Chapter 639 Notoriety

After hearing this, Prince Dan could only sigh, and ordered Nankan to lead the army on guard, and he returned to the hall of Jincheng with the injuries.

Although I can’t guess what Wang Ben wanted to do when he sent back the bodies of the wounded and the dead, the Prince Pill instinctively felt that there must be a conspiracy in it?

But even if you know that there is something tricky inside, it won’t work if you don’t bring in people from outside.

Because tens of thousands of city guards were all looking at Prince Dan, he didn’t want to bear a notoriety.

Nankan led the army on guard, watching the soldiers of Yan State gather on the wall, and then returned to the big tent of Prince Dan with confidence.

“Nankan, these wounded soldiers of Yan State will be handed over to you first. We must find out if they are from Yan State.

Nankan led Lingling to go out, and saw the carts still parked at the entrance of Prince Dan’s hall, and quickly asked Yan Guo’s soldiers to push the carts away.

Nankan counted the total number of wounded and dead in accordance with Prince Dan’s order. After some calculations, soldiers came to report. The wounded and dead were exactly the same as the battle reports written by the soldiers of the State of Yan. .

“Let each group, each group, each village, each of the generals identify the wounded and dead, and be sure to screen everyone, if no one claims it, immediately detain it!”

Nankan maintained sufficient vigilance.

Prince Dan thought about it and only used Wang Li to want people to enter the barracks to explain why the bodies of the wounded and the dead were returned.

Several generals knew that the matter was serious. In addition to leading their troops to prevent the Qin army from attacking, several people were leading their own soldiers to supervise the returned grassroots officers to identify the soldiers under their command.

Recognizing that the team needs to be reorganized again, there will be no results at all for a while.

The entire Jincheng knew the news that the Qin army had returned Yan’s wounded and dead bodies.

Knowing all the thoughts on this matter, discussion is inevitable.

Although it is mostly speculation that Wang Ben’s move must be uneasy, kind and conspiracy.

However, it was a real thing that the wounded and corpses were sent back, and there were many soldiers from the State of Yan who had thoughts about Qin Jun in their hearts.

The deceased’s peace is a thought that has existed since ancient times.

As the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom, they will inevitably have the fate of lying on the battlefield after death and becoming a beast eaten by the mouth.

And this is precisely what every soldier fears most. Since ancient times, I have been afraid of death without a whole body.

After the war, someone can pick up the remains without exposing the wilderness to food for beasts.

It is almost every soldier’s strongest desire to be able to condense the body after the battle.

Therefore, even if they use the most vicious thinking to speculate on what conspiracy the Qin army has, they will lead such a love for the compatriots who died in the war.

Occasionally when Prince Dan was patrolling the camp, he heard the soldiers discussing whether the corpse could be constrained after the battle, and his vague premonition became stronger and stronger.

I also heard a few reports from the generals that Qin army doctors asked questions during the treatment. Many soldiers didn’t know why they kept secrets and told them about the situation in the camp. After he learned about this situation, he stood in a daze for a long time.

“General, in Jincheng, it is no secret to Qin Jun, 々.” This was the first sentence that Prince Dan thought of when he came back to his senses.

Indeed, if it is said that what Wang Zhi is investigating is only intelligence, then the medical craftsmen of Qin Jun obtained bits and pieces of the general situation of Jincheng from the soldiers of the State of Yan, and collected and integrated them to describe the current situation inside Jincheng.

It was the first time that most of the generals who had been summoned knew that the Qin Army would treat Yan’s soldiers in this way.

After they listened, few people showed a happy expression, more of a frightened expression.

“General, this Wang Gui is really terrible.”

After hearing this, Prince Dan said to several generals: “I am afraid that the legend that the Qin army was attacked by the cold is also a conspiracy.”

After this sentence, the whole hall was silent. All people have a kind of fear for Wang Ben.

According to the description taken by the secret agent, the military spirit inside the Qin army became unstable due to the outbreak of the epidemic in the camp.

However, although they did not launch an offensive when they went out of the camp today, there was no decline in their momentum.

Prince Dan talked a little to himself, he regretted that he believed the spy’s words credulously.

Standing next to Prince Dan, Nankan said in a low voice: “^” I heard that the Qin Army believed in an offensive, and would launch an offensive every battle as long as it was not too many of the enemy’s arrows. ”

Another lieutenant interjected: “In today’s contest, Wang Ben and Sima Lie had the opportunity to charge many times when the two sides approached 220 paces, but Qin Jun did not wait for an opportunity to move the garden.”

Prince Dan murmured: “Although the king may have adopted the tactics of lure (the king is good) to deepen the enemy, they really didn’t show the warlikeness that the Qin army should have.

“General, I think Qin Jun came by accident for this victory.” Nankan was a little bit pleased with Prince Dan.

Prince Dan did not pursue Nankan’s performance in fleeing the battle, and he didn’t care about what Nankan said.

Prince Dan still has a very clear understanding, which is that in the future, he will never underestimate the enemy, let alone go out of the city to fight with Qin soldiers in vain.

The next thing Prince Dan has to do is to hold on to Jincheng and wait for the arrival of reinforcements.

Another lieutenant walked up to Prince Dan: “General, I think the injuries and illnesses that came back from the Qin Army have been bought by the Qin Army. Will we kill them all too…”.

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