eyes, and muttered words in his mouth.

The fingers of both hands flicked alternately.

Just as Wang Zhi was about to speak, Wei Liao bent down and picked up a dead branch from the ground, and drew some strange symbols on the black man.

Wang Ben knew what Wei Liao was calculating, so he closed his mouth and waited for Wei Tong to speak.

Wei Liao squatted on the ground for a long time, then raised his head and said, “General, this southeast wind will definitely blow tonight. I think the general should make preparations earlier.”

Wang Gui believed in Wei Liao’s words.

The reason why Wang Li trusted Wei Liao in this way was not because Wei Liao was the celebrity of King Qin’s political victory, nor was it because Wei Liao was the comfort of the country, but because Wei Liao knew astronomy, geography, and art of war, and was indeed a counselor of Da Qin.

Since Wei Liao said with certainty that there was a southeast wind in the middle of the night, Wang Ben hurriedly summoned the generals in the army.

Sima Lie heard that he was about to attack Jincheng City at his son tonight, and he opened his mouth and laughed.

“Lieutenant, I knew that this is the case. You can come to our camp earlier, so that we can capture Jincheng sooner.”

Wang Li stopped Sima Lie’s joking remarks.

“Generals, in order to succeed in the first battle tonight, in order to protect those paper kites from falling into the city of Jincheng, our army decided to attack the city with strong crossbows and ballistas in advance, so as to attract the attention of the Yan army. ”

Several lieutenants and participating generals next to him said, “Dear generals, we will never return to the North without surrendering to the Yan army.

Seeing Wang Li’s determination, the audience also roared a few times.

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