Chapter 624 The Burning Killing]

Although Daqin soldiers are brave, our Jincheng is solid, and if they are allowed to attack, they cannot break the Jincheng city.

The generals of the Yan State also saw Daqin soldiers returning to their camps one after another, “General, how long can our Jincheng last?”

Prince Dan glanced at his subordinates, “You can rest assured of the blow, and the army of Wei will come in a few days. At that time, our soldiers and one place will wipe out the soldiers of Daqin outside Jincheng City.”

When Sima Lie returned to the promise, he saw Wang Li standing outside the big tent, “General, our Daqin soldiers are still very sure of breaking the Jincheng.

Wang Gui shook his head: “General Sima, let’s not let the soldiers make indifferent casualties, but wait until the southeast wind blows the army into Jincheng.”

Sima Lie saw that Wang Li’s attitude was so resolute and he could only return to his home camp depressed.

Although Wang Zhi was anxious, he accompanied several generals to drink and chat in the barracks every day.

He didn’t believe that the southeast wind would not come for a long time.

Click on the king to blame the war and look at the five thousand cavalry soldiers.

Meng Zhi has been working day and night since he sent troops, advancing loudly and violently along the way.

Meng Zhi had his own plan. Although this cavalry was small in number, it was an elite division, and the disappearance of the mob had already spread everywhere.

The day was approaching the village where the mob was located, and Meng Chi waved the banner in his hand several times to signal the five thousand cavalry to stop advancing.

“Why did the general stop going forward, 々?” A deputy will gallop up from the front of the team.

“This generation is densely populated, which is not conducive to our army’s concealment. Once discovered by those mobs, they will flee.”

The lieutenant looked around and the surrounding villages were densely populated, but although there were villages but sparsely populated, perhaps because there were mobs nearby, all houses were closed.

“General, is it possible that our army has to die and wait till night to advance?”

Meng Zhi waved his hand, “Let the detective go to detect the disappearance, my life is waiting here, I have determined the location of the mobs, and we are speeding up the march.”

Hearing what Meng Zhi said, the lieutenant beckoned and commanded, and several horses galloped away.

Meng Zhi found a high place and looked ahead. There was a relatively large village dozens of miles ahead.

A big flag can be seen standing up between the villages and towns.

Meng Zhi knew where the mob should be.

After waiting for half an hour, the horse inspectors came to report, “The general is traveling thirty miles here, and there is a place where mobs gather.”

Meng Zhi kun out a long sword from his waist, “Everyone, generals, go quickly and capture those mobs in one fell swoop.”

With a few sounds, several lieutenants, Ye Cong, took off their weapons, “Listen only to the dispatch of General Meng.

Meng Zhi waved the flag “strive to be the first, and kill the enemy fearlessly.”

A thick plume of smoke rises above the official road, and amidst the sound of killings, it rushes to the mob colony.

Boom, the horseshoe stepped on, like an earthquake.

Just outside the village and town, there are thousands of people hidden in the woods outside the village and town.

“Da Qin’s soldiers are coming.” The low roar passed on at once.

These so-called mobs are all gearing up. These mobs hate the soldiers of Daqin. Although they don’t have sophisticated weapons, they all have farming tools in their hands.

Da Qin’s army came, and several young people on the road began to rush.

With a few sniffs, a few sharp arrows passed through the neck, and as the body fell heavily on the official road, a few streams of blood spewed out.

The mobs were a little scared when they saw such a scene.

“Let’s run away quickly.” Su Zihe shouted, and thousands of mobs got out of the woods and scattered on the official road.

Meng Zhi sat on the horse and laughed loudly.

Following this sentence, he swung his sword and cut down a mob who was on the run.

“General these mobs fled, what shall we do?’

“Shoot arrows and use bows and arrows to deal with these mobs.” Meng Zhi caught the rope and immediately watched the mob fled in all directions.

A dense rain of arrows fell from the sky, screams one after another, more mobs were shot on the ground with bows and arrows, and some mobs stood in sorrow and did not dare to move when they saw the scene of blood flowing into the river.

Qin Junzhong waved his broad sword, and as a column of blood soared into the sky, thousands of people turned into a corpse in a blink of an eye.

“Kill without mercy.” Meng Zhi danced the bloody sword in the air, and Qin Jun (Wang Dehao) once again swung his knife to the mob who stood in place.

“General, what about these corpses?”

The lieutenant was cleaning the battlefield and “all burned down with fire.”

Meng Zhi pointed to the woods beside the road, “Drag the corpses in and set the woods on fire.”

In a blink of an eye, this vast forest turned into a field of fire, and the unpleasant smell made the soldiers retreat one after another.

“Generals, let’s move on.” “What will the generals do with the injured mob?”

The lieutenant beside Meng Zhi picked up a mob who had lost his legs from the pipe.

“Throw them all into the woods.” Meng Zhi waved the big knife in his hand at the blazing woods a few times. .

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