Chapter 611 Loyalty against ears]

At this time, there was a swallow dancing yingge in Daicheng, a hundred miles away from Handan.

Zhao Wang and Zhao Jia are enjoying congratulations from the officials above the hall.

Since Daqin destroyed the State of Zhao, Zhao Jia led a shot of the remnants of the State of Zhao and fled to Daicheng.

And established the so-called national capital in Daicheng to continue the survival of Zhao Kingdom.

Just a few days ago, Zhao Jia ordered Zhao Ku, who was under him, to fight a decisive battle with the Xiongnu, and returned with a big victory.

This gave Zhao Jia a glimmer of hope to restore Zhao Guo.

“Dear generals, this glass of wine from the Gujia family is to be respected to you. The revival of our Zhao Kingdom lies with you.”

With the long live the generals, Zhao Jia raised the Jiu Zun in his hand.

Zhao Jia is still unwilling, and the rejuvenation of Zhao State is the only thing he has to do.

Now that the Huns are defeated, the city has no foreign troubles, and only the restoration of Zhao State is left.

“My lord, when will we go back to Handan?”

Zhao Kua licked his chest and abdomen because of his victory.

“The general needn’t worry, wait a few days off to make a decision.

There was a smile on Zhao Jia’s face, “My lord, you must be cautious about killing back to Handan.” Lear, who was standing opposite Zhao Kua, hurried forward.

“My lord, at present, we have less than 100,000 soldiers on behalf of the city. Moreover, we have just fought with the Huns and there is not enough food and grass. I think the battle will be delayed and we will talk about it later.”

Lear is Zhao Jia’s Xiangguo and he has a lot of weight.

“Xiangguo’s words are not correct. Our Zhao State soldiers will now have high morale. Taking advantage of the fact that Daqin’s goal is now on Wei State Qi State, it is just right to attack Handan.”

Zhao Kua put out a kind of domineering.

“General Zhao, you can’t say that. King Qin is treacherous. He has already concluded a good deal with Qi. Now the enemy he faces is only Wei.”

“Xiangguo, according to your opinion, we don’t need to restore Zhao country?” Zhao Gu slanted his eyes and looked at Lear, who bowed his head in front of the palace.

“General Zhao misunderstood what I meant, and the old minister thought it would be better to be safe at this time.”

Zhao Guage glanced at the generals behind him, “Generals, what do you mean?”

“We dare to go through fire and water for the king.” Several generals intervened in salutes.

Zhao Jia laughed loudly, “The lone king knows what the generals want.”

Lear fell face down on the ground: “My lord, don’t go it alone. Now that the Qin has a lot of soldiers, we can’t fight with him.”

Zhao Ku also knelt down with Lear: “Majesty, Daqin’s current soldiers are besieging the State of Wei. It is impossible to divide the troops to fight with me. We can take the opportunity to capture Handan, and the restoration of the State of Zhao is in sight.

Zhao Jia waved his hand, “You don’t have to say much, the lone family has its own way.”

Zhao Jia secretly said in his heart: “The day before yesterday, the king of Wei sent people to persuade him to send troops and promised that once Zhao Jia sent troops to chaos the land of Daqin, he would offer thousands of acres of fertile land. Such a good thing is hard to find forever.

Seeing Zhao Jia’s silence, Lear thought Zhao Jia still obeyed his own words.

Zhao Kua was a little anxious, “Majesty, our soldiers of the State of Zhao are thinking about returning to Handan every day. You can’t cool our sincere heart.”

Zhao Jia nodded, “General Zhao, the lone king will definitely make a decision within three days.

Xin Sheng’s five thousand cavalry was not too arrogant, but died day and night.

Xin Sheng knew the reason why soldiers are fast, and the raid on Daicheng was something he had planned a long time ago.

If five thousand cavalry forces confronted Zhao’s tens of thousands of troops, they would not be defeated if they did not adopt some unexpected tactics.

0……Look for flowers…

On this day, a secret agent came to report that the distance from Daicheng was already within a hundred miles.

Xin Sheng waved his hand and took the reins. “Generals, what do you think of this battle?”

Xin Sheng is a brainstormer.

Although he decided to use the tactics of surprise attack, but to implement it requires the cooperation of his generals and the understanding of his strategic intentions.

“General, although Daicheng is small, it is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The two towns on the left and right are special corners of each other. Once we attack Daicheng, I am afraid?”

Xin Sheng spread out the bamboo slips on horseback and once again studied the map of Daicheng on one side. Just as the general next to him said, there is a market town on each side of Daicheng.


“General, the soldiers of the State of Zhao have been frightened by the bravery of my great Qin. There is no way to fight back. We can rest assured to attack Daicheng.” Another general said immediately.

“Zhao Guo just said loudly that the Xiongnu’s morale is on the rise, and we must not underestimate the enemy.

“General, we can divide our forces and launch attacks at the same time, so that they cannot look at each other.

Xin Sheng shook his head, “This method is good, but the combat effectiveness of only five thousand cavalry troops divided into three groups will definitely decrease. Once Zhao Guo finds a weak point, it is likely to be surrounded.”

“General, we can disguise some of our soldiers as civilians and mix them into Daicheng. When we meet in the dark, we will be able to win a battle.

“General, we can attack fiercely. Although there are tens of thousands of soldiers in Daicheng, how can the soldiers of the State of Zhao be braver than the soldiers of Daqin, and we are still five thousand cavalry.

Xin Sheng turned his head, “Several generals, this general already has a strategy to attack the enemy. The order is passed down and camped.

The five thousand cavalry made no move, and settled down quietly. factory.

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