Chapter 631 Formation]

The horns of the Qin Army in the array continued to sound, and the flags were separated by the swing of the Chinese Army’s banner.

During their positioning, a crossbowman was always on guard, and soldiers who were obviously auxiliary soldiers moved wooden boards and placed them on the trenches to step on.

Watching Qin Jun lay out in front of him, Prince Dan still felt a little contempt.

Waiting for the formation of the Qin army’s formation, the long horn sounded “Woo woo woo-” again, and the ten thousand Qin soldiers stepped on the same footsteps and finally walked through the trench three to a hundred steps away from the camp.

“General, do you see if these Daqin soldiers have become tortoises with their heads shrunk-.”

Seeing Qin Jun’s cautious look, the generals in front of Yan’s National Front sat on the horse and laughed. After the laugh, let Yan’s army move forward slowly.

Qin Jun’s auxiliary soldiers saw Yan’s troops advancing slowly. Under the command of the officer, they lifted up a plank of plank and placed a plank on the carriage next to them. After a while, the trenches were fully exposed.

Seeing the Qin army from leaving the camp to gathering, and from gathering to forming an army formation, the entire process has taken more than half an hour.

Prince Dan’s eyes narrowed into a thin slit. “The soldiers have become puppets, and the plague has caused a lot of psychological pressure on these soldiers in Daqin.” He quickly made a judgment in his heart.

Whether or not it is elite in ancient times has always been judged from the time of formation.

If according to the current habit, Qin Jun, who had formed an army in less than half an hour, was indeed a team with no spirit and murderous spirit, which was a bit similar to the elderly soldiers.

The distance between the two armies was getting closer and closer, and Wang Zhi found that the Yan’s army on the opposite side was a little bit different from before.

Every soldier in the Yan army wears a red strip of cloth knotted into a butterfly shape under his neck.

Looking at their clan flag again, he felt a bit strange in his heart.

Prince Dan might be seeking some auspicious vigor, and the swallow on the flag turned red.

On the banner next to it, the three characters of Prince Dan on it are black, one red and one black, which looks very interesting.

Wang Li didn’t have time to think about why Prince Dan changed the color of the banner. Now he asked Qin Jun to show weakness as much as possible.

The banners in the Qin Army are the kind of triangular flags with a wicker-shaped tail.

The flag is still black, supporting the white “Qin” character.

There will be one flag for every one thousand team, they are distributed in the slowly forward rectangular army, blowing with the wind. It looks a little mighty.

The banner of Sima Lie was slightly different from that of Wang Ben of the Great Account of the Chinese Army.

That’s because you can tell the difference between their subordinates and types of arms from the banner during combat.

Sima Lie’s soldiers are a kind of military flag that is divided into several sections and tied to a flagpole.

This kind of flag looks unique and is easy to distinguish on the battlefield.

The color of the flag is red with a black long sword pattern, and the entire long sword extends from above to the hem of the flag.

There is a white circle on the hilt of the sword, and a black “Sima” is written in the official script font inside the circle.

The Prince Dan, who was far above the chariot, was naturally also watching Sima Lie’s Qin army, and the sense of complexity in his heart was very strong.

What about now? Facing the cold in the Qin army camp, and watching the army led by Wang Ben push it in black, it is obvious that it is temporarily increasing the attire of the soldiers and changing the banner. For an instant, he doubted whether Wang Li was using a strategy to make himself. Fooled.

Prince Dan, who was on a Chinese army tank, instantly began to think about it,

A person’s character will determine his life’s fate, if Prince Dan is more determined. Wang Li would not come up with such a solution.

0……Look for flowers…

Wang Ben’s thoughts were much simpler. He ordered the army to stop two miles closer to the country of Yan.

About half an hour after leaving the camp, the 10,000 Qin army advanced for about five miles, and the 10,000 Yan Guo army led by Prince Dan was facing each other two miles away, and neither of them took a step forward in a short period of time.

Prince Dan approached Qin Jun, but his eyes were always looking at Qin Jun’s camp.

Discovering that the Qin army divided the barracks into three parts and connected them with a tunnel to form a horn, and seeing that there was at least one trench in front of the three barracks, he immediately figured it out.


“General, the Qin army has always been good at offensive. This time Wang Ben put out a tight defensive camp. It seems that the general’s guess is correct. Those Qin troops can only resist now, and the cold disease has made them lose their fighting spirit.”

The lieutenant next to Prince Dan is called Nankan, not to mention that Nankan has followed Prince Dan as a lieutenant for many years, but Nankan also joined the army for the first time, and he temporarily serves as the staff and think tank of Prince Dan.

In fact, Prince Dan wanted to hand over the rear logistics to Nankan.

He knows that Nankan is a little clever, but he can be said to be a club for marching and fighting.

Nankan’s cleverness can only be used for trivial matters outside of military affairs.

It is a pity that Nankan has not done anything since. If Nankan is given a high position out of personal trust, it is tantamount to erecting them as the opposite of Nankan in front of several generals for himself.

He brought Nankan to the battle this time because he hoped that Nankan could gain some military merits, and he had a good reason to give him a post.

“Generals? Regardless of whether the Qin army has cold or not, since we are here, we are naturally going to attack.”

Prince Dan’s eyes turned to the Qin Army who was arrayed two miles away. factory.

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