Chapter 625 Bloodbathed Cottage]

Meng Zhi did not look at the woods burning into a charcoal fire.

Because of the investigative report, there was also a mob entrenched on the mountain in front, and tied the local officials to the mountain.

This made Meng Zhi a little angry, “This group of mobs are also too bold in order to dare to tie Daqin officials to the cottage.”

After traveling for dozens of miles, he came to the front of a high mountain.

Looking up, a simple cottage was halfway up the mountain. Several heads hung in front of the gate. “General, that is, a few local officials were beheaded and killed by those mobs.”

The detective horse followed behind the Mengzhi war horse.

“General Meng asked the Admiral to go up and capture these bandits.”

“Go ahead, make a quick decision.” Meng Zhi watched as the lieutenant led more than a hundred cavalry troops along the uneven mountain road to halfway up the mountain.

A bronze gong rang on the mountain, and the fire screamed, “Beware of rolling wood and thunderstone.”

After this sentence was just finished, the door of the cottage was pushed open, and there was smoke and dust inside.

The rolling wood hurried down along the mountain road along with huge rocks, Lilu’s war horses neighed, a few soldiers who had not had time to dodge and the rolling wood thunderstones pressed down below, and the screams screamed.

This made Meng Zhi feel distressed for a while, “Stop the attack.” Meng Zhi shouted.

This kind of place is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

“General, what should we do?” Meng Zhi turned his horse around, “Just set up a camp down the mountain, don’t let these mobs escape with the bandits, wait until the night is dark, we will take a sneak attack to kill the cottage.”

Seeing that the scorching cavalry was stationed at the foot of the mountain, the cottage did not launch any more attacks.

When the autumn night came, Meng Zhi abandoned the horses, chose a thousand soldiers, and quietly climbed up from the foot of the mountain with a machete on his back.

The torches in the cottage were bright, and looking in from the imperfect wall, hundreds of (aibd) bandits and mobs were drinking there.

“General, shall we go in?”

Meng Zhi signaled that the generals beside him don’t worry, he wants to determine the total number of these bandits and mobs.

After reading the entire cottage, Meng Zhizai didn’t find any other enemies, so he brandished a big knife, “Don’t keep alive, and your technique is a little more neat.”

After finishing this sentence, Meng Zhi’s body was already close to the gate of the cottage, and the bandits could not make any movement. A thousand Daqin soldiers poured in like a tide.

But I could only hear the sound of cutting watermelon, and some dull gasps.

“Report that there is no more life in the general’s cottage. The lieutenant is standing next to the sunburnt with bruises.

“Good job, I will ask for your help in front of King Qin after I go back.”

“General Xie.” The lieutenant walked away. He asked the soldiers to clean the battlefield quickly.

Looking at the corpses lying on the ground, Meng Zhi turned around and asked, “Are there any bandits and mobs who escaped?

“All the generals are here, none of them went out alive.”

Meng Zhi pointed to a deep pool next to the cottage, “Throw these corpses in.”

The original clear pool water turned red in an instant.

“General, please see Li Tong.” The sergeant outside the cottage shouted.

“Li Tong? Who is Li Tong?” Meng Zhi pondered in his mind for a long time but couldn’t find out some information about Li Tong.

“Invite him in.” Meng Zhi reached the chair of the Grand Master in the Juyi Hall of the Shanzhai.

“Agree to General Meng?” A middle-aged man bowed before Meng Zhi’s eyes.

“Get up, why are you looking for this general?” The burnt eyes looked at the top of the Juyi Hall.

“General Meng is Prime Minister Li Si who asked me to come and visit you.”

After listening to Meng Zhi, he quickly retracted his eyes, with a polite expression.

“Who are you from Prime Minister Li?”

“Li Si is my elder brother.” Meng Zhi stood up, “It turned out to be the younger brother of Prime Minister Li, please take a seat.”

Meng Zhi waved at the soldiers beside him, and a wooden chair was moved under Li Tong’s ass.

“General Meng, all the small officials in this county have been killed by those mobs and bandits, but I am still alive.”

Li Tong looked at the smoldering color and it wasn’t that ugly, so he went on talking.

“I am a treasury manager in this county, and I am only responsible for the entry and exit of the grain depot on weekdays. Fortunately for the mob’s riot, I ran in time, otherwise I would be beheaded by those mobs.’

After talking about it for a long time, Meng Zhi figured out Li Tong’s intention.

It turned out that he wanted Meng Zhi to help him say a few words in front of Li Si, to get a county prime minister, and Meng Zhi immediately accepted it.

Li Tong was very happy. Although Li Si said in the letter that he would recommend that he sit in the county seat in front of King Qin, Li Tong was not at ease.

He knew Li Si’s position, and he would not care about the affairs of a small county.

I met Mengzhi today, and when Mengzhi agreed, I felt a lot of peace.

“General Meng asked you to come home and tell you what do you think?” Li Tong looked at the cottage, which was very rudimentary.

So he proposed to let Mengzhi treat his home to rest. Meng Zhi waved his hand: “Thank you for your kindness. Our cavalry rests in the cottage, and we can return to the court tomorrow.”

After Meng Zhi dealt with these mobs, he wanted to return to Xianyang as soon as possible to ask King Qin to win the government. .

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