Chapter 623 Storm Rising]

Wang Li hoped that someone would send a letter to Prince Dan. This would arouse panic in Jincheng. Looking at the grain and grass on dozens of carts, Qin Jun smiled.

With food and grass, Wang Ben felt a lot more stable.

After several days of research, Sima Lie finally calculated the weight of the nitrowood tied to the kite. Wang Ben also watched it several times, and it was able to burn in the air at a preset time.

“General, when shall we attack Jincheng?”

Sima Lie watched as more than a dozen soldiers were struggling to make a kite and asked Wang Ben.

Wang Ben looked up at the sky, “General Sima, don’t worry, we are waiting for an opportunity.”

Sima Lie asked: “The general, Zhiyuan and Nimu are all ready, what opportunities are we waiting for?”

Wang Ben pointed to the sky, “General Sima, we are waiting for the wind direction to change.” 08

Sima Lie suddenly realized that Jincheng’s position was biased to the southeast, and there was very little southeast wind in autumn and winter.

But without the help of wind, the paper kite cannot fly over Jincheng. This strategy can only be realized if the wind is blowing in the right direction.

“General, I don’t know when we have to wait?”

Wang Zhi was anxious but did not show it on his face, “General Sima, now the Daqin military camp has all the grain and grass, and we are enough to confront the army of the Yan State.”

Prince Dan looked at the blood-stained soldiers of the Yan Kingdom and asked silently: “Again, the grain and grass sent by King Yan were intercepted by the Qin Army?

“General, what I said is the truth. Daqin’s soldiers raided our grain and grass brigade, and all the grain and grass were intercepted by the Qin army.”

The prince was almost vomiting blood. “How could Qin Jun’s tactics come up with this.”

General, we heard that this time the general of the Qin army is the king’s responsibility.

One of Prince Dan’s generals interrupted. When Prince Dan heard the name Wang Zhi, his legs trembled, and his feet were jerky, and he almost fell on the tiger chair.

“It’s the king’s responsibility again, my prince Dan and Da Qin are going to fight to the death.”

Wang Zhi’s name is like a thunderous to Prince Dan, and the sweeping battle of the Four Kingdoms is the masterpiece of Wang Jian and his father and son.

Prince Dan sat down slowly, “Generals, I want to go out of the city to fight with the king.”

Several generals stood up, “General, let’s not move rashly and wait for Wei’s reinforcements.”

Prince Dan suddenly remembered that King Yan’s secret report mentioned that Wei’s fifty thousand troops arrived in Liaodong quietly.

Thinking of this, Prince Dan breathed a rough breath and muttered to himself: “Wang Ben, let you be rampant for a few days. When our reinforcements arrive, there will be a bloody battle between you and me.”

Seeing that Prince Dan had given up the idea of ​​going out of the city, several generals dispersed.

Wang Zhi didn’t know that Wei Jun’s 50,000 horses were thinking about the Liaodong attack. He can only wait for the weather to change now.

Wang Li also hoped that the southeast wind would hang up soon so that Jincheng could be captured.

It’s just that the weather was a bit weak, and the north wind was whistling for several days. Wang Ben looked at the thin clothes of the soldiers with anxious heart.

Sima Lie also saw Wang Ben’s anxious heart, “General, otherwise let’s attack the city first, what do you think?

Wang Ben thought for a while, “Alright, since God can’t help me, then I will launch a siege war to reduce the morale of the native soldiers in the city, and I don’t have the confidence to continue holding on.”

After hearing this, Sima Lie immediately lit up three thousand army horses, “General, I will go to the Prince Dan in Huihui City first.

Wang Zhi, Suzi and Sima Lie came to the front of the army, and the opposite was Jincheng. Riding on the horse, you could see the flag of Yan State on the wall of Jincheng. .

“Play the drums.” Sima Lie yelled with the soldiers next to him, the sound of the horns surging in the clouds, the drums shook the sky, and three thousand soldiers shouted together.

“General, I don’t think Yan Jun will go to war.

“how do I say this?”

“Because Prince Dan is a coward, being intercepted by us is even a soldier who fears our Daqin.”

Sima Lie looked at Wang Zhi, and Wang Ben didn’t have any expression on his face.

“General Sima, you go to the fight to see if the Prince Dan of the Kingdom of Yan can play.

Sima Lie responded. 613 ran the horse and brought it by the moat of Jincheng. The big gun in his hand was raised in the air, “Soldiers of the State of Yan, please listen clearly. I am Sima Lie of Daqin. Let your general, Prince Dan, come out. Challenge.”

After shouting three times, there was no movement in Jincheng, and the gate was still closed.

Sima Lie lifted the rope, the horse shook out the cry of Lulu, raised his forefoot, and then ran back and forth on the edge of the moat.

Sima Lie looked at Yan Jun on the wall and was looking at him, so he cursed.

What greeted the scolding was a shower of arrows. Sima Lie moved the big spear in his hand and shot down dozens of bows and arrows.

Wang Wei hurriedly sent orders to retreat. With the sound of a gong, Sima Lie could only return the grievance pressure to his stomach, and turned his horse’s head back to Wang Ben’s side.

“General, why don’t you order the siege?”

Wang Li said: “The walls of Jincheng are strong. Our Qin army will have huge casualties if we attack the city. Let’s wait for the weather to change.”

Watching Wang Zhi and Sima Lie return to the barracks, Prince Danyou, who was on the wall, began to feel complacent.

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