Chapter 626 Army Depot

Meng Zhi sent Li Tong down the mountain and gave an order to camp in this cottage of the bandit tonight.

Just about to rest, there was a rush of horseshoes from the bottom of the mountain.

“General, there is a secret report from Xianyang to the outside of the cottage.”

After listening to Meng Zhi’s heart, he secretly said, “Could it be that Lu Buwei and Li Si want me to perform actions that are beneficial to them?

Meng Zhi was unwilling to participate in the fight between the two people, but the matter was over, and he had no other way.

“General, King Qin has orders.” Tan Ma rolled down from the horse, and saw Meng Zhi standing on the Juyi Hall outside the cottage, and he hurriedly gave salutes.

Hearing that it was King Qin’s order to win the government, Meng Zhi hurriedly bowed to salute.

Tan Ma handed a few bamboo slips to Meng Zhi. “The king said, only General Meng is allowed to watch.”

After sending away the horse, Meng Zhi returned to the Juyi Hall and said to the lieutenant beside him~: “Pull the lantern.

Several horse stools light up on the Juyi Hall-.

Meng Zhi spread out the bamboo slips. Above the bamboo slips was a map, and there were a few lines below. Meng Zhi looked at it carefully for a long time-genius covered the bamboo slips.

“Several generals, we are going to leave overnight.,

“General, what is King Qin’s order?”

Meng Zhi said: “There is a hill a hundred miles away from here. There is a band of bandits in the Gushan hill, and Wei Guo secretly communicated with King Qin to let us go and annihilate it.”

“It’s easy for the general. These bandits have no resistance. When our army arrives, they will disperse immediately.

Meng Zhi shook his head, “This mountain bandit is very different from the bandit we have just eliminated here. They have weapons in their hands and several chariots. We must be cautious.”

“General, we can first send a scouting horse around Gushan to inquire about the bandits.

It makes sense for Meng Zhi to think about it, and it is a taboo in the march to attack with an unknown enemy.

“The order goes on to postpone the departure, and the cavalry is dispatched after the situation of the enemy in Ma Jinggu Mountain has been clarified.”

At dawn, there was a horse inspector who returned to the cottage. “General, the bandits from Gushan are gathering in the cottage. I heard that they will attack Yin Village in the next few days.”

Mengzhi rushed to the map. Yincun was at the foot of Gushan Mountain. It was a small town, but there was a military rationing depot in Daqin.

Only the defenders of Yincun had only 500 people.

Meng Zhi was a little worried,-Dan’s army depot was looted by those bandits, and the Daqin sergeants within a hundred miles around would have no food to eat.

“This must be Wei’s strategy, which caused the Daqin soldiers to have civil strife and lose their combat effectiveness. They are unable to attack Wei.”

Meng Zhi raised the flag, “The five-thousand cavalry must arrive at Yincun within two hours.”

There is an official road at the foot of Gangshan Mountain. This official road leads directly to Yin Village, and a cloud of smoke rises. The sturdy bandits rushed down from Gushan Mountain and went straight to the arsenal of Yin Village.

The king of thieves is called Qin Dian.

He stood on a chariot, and his opponents shouted with the bandits on both sides: “When we arrive in Yincun, we can do whatever we want. Wherever Yincun has financial reports and food, we must move these things to our cottage. middle.”

The bandits applauded in unison, “Dai Wang, will our actions be known in advance by the sergeants of Da Qin?”

Qin Dian opened his big mouth. “Even if the soldiers guarding the army granary know what they can do, how can a mere five hundred people compare with the thousands of us? Besides, we still have ballistas and chariots here.,

Hearing these words, the bandits moved forward desperately.

I saw Yincun at a glance, and the street was empty, “Daiwang, here is a bit strange, there is no one in the whole village.”

0……Look for flowers…

Several bandits shouted in the street.

Qin Dian stood on the chariot and looked around. As expected, he didn’t even see a single figure.

“Dai Wang, shall we go to the army depot?”

Qin Dian shouted: “This is the people who are frightened by our prestige. No one is better. Let’s grab the grain depot.”

Yincun’s army granary is just beside the village and town. Inside a huge manor, there are several huge granaries stacked.

Qin Dian saw from a distance, the door of the manor was open.

“Dai Wang, look, there is not even a soldier of Da Qin here.”

Qin Dian drank the chariot, he was not an idiot, and he was a little surprised to not see a soldier in such an important place.

“Don’t move everyone, let people go in and explore the way.”

There is a distance of several hundred meters from the entrance of the manor to the granaries. People standing at the entrance cannot see the situation inside. Although the two doors are completely open, they can only see the distance of less than 100 meters.

Because there is a huge screen where it is blocked a hundred meters away.

Several bandits rushed in with steel knives in their hands. There was no sound, and it was as if there were no living creatures inside.

Qin Dian was a little anxious, “Everyone is wary, let’s go in together,

After speaking, he jumped off the chariot, and a bandit next to him handed him a long knife. Qin Dian weighed it a few times in his hand, and the tip of the knife rushed forward and entered the manor with a stride.

The people who followed Qin Dian saw Qin Dian entering the manor of the army depot, and everyone jumped in with a bang. Suddenly, there was a loud shout in the air like thunder. factory.

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