Chapter 628 Meter

Qin Dian looked down, but his legs were still missing.

“Oh, my legs.” A stunning flash of color flashed in Qin Dian’s eyes.

The moment he shouted this sentence, the burnt long knife had already returned to his hand.

“Bandits, today is your anniversary.”

The silver light fell in an arc, and Qin Dian’s head fell with a handful of blood.

Meng Zhi held a bloody long knife and looked at the bandits who had already been kneeling on the ground, “Tie them up and take them back to Xianyang.”

“General, there are a few tanks outside, and two ballistas.”

“All are burned.” Meng Zhi has no interest in those chariot ballistas made by bandits.

After Meng Zhi finished speaking, he beckoned to the guard of the Yincun Army Food Depot and shouted in front of him, “Leave you five hundred iron cavalry here to help you guard the food depot.”

Meng Zhi was also afraid that there would be no bandits to destroy, so he let the five hundred cavalry troops stay in Yincun.

The guard is very grateful. With these Iron Cavalry 08 Army, Yincun’s arsenal can be considered foolproof.

After cleaning the battlefield, Meng Zhi did not stay in Yincun, because he had already issued a military order to King Qin to win the government, and he had to return to Xianyang within seven days to ask for credit.

As soon as Meng Zhi’s army arrived in Xianyang City, Li Si picked it up.

“General Meng, you have worked hard.” Meng Zhi knew why Li Si would go out of the city to greet him, because Li Tong had already taken the position of the county prime minister.

“The Prime Minister, I have to do you. In the end, I will only wipe out some bandits, without much credit.

Ying Zheng sat firmly on the throne of the Xianyang Palace, listening to Meng Zhi telling the story of the bandit suppression.

Turning back to look at Lu Buwei, “Father Zhong, I want to send General Mengzhi to Biancheng.

This sentence caused a cold war in Lu Buwei’s heart.

“Does King Qin already know about Zhao Ji?” Although Lu Buwei was still in shock, his face was calm.

“King Qin, I think General Mongolia is brave and invincible. It is better to stay in the court and be used by the king.

Yingzheng waved his hand, “Pangcheng is the center of my exile. Without a reliable candidate, how can I rest assured.”

After hearing this, Lu Buwei could only say: “My lord, since he has decided to let General Meng guard the city, I think it will be done within three days.”

Yingzheng laughed three times, “General Mengzhi, the widow appointed you as the general protector of the country, and within three days the soldiers will be bloated.” Mengzhi kowtowed his head and thanked him.

Wang Zhi was sitting alone in the big tent, he was a little anxious.

The Great Qin Army has been parked outside Jincheng for more than tens of days.

King Qin Yingzheng sent a urging secret message, hoping that Wang Ben would seize Jincheng as soon as possible to form a deterrent to King Yan, and then conquer it.

Ying Zhengyuan was in Xianyang and had no idea what happened to the siege station in Jincheng.

However, the 50,000 reinforcements led by Wei Guo saw that they were about to enter Jincheng soon, and Wang Ben was deeply worried about this.

He knows that it is difficult to ride a tiger at present, and if he does not take Jincheng as soon as possible, his head will be cut off by the King of Inner Qin to kick the ball.

If the Daqin army has remained motionless. Continue to wait for the arrival of the southeast wind.

Waiting for the Wei Jun to make a peace with the Prince Dan’s soldiers, when the time comes, the two armies will form a front and back attack against the Qin army led by Wang Li.

It was Wang Zhi’s least willing to see the enemy on his stomach and back.

The situation in Jincheng is constantly changing.

There have been reports of visiting Malays. In order to allow Prince Dan to hold on for a few more days, King Yan also sent tens of thousands of troops and horses to reach Jincheng in less than a few days.

The situation in Liaodong has become more complicated than ever.

Wang Ben’s desire to achieve victory by static braking is obviously out of date.

The waiting southeast wind has not blown over until today. This gave him a headache.

In order to capture Jincheng as soon as possible. He still chose to attack.

He has ordered Sima Lie to prepare to enter Jincheng at all costs.

After all the calculations, Wang Gui still didn’t have full confidence in taking down Jincheng. This made him hesitate.

Sima Lie asked hundreds of Daqin soldiers to form a death squad, and all preparations were completed.

It is basically impossible to change the order.

Sima Lie had long wanted to use a strong attack to capture Jincheng.

In Sima Lie’s heart, there is no force that can resist the attack of Daqin soldiers.

Wang Li saw Sima Lie’s confidence. Now, even if he does not want to attack Prince Dan’s army, his generals will not give up lightly.

Having decided to fight a tough battle, Wang Li, who has always attached great importance to intelligence, simply let go of his concerns.

He sent a few waves to detect horses to see the situation inside Jincheng clearly.

However, Jincheng has also been quiet these days.

Some of the soldiers of the Yan Kingdom who had often appeared on the city wall were not appearing, as if they had disappeared from Jincheng.

But Wang Li still didn’t take it lightly.

He knew that Prince Dan was a man of tactics, so Wang Zhi still sent the warlord to the outside of Jincheng to scold him every day, in order to get Prince Dan out of the city for a decisive battle, so that he could take the opportunity to attack the city.

Prince Dan is also heart-beating every day.

He looked forward to the arrival of Wei’s reinforcements soon, and hoped that King Yan’s tens of thousands of horses could encircle Wang’s army, so that Prince Dan could turn defeat into victory.

“General, our spy has escaped from the Daqin barracks.”

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