Chapter 612 Envoy to Yan State】

Xin Sheng recruited several personal generals into the military tent.

“Several generals quickly sent a hundred cavalry into the city in disguise as civilians, and set fire in the city at midnight. Once we find the fire, we can attack the city.”

“General, what shall we do if the soldiers from the left and the right of the city attack us?”

Xin Sheng said: “Don’t worry, the night is dark and the wind is high. The soldiers of the State of Zhao don’t know how many soldiers we have. Even if they want to rescue Daicheng, they dare not send troops easily.

“What the general said is that Zhao Guozhi’s soldiers will definitely seek self-protection first.”

Xin Sheng watched the arrangements of the generals, and then walked out of the military account, “General, what are you looking for?”

Sima Lie was the “sixty seven” brave general that Xin Sheng brought up, and this time he followed Xin Sheng to Daicheng.

“General Sima, after dark, you led two hundred soldiers to chop down trees 30 miles ahead and pile up three teams of fire, so that Zhao Guo couldn’t distinguish our target.”

Sima Lie bowed and gave a salute, “Only the general’s orders.”

Xin Sheng continued: “General Sima, you have to dig more horse traps on the official road, and put more lime in the pit.”

Sima Lie instantly understood Xin Sheng’s strategy.

“General, rest assured, Sima Lie will stop the enemies on both sides of Daicheng.”

With everything in place, Xin Sheng returned to the military tent, waiting for it to get dark.

Zhao Jia’s celebration banquet lasted from noon to evening, and several generals were supported by the guards.

Zhao Jia is also a little drunk, “Xiangguo, please stay?”

Seeing Lear about to walk out of the hall, Zhao Jia hurriedly stopped.

“My lord, what’s the matter?” Zhao Jia turned out from the Long Case.

“Xiangguo, what do you think we should return to Handan?”

Lear handed over, “Majesty, this matter needs to be discussed in the long term. At present, our national strength is fragile. Although we have greatly defeated the Xiongnu, there is no food in the treasury.-Once troops are sent to attack Han, there is no food and grass. time.”

Lear swallowed the word failure into his stomach.

Zhao Jia also agrees with Lear’s view, but he still has a reserve force, that is Wei Guo.

“Xiangguo, what if Wei Guo is willing to send troops to help us Zhao Guo?”

Lear was stunned above the hall. “My lord, do you mean that Wei wants to send troops to confront Da Qin as an enemy?”

Zhao Jia nodded, “Wang Wei has now put down the domestic rebellion. He wants us Zhao and Yan to send troops to attack Qin together.”

Lear didn’t believe it, “Is this news reliable?”

Zhao Jia told Lear about the envoys sent by the State of Wei.

Lear was speechless, the state of Zhao today is no longer the state of Zhao a few years ago.

These deceased officials of the Zhao Kingdom can only stay on their feet in the remote Daicheng and uphold the blood of the Zhao Kingdom, and the same is true for the Yan Kingdom.

Lear suspected that Yan made such a promise only to deal with Wei’s envoys.

“My lord, if it is feasible for the three countries to send troops together, it’s just a question whether Yan Guo can go to war.

Zhao Jia was also hesitating. It is impossible to shake Da Qin based on Zhao Guo’s current family background. Only by letting the powerful Wei State send troops can Zhao Jia return to Handan.

However, Yan Guo’s participation in the war also gave Zhao Jia a hope.

Da Qin was in a strong state, and it was impossible to divide his forces to fight them.

“My lord, I think I need to contact Yan Wang for this matter.”

Lear said cautiously.

Zhao Jia nodded, “Xiangguo, I want to send you a trip to Yan Kingdom and make things clear to King Yan. Only when the three countries send troops at the same time can Da Qin fail to look after each other and have the hope of rejuvenation.”

“The veteran is willing to take a trip to see King Yan. Li Er knows the importance of this matter. “My lord, I went out of the city overnight to try to bring King Yan back in Japan.

Zhao Jia stretched out his hand and took Lear’s arm, “I will leave the matter of Xiangguo to you. Whether or not Zhao can return to the country depends on Xiangguo’s visit to the country of Yan.

Lear bowed to salute, then hurried away.

Zhao Jia secretly said in his heart: “Xiangguo’s trip will definitely defeat my king’s wishes.”

Lear didn’t have much hope in his heart on this trip to the country of Yan.

Since the demise of the Kingdom of Yan, Wangxi Yan and Prince Dan have fled all the way to Liaodong and are next to the Hu people. Although the king of Yan intends to restore the Kingdom of Yan, but the Hu people often harass Liaodong, the country of Yan is simply unable to send troops to attack Daqin.

When Lear returned to the house, a pretty figure appeared in front of the hall.

“My father, your face is not good, why are you upset?”

Lear quickly changed into a happy look, “Ling’er, what did you do for your father when you didn’t study in the cottage?”

Li Er had only one girl named Li Linger in his life. She was smart and liked reading since she was a child.

Therefore, Lear did not allow Li Ling’er to enter and leave the hall 1.3, and stayed in the cottage at home to read daily.

“Ling’er doesn’t worry about her father, so come and have a look.” Li Ling’er smiled a little, and gave a slight salute.

“Ling’er, how many days are you going to go out for your father, can you stay at home and serve your mother?”

“Fathers, mothers, why do adults use their daughters to serve, those mothers who are deeply favored by maids.”

Li Er hurriedly stopped Li Ling’er’s words, “Ling’er, how many have you read today’s Four Books and Five Classics?”

“Father, my daughter didn’t want to study today, and she was more upset in her heart, so she spent a few hours in front of the classroom.

Lear looked at his slim daughter, “Ling’er, my father won’t be by your side these few days, you have to be more conscious.”

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