Chapter 632 Resilience

The two armies had been facing each other two miles apart for more than half an hour, and the Qin army neither continued forward nor retreated.

With this stalemate, the leader of the Qin army, Wang Li, did not show up either.

Prince Dan used a speculative tone: “I’m far away, and I can’t see anything from the soldiers of Qin’s soldiers. Nankan, you lead your army forward for a mile to test Qin’s fighting heart.”

Self-prescribed soldiers rode on a fast horse to notify them, and without delay, the rhythm of war drums sounded in front of the Ten Thousand Army.

The spearmen, crossbowmen, and shield swordsmen continued to advance in order to keep pace with the drumbeat of the war drum.

Prince Dan suddenly became proud of himself. This kind of pride on the battlefield can make Prince Dan more confident of “June 20”. This confidence will also be passed on to the generals around Prince Dan.

When the drums of war sounded, the Qin army in the formation became nervous. From the number of flags on the opposite side, they could see that 10,000 enemy troops were advancing.

Sima Lie rode his horse closer and pointed his finger to the soldiers of the country of Yan who were coming: “The cavalrymen of the country of Yan are walking in front. These cavalrymen usually wear armor made of rattan in order to speed up their progress. What kind of armor is most afraid of is fire attack, we can use firearms to attack.”

Wang Ben knew that Sima Lie was a general who likes to use his brains. Hearing this, he immediately arranged for someone to get a torch, and let the crossbowman put on a cloth-wrapped arrow.

“The country of Yan has many arms. Almost every arm has a shield. The archer will have a satisfactory effect of killing within 30 steps, and the crossbowman will have to be close to 80 steps before they can penetrate their hands. Shield.”

As a deputy general, Sima Lie must make up for the omissions of the master general Wang Li.

“It seems that we have planned to defend our army’s arrow formation a long time ago. The Lord will have to defend it.”

Sitting on the horse, Wang Li looked at these soldiers of Yan State energetically.

What I want to know most now is whether there are crossbowmen in Yan’s army, and if so, how many.

Because the crossbowmen are generally protected during combat, the crossbowmen will be arranged at the end in the formation.

The ten thousand soldiers seemed to be densely packed before Wang Zhi’s eyes.

It is also a laborious task to find crossbowmen from so many soldiers.

“General Sima, how many crossbowmen will Prince Dan send in the formation?”

“At the end, the general had fought with the army of the Kingdom of Yan several times. When attacking the fort, there were crossbows in the defending army, and there were two field battles with the enemy in the back. Neither the general of the Kingdom of Yan led his army to see the crossbowmen… ..

Sima Lie held on to the sword in his waist and thought for a while or not to say too badly, adding: “This time the enemy has no crossbowmen, but it’s impossible to be sure.

The arms in the Qin army are not complicated, and the spearmen used to charge have always been placed at the forefront of the army.

Since the Warring States Period, the Ge Spearmen have been the most numerous in each army.

How can Qin Jun be an exception?

Except for the spearmen and the spearmen, they are the crossbowmen. In the Qin army, there has never been a special unit equipped with shields. In many cases, spearmen are temporarily arranged to defend with shields in the front row.

The 10,000 Daqin soldiers led by Wang Zhi and Sima Lie were also arranged in this formation.

Prince Dan watched the Yan State Army led by Nankan approached the Qin Army within about a mile.

“Woo-woo-woo-” trumpets were heard from the Qin army camp, and the handsome flag at the front of the camp was also shaking back and forth bit by bit.

“General, can we attack?” Sima Lie was eager to try.

Wang Ben, who was riding on the war horse, did not order an attack.

During the war, the troops were sent to rush and retreat in an orderly manner, and then the bed crossbows and crossbowmen in the battalion were put into a ready-to-fire state.

These codes of practice were memorized in Wang Zhi’s mind.

“General, are you trying to lure the enemy deeper?” Sima Lie instantly understood Wang Li’s intention.

“The coach ordered us to lure the enemy!” Sima Lie raised his hand as he said, he had already seen Wang Zhi’s approving gaze.

“You go to the right wing, I will preside over the Chinese army.”

Said that the raised arm had already been waved, the flag holders holding the main general flag next to them naturally waved the flag to notify the various teams of thousands.

Seeing the rapid advancement of Yan’s troops, Prince Dan heard the horn sound from Qin Junying Village. “Will Wang Ben fight back?”

“General, this is the Qin army’s retreat, shall we continue to pursue it?”

Nankan ran to the front of Prince Dan’s chariot.

At a glance, Prince Dan also saw Qin Jun’s retreat.

“General Nankan, immediately led the soldiers of the Kingdom of Yan to chase after him. I want to defeat Qin Bing in one battle and give Wang Li’s head to King Yan.”

After Nankan heard these words from Prince Dan, he immediately led the remaining soldiers 1.3 to follow along.

At this time, the sound of war drums led by Wang Zhi and Sima Lie had ceased.

When the drums stopped, the queue of 10,000 soldiers became a little loose. Far away, I could still hear the officers yelling “Steady!” “Column!” and other commands. Obviously, they were restraining the soldiers.

It seems that the Qin Army’s troops are unable to put up a too advanced military formation. Prince Dan guessed that it might be the result of Wang Benjun’s lack of attention to the military formation.

The reason for this is not because of the beauty at the beginning of the military training. Now it seems that if Wang Li can withstand the attack of Prince Dan and get a respite, he will definitely strengthen his training against the military in the future. .

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