Chapter 633 Contest

“Measure your hands on both sides, shoot arrows!” Sima Lie’s order was faithfully executed.

The red arrows shot out with the sound of breaking through the air.

This is to block the path of Yan Jun’s advance.

Prince Dan saw it in his eyes, and he was secretly happy, “The Qin army is really showing weakness, and they can only use archers to stop our fearless Yan Guo soldiers.”

The crossbow arrow shot at the farthest distance of about 285 steps, and the bow arrow reached the farthest distance of 170 steps.

“Northwest Wind” Wang Zhi looked at the arrow pierced into the soil, thinking in his mind: “The enemy is in the upper hand, and the crossbow arrow can increase the distance by about 20 steps depending on the wind. The enemy is in a favorable position!”

Prince Dan saw that Qin Jun was blocking his bow and arrow, and he did not hesitate to order the crossbowman to fight back.

He didn’t want to show weakness in front of the Qin Jun, “Let Wang Li also see how powerful the crossbowmen of our country are.

Prince Dan also wanted the crossbow to destroy some of the Qin army.

Wang Zhi naturally saw the arrow 08 shot by the enemy army. He now knows that the enemy army must have a crossbow arrow.

Based on the number of these crossbows, Wang Li had already judged the number of these crossbowmen in the Yan Kingdom and their position in the formation.

Wang ordered the order to go down and let the shield hand move forward quickly, so as to block the crossbows.

The right-wing Sima Lie also discovered this situation on the horse, and he did the same thing as Wang Li.

The shouting part of the spearmen hurried forward with their shields, ready to defend against the enemy’s crossbows.

Reducing the casualties of the Qin army was a strategy that the two had agreed upon before.

When the army of 10,000 Yan advanced to about 300 paces of the 10,000 troops of the Qin army led by Wang Zhi and Sima Lie, the Qin army also fired several calibrated crossbows.

They were taken ten more steps by the wind, and they fell into the distance between the cavalry and the crossbowmen.

These contests are just the beginning and can be regarded as mutual insights.

After the mutual calibration was completed, the battlefield suddenly became a lot quieter, and only the violent military flag swaying in the cold wind could be heard in my ears.

After the rare silence, horns of different rhythms were heard in the formations of both sides.

The flag bearers of the two armies are staring at the leading flag, and the battle that determines the fate of the tens of thousands of people on the two sides is about to start!

咚咚咚, the drums of war were beaten again, and the rapid rhythm of each drum beat made the hearts of the soldiers on both sides of the array quicken the rhythm.

They accelerated their breathing involuntarily, and everyone’s eyes were looking as far as possible to the enemy army ahead.

As the army chiefs and other basic basic officers, they will always pay attention to those generals in the army, and the soldiers who lead the hundred-man squad will look at the banner of the thousand-man squad.

Fearless shouts sounded, and on the battlefield, once the fight started, the sound would become noisy, so it would be unreliable to rely on voice to convey commands.

Use messenger to convey instructions, there will be delays and it is not applicable.

In the battlefield, thousands of military officers watched the clan flag and issued orders to their subordinates, and it became the most effective way of command.

Therefore, the fall of each banner can always make a thousand-man team lose command.

The flag bearers who have always attacked and killed the enemy have become the most effective way to disintegrate the enemy.

Both the Qin Army and the Yan Army have approached 300 paces.

The Qin army kept sending out orders, and the crossbowmen checked the winding situation of the crossbow machine in their hands at the end.

The soldiers who were temporarily turned into shield and spear soldiers were getting closer and closer. The spearman was in the third line and slowly squatted down to the sky at the command of the officer. All this shows that adding it down will be a fierce battle.

Among Yan’s army, Nankan, who commanded cavalry and long swordsmen with shields and leather armors, also kept sending out instructions.

Before he knew that Prince Dan trusted him so much, it was to make him gain exploits in this battle.

Once he has a meritorious performance, then he can show off in front of those generals.

There is also a reason why Prince Dan trusts Nankan in this way.

Because Nankan’s sister married Prince Dan as a concubine.

With the constant breeze blowing in the pillow every day, Prince Dan could only promote Nankan.

Prince Dan saw that Nankan’s command was still orderly, so he let him give orders.

The generals next to him can only listen.

The direction of the wind is favorable to one of them. They will encounter the first round of long-range attacks from the enemy, so it is necessary for soldiers with shields to seize the time to erect the shield wall and hold the shield to build the shield top.

When Yan’s shield defense was implemented, he still hesitated.

Because Nankan didn’t quite believe that the Qin Army would have offensive power, in his opinion, those bows and arrows just now were just a sign that Qin Army wanted to retreat.

Immediately after Nankan’s arrangement was completed, Qin’s army first heard the sound of clappers, and then it was like a dark cloud suddenly rising on the flat ground, and dense arrows shot at it.

“Protect the upper body!” Every general in the array chanted this slogan.

For a while, the sound of arrows hitting the shield continued to sound.

Occasionally a few screams would be emitted from the army, and it was obvious that an arrow shot someone from the gap in the shield.

The firing frequency of the crossbow machine was not fast. After the first round of long-range firing by the Qin army, the sound of war drums became a rhythm of beats, and the generals of Yan State shouted “Go! Push! Go!”.

This kind of voice is very rhythmic. It is telling the soldiers who are in the front to accept the military order to move forward in accordance with the rhythm.

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