Chapter 627 Attack it

“Bandits, you have come back and forth today.”

In this violent shout, he has been in the manor of the army depot for a long time.

Needless to say, there are five thousand cavalry troops led by him, and these bandits would not have thought that there would be five thousand Daqin soldiers in the small arsenal.

With the neigh of war horses, five thousand cavalry rushed in from the back of the manor.

After a period of hacking, Qin Dian and a few others who seemed to be leaders were left.

This is still the result of being taken care of, otherwise Qin Dian would have been a ghost under the sword.

Qin Dian was already holding a decisive heart, and the cold light flashed, and Qin Dian’s long knife chopped off a war horse.

The sound of “sixteen seven” laws and the wailing of war horses floated in the manor.

Meng Zhi, who supervised the battle behind the battle, was a bit angry.

Bi Tong was furious, his steel teeth clenched, and he roared, shaking the reins, and the war horse greeted him from behind.

Head on into a bandit leader who was on Qin Dian’s side.

The thief was covered in blood, with a bloody halberd in his hand and some manes on it. It seemed that he had stabbed several war horses.

Seeing the Mengzhi leaping horse approaching, the big halberd swept past the front hoofs of the war horse. This move swept across the thousands of troops and swarmed very quickly.

With a bang, Meng Zhi used a long knife against the halberd in front of the horse.

“You wait to hurt my war horse?

The leader of the bandit shook, and his chest felt tight, but Meng Zhi was still sitting firmly on the horse.

“Leave your life.”

Just when the bandit hadn’t recovered from the powerful blow of Mengzhi, his spear was once again picked off by the Mengzhi long knife.

Following a murderous cold wind, Meng Zhi danced his long sword with both hands to stop him.

The sharp blade, coupled with the cold of the rasher, made Qin Dian shudder: “My mother, what a fierce Qin soldier is this!!

This thought passed for a while, and he didn’t let him think about it.

“Oh, I’m at odds with you, I’m fighting with you.”

Qin Dian grabbed a long sword and stabbed it at Meng Zhi.

Qin Dian yelled hard, in order to embolden those bandits who were still alive.

The sword greeted the long knife in Meng Zhi’s hand, and Meng Zhi smiled slightly, “It’s not that easy to die. I will capture you and give it to King Qin.”

At this point, he smashed it vigorously, and then ran his horse around Qin Dian in a circle, just like looking at the whole in the urn.

Before Meng Zhi had time to withdraw the long sword, Qin Dian danced the long sword, “Either you die or I die today. I will not kneel and kowtow to King Qin Yingzheng.”

After finishing speaking, Yijian cut his head at Meng Zhi.

The poisonous sword light flickered intensely in the sunlight, and a brutal murderous aura appeared on the hideous face.

Qin Dian is also an extraordinary man! He still wants a fatal blow.

Seeing the arrival of the long sword, he was shocked, Qin Dian’s life-threatening fighting method was completely to put himself under the sword of the other party.

Naturally, Mengzhi would not fight Qin Dian, and there was no need for Mengzhi to confront Qin Dian.

Meng Zhi roared, and swiftly sent the long road in his hand forward with swift hands.

“This general is going to win the game.”

Qin Dian was shocked when he saw Meng Zhi fight hard against himself. He didn’t dare to carry the long knife on the opposite side, and hurriedly retracted the sword and leaned forward to avoid the back of the howling knife.

Just as Qin Dian was about to raise his head, a sudden wind of sword came and hit the back of his head. This trick is to pick melons from behind.

Qin Dian hurriedly hurried, lowered his waist, and quickly shrank his neck and head onto his shoulders.

After Qin Dian escaped the knife, he stepped forward and twisted his waist, and hurriedly set up the scorched long sword with the long sword in his hand.

At the clank of swords and swords, the dazzling sparks gleamed.

Qin Dian’s hurriedly challenged sword was slashed away by the scorching and steady sword. With a violent pain on Qin Dian’s right arm, he screamed, the long sword in his hand fell to the ground, and his shoulders nodded red.

“This general forgave you not to die. You don’t come to be grateful, but you want to attack me sneakily. What’s the use of a vicious person like you.”

Meng Zhi was sitting on the saddle, killing intent gradually rising in his eyes.

‘Dai Wang, let’s flee for our lives, so that we are not afraid that there will be no firewood. ‘The few people behind Qin Dian said in unison.

They saw that these five thousand iron cavalry were leisurely watching Qin Dian also fight, as if other people had nothing to do with this battle.

Hearing what the bandit said, Qin Dian made an estimate of the situation.

This Qin army general’s martial arts is amazing.

At this moment, Qin Dian’s mortal heart began to shake. So his eyes rolled slyly, “1.3 Let’s all fight out together.” After Qin Dian finished speaking, he swung his sword towards the gate of the manor.

Just as Qin Dian’s feet were about to step out of the gate of the manor, he suddenly raised the long knife in his hand over his head.

Then he hid under the horse’s belly in a mirror, and ran from behind to the door of the army depot.

Qin Dian swept over the empty horseback with a fierce sweep that Qin Dian was bound to win.

Just when he felt a little surprised, Mengzhi stood up from under his horse.

The long-knife pitcher came out and turned into a white light, aiming at Qin Dian’s back with a cross cut.

Qin Dian felt a chill in his lower body at the place where the blood splashed with a sound of “chi”. .

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