Chapter 630 Strategies

It is unknown what Prince Dan wanted to do, but Wang Li outside Jincheng was extremely helpless watching the soldiers fall ill.

But this kind of helplessness is done for outsiders.

If Wang Li wanted to work out a miracle, he had to cooperate with the spy to perform a bitter trick.

The military report of Yan Guo’s secret agent was not out of conjecture, but it seemed that a large number of Daqin soldiers died in the wind and cold in the past few days.

Wang Wei did not send out the barracks for burial out of consideration of not letting the enemy find out, but chose a hidden place to bury it in the camp.

It stands to reason that Qin’s soldiers often exercise and will not get sick due to a few autumn rains.

But the soldiers drove the road for nearly twenty days after they set off from Hexi.

Naturally, the resistance has dropped to a certain level. At that time, there is no firewood for heating, and there is no accident in getting sick.

It’s just that some wind chills from the soldiers are not the chills that Yan’s secret agents said. This is also a strategy of Wang Ben.

He also knew that in the Qin Army, there would inevitably be reports from the State of Yan, so he came up with such a trick to pretend to be sick, and use 617 to confuse the Prince Dan.

Let him dare to go out of the city to fight the Qin army.

In order to make the soldiers camouflage more realistically, Wang Ben personally selected hundreds of soldiers and asked them to disguise themselves as if they had the cold, pretending to be buried.

In fact, when burying soldiers, they would choose to bury them in the evening, after dark when they were alive, so that they would be secretly dug out after they were confused about the first report.

With more than 30,000 soldiers, the number of people who became ill within a few days has accumulated to more than a few thousand.

Wang Zhi also cancelled the scolding outside Jincheng, and Sima Lie also hid in the military tent and pretended to be sick according to Wang Zhi’s instructions. All this was seen by Yan Guo’s spy.

At this moment, Wang Li didn’t seem to be thinking about how to attack Jincheng, but worried that the army would continue to suffer from such a cold epidemic, and there would be no more people who would survive the battle with Prince Dan.

Several generals also seemed anxious, and from time to time went to the big tent to ask Wang Zi to retreat. Those soldiers who walked past the commander would often hear some noise.

Prince Dan spent a whole night in the hall thinking about his plan to fight with the Qin Army.

He wasn’t trying to attack the Qin Army, Prince Dan was thinking about what will happen to Jincheng once he lost his defense?

And how can I escape.

Regardless of the fact that Prince Dan believed that the plague occurred in the Qin army, he still knew a little bit about Wang Li, and knew that Da Qin’s soldiers were not the kind of pawns who were incompetent.

After dawn, Prince Dan sat on top of the Chinese Army Hall in Jincheng.

With his adjustment, soldiers from the 10,000 Yan Kingdom rushed out of the gate of Jincheng.

Wang Li had already received the battle report, and he was secretly proud, “Prince Danrao burns you out of your cleverness, and you will be caught in this strategy of mine.”

With a sound of “Quickly leave the camp to meet the enemy.” Wang Zhi carried his sword to the outside of the big tent.

For marching operations, it is necessary to set aside necessary troops to guard the Quartet to prevent enemy attacks. This has been a common practice in Chinese military history.

Before the Qin army was dispatched, Wang Ben had already asked the army to prepare. He didn’t want to be attacked by Prince Dan because of his own mistake.

From a distance, I saw Qin Jun open the door on the left and right wings, and the black soldiers filed out.


Although it is temporarily impossible to determine how many troops will be sent by the Qin army, Prince Dan made sure that some of the 10,000 soldiers of the Yan Kingdom who had been prepared for a long time moved forward slowly amidst the mighty drums of war.

Among the 10,000 soldiers of the Yan Kingdom, there are 1,000 cavalry soldiers, 3,000 soldiers with shields and swords, 3,000 spearmen, and the rest are bed crossbows, crossbows, and crossbowmen.

Yan’s troops did not frequently exercise formations.

This prince pill has something to do with it. The prince pill doesn’t believe in the changing formations. For him, as long as he can protect his life, it’s more important than anything else.

Therefore, Yan’s army can only put up a square formation, they advanced three miles and then stopped.

The generals in command of the crossbowmen shouted to order the bound troops of the crossbowmen to line up, and the lieutenants who commanded the shield-bearing swordsmen and spearmen also shouted for the soldiers to line up.

Qin’s army formation will always be accompanied by the sound of the horns of the formation, and the formation of the army formation is very fast because of being too proficient. What Wang Ben found after setting up his formation was that Prince Dan had already placed about 10,000 troops out of an offensive formation.

Before the battle, Sima Lie had to turn his head to look at Wang Li, seeing that he had missed the opportunity.

Wang Li has noticed Prince Dan’s determination a long time ago

“Go forward, the formation of the Qin army is pressing forward, and we can no longer be inferior to Yan’s army.” The most important thing is that Wang Li wants to see what Prince Dan is going to play.

Sima Lie naturally obeyed the order, and ordered the Qin army to form a rectangular formation in the assembly and slowly advance…

The formations listed by Qin Jun seem to be quite stable in the center of the Crown Prince’s Pill Eyes.

“It seems that the Qin army led by Wang Gui is really under-strength and has put in a tightly guarded formation.

From a distance, Prince Dan could still see two trenches separated by about one hundred and fifty steps.

Prince Lu was supposed to send troops to obstruct the Qin army’s formation, but seeing the two trenches, he understood that it was not suitable to send troops to approach the army if he did not want to attack the Qin army camp.

However, this made him think that Wang Ben was showing weakness, and that today’s Daqin soldiers no longer had the kind of enthusiasm they had just arrived.

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