Chapter 641 Melee】

“The general, the crossbows and ballistas brought by the captain have all been installed. Please review them.”

A school lieutenant ran in and knelt on the ground.

“Everyone, check it out. This time we have powerful weapons. We will definitely let those Yanjun in Jincheng taste the power of the ballista.”

Several generals followed Wang Ben and Wei Lian to the corner of the barracks.

The strong crossbow placed on the carriage and the ballista which had two or four wheels were pushed up immediately.

A large number of auxiliary soldiers also carried the boxes containing the giant crossbow arrows-up.

These auxiliary soldiers were brought by Wei Liao. They were proficient in the structure of the ballista and can not only fire but also repair these powerful crossbows.

The range of the powerful crossbow is different, the range of a single-shot crossbow is about 450 steps, and the range of a three-shot crossbow is about 300 steps.

The distance of the ballista is even longer, generally reaching about seven hundred steps. These weapons are the best choice for siege.

This is why Wang Jian asked Wei Liao to send it to Wang Li’s account. After reading it, Wang Zhi muttered: “Father, this is really sending charcoal in the snow.”

After watching these powerful crossbows and ballistas, every general’s face glowed with a triumphant brilliance.

“General Sima, you quickly go back to the camp and load the paper kite on the paper kite. When the southeast wind blows, you can release the paper kite outside the camp gate.”

Sima Lie walked away after hearing this.

Wang Ben said to the pre-selected generals: “Shenshi cooks rice, Western Shih sets out, and I must capture Prince Dan tonight.”

The night in the eastern Liaoning region came earlier after the late autumn, and the night was overwhelmed just after the war dinner.

With an order from Wang Zhi, the hundreds of ballistas and ballistas in the barracks were all ready to go.

“Beat the drum and set off.” Wang Ben stepped on the horse, drank and lit a torch.

A piece of Qin Jun’s camp instantly weighed.

Wang Ben looked at the brightly lit Jincheng in the distance, brandishing a long knife, “First move the ballista close to Jincheng and shoot the crossbow arrows.”

Sima Lie hid the paper kites behind the ballista so that he could approach Jincheng safely.

When Wang Ben was 500 steps away from Jincheng, he ordered the crossbows and ballistas to disperse.

Gradually became a large-scale scattered formation. This type of formation was arranged into a fan, and those crossbow arrows pointed to the top of the Jincheng wall.

When they were adjusting, Yan Jun found out Qin Jun’s intention to attack the city.

The strong crossbow above the city wall is already being fired.

A thick crossbow arrow screamed to the ground, some crossbow arrows swayed on the ground, some dragged a distance without biting the ground.

Nankan was drinking alone. He was really depressed. During the daytime, he was unable to make any achievements and was laughed at by many soldiers.

This made him hold a sigh of resentment. Just as he was about to toast, a Yan army rushed in.

“The general is not doing well, and the Qin army is about to attack the city.

With a crash, Jiu Zun landed, and Nankan jumped up. “Say it again, the Qin army is going to attack the city?”

The Yanjun soldier nodded, “General, if you don’t believe it, please go to the city wall to watch.

Nankan put on his armor and ran to the top of Jincheng.

There was a sea of ​​fire in front of him. Outside the moat of Jincheng were Qin army torches, and the ballistas on the chariots were shining brightly.

“Hurry up and report to General Prince Dan.” Nankan leaned on the crenel and watched Qin Jun move the chariot from time to time.

Wei Liao was right behind Wang Zhi. He stood on the chariot and tweeted the flag on the chariot.

“General Wang, the wind is still favorable to the Yan army on the opposite side.”

Wei Liao mentally calculated the influence of the wind, and concluded that the Yanjun Qiangnu can take advantage of the wind to increase the range of about five steps, while the Qin army’s range will be offset by the wind by about seven steps.

0……Look for flowers…

After Wang Ben finished listening, he waved the torch in his hand a few times to signal Da Qin’s soldiers to continue to advance.

As the distance continued to advance, Wang Li ordered the soldiers pushing the sword and shield vehicles to speed up and go first.

Because this time the Shield Car was prepared to protect the ballista behind.

These sword-and-shield carts are designed to protect the ballista from moving forward.

The sword-and-shield cart enters the Yanjun’s strong crossbow range, but it attracts the thick and large crossbow arrows that continue to be shot.

“Fast! Speed ​​up!” Wang Ben wanted to approach the moat of Jincheng as quickly as possible.

Only when they reach the river, the ballista and ballista will exert their maximum attack power.

“Be careful, general.” Wei Liao looked up to the sky, and a thick black figure came down.

As soon as the voice fell, there was a noise in Wang Zhi’s ear, and the horses neighed a few times, and the horse was spinning around in place.

He turned his head to look, and saw a thick crossbow bolt hitting a shield cart driven by six people.

It was not shot through, but it was really hit. The two-meter long crossbow arrow slammed into the spring on the left side of the shield car with a sound of “shaking”.

The Sword and Shield Car, which was pushed by six people at a fairly fast speed, was overturned.

This huge power that fell from the sky made Wang Zhi a little stunned, and Yan Guo’s bows and crossbows were not for nothing.

It was not only Wei Liao Wang who saw that scene. The soldiers operating the equipment saw that the crossbow arrow shot could overturn the shield car with fear in their hearts, so that the speed slowed down involuntarily.

It was the officers of all ranks who kept shouting before they accelerated the pace of advancement again.

This low momentum made Wang Ben a little angry. factory,

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