Chapter 610 The Iron Rider is Out]

Xin Sheng walked into the big tent, and the atmosphere inside was a bit nervous as before the war.

As a battle-tested general, Xin Sheng can naturally feel that this is an atmosphere to attack.

I looked up, but I saw King Qin Yingzheng sitting high.

“Chen, Xin Sheng pays homage to the king.

After all, he fell face down on the ground.

Ying Zheng looked at it with his eyes, and Xin Sheng looked mighty.

“Stand up and talk.”” Xin Sheng raised his head and stood up.

“Zhen is a member of the tiger general.” Xin Sheng is eight feet away, his face is red and purple, broom brows, leopard eyes and red eyes.

“I wonder why the king is looking for me?”

Xin Sheng was also a rough but subtle person, watching King Qin confiscated “Sixty Seven” and spoke, he bowed his head and said.

“General Xin Sheng, the widow wants to send you five thousand cavalry to conquer the remaining animals in Yanzhao, do you think?”

What King Qin Yingzheng said was an inquiry tone. He wanted to see Xin Sheng’s attitude towards the conquest of Yanzhao Yuhu.

“Majesty, his subordinates obeyed that Yanzhao Yu Hu should have been wiped out long ago, and it will be considered as their fate by keeping them until today.

“General Xin Sheng, this is going to be a lone army in depth. Are you sure to eliminate those remaining animals?” Winning the government requires the general’s domineering and self-confidence.

Xin Sheng thought that King Qin did not believe in himself, and fell down again. “King Qin, he will be willing to make a military order to kill Yanzhao’s remaining animals, and he is willing to cut off his own head.” This attitude of life and death allowed to win. Zheng is very satisfied.

Ying Zheng quickly stood up, “Whatever General Xin Sheng said, the widow is afraid that the general will go deep behind the enemy and have the heart to underestimate the enemy.

Ying Zheng glanced at Wang Jian and his son, and Wang Li still had some understanding of Xin Sheng.

“King Qin, General Xin Sheng fought fiercely, and will surely be able to wipe out those Yanzhao surplus animals.

Winning the government and the palm of the hand laughed, “I have the courage to rule the world.”

After finishing speaking, he walked down from behind the book case and raised Xin Sheng with both hands.

“Starting from tomorrow, the general can go back and prepare.”

Xin Sheng was very happy, which showed that King Qin valued himself very much in winning the government.

Wang Jian also stood up, “General Xin Sheng, I have a few words to say.

Several people in the big account all looked at Wang Jian. What you say based on Wang Jian’s experience must be very important.

“General, the journey to Yanzhao solitary place is far away. You can destroy the nearby enemy first. The remaining animals of Zhao Kingdom are hundreds of miles away from Handan. General Xin Sheng can use five thousand cavalry to attack this place.”

Xin Sheng bowed and saluted, “The last will follow the old general’s words.”

Xin Sheng knew that Wang Jian wouldn’t fight an unsure battle when he came back. As long as he spoke, Wang Jian had already considered everything.

Wang Jian picked up a handful of bamboo slips, “General Xin Sheng, this is a topographic map of Handan, you take it back and study it carefully.

Xin Sheng nodded, he knew that this time sending troops, it meant that Da Qin could dominate the Central Plains after exterminating Yanzhao Yuhu.

Xin Sheng was sent out of the big account, and Ying Zheng returned to his seat.

“General Wang, once Xin Sheng wipes out Yanzhao Yu, your father and son will launch a fierce attack on Wei.

Wang Li admired King Qin’s way of using troops to win the government. “Great King, the State of Wei has lost the support of those remaining animals. Under the onslaught of our Da Qin soldiers, it will take a few days to surrender to King Qin.”

King Qin was not so optimistic to win the government, “General Wang, it is better to be more cautious about the matter of the State of Wei.”

Wei Wangcao is not a person who will easily admit defeat.

This victory is very clear. Wei’s national power is stronger than Qi. As long as Wei is subdued, it will play a psychological hint to Qi. This is also the result of winning the government.

The State of Wei belongs to a relatively strong country among the six countries. This is why the King of Qin wins the government and puts the State of Wei in the last to subdue.

Only after Daqin’s national power was strong, could he go to war with Wei.

“My lord, do you want to stay here and wait for General Xin Sheng’s victory?”

Wang Li looked at Yingzheng and did not intend to leave Hexi.

“Yes, I will stay here, waiting for the good news from General Xin Sheng.”

For this time, Yanzhao Yuyu wins the government and is still very concerned.

The rest of the animals slept beside Yanzhao, making some noise every day.

They yelled every day to revitalize the Yanzhao two countries, which made the winning government always feel a little uneasy.

Xin Sheng returned to his big account and couldn’t bear the excitement. Those complaints have been wiped out for many days.

“The King Qin treats me in this way, and I will definitely not disappoint King Qin.

Xin Sheng spread out the bamboo slips, and the mountains and rivers on it were meticulously recorded in his mind.

Xin Sheng discovered that Wang Jian had made a lot of marks on the bamboo slips, making the shortest marching route very clear.

This made Xin Sheng feel grateful. This shows that Wang Jian has given the credit to himself.

Without sleep all night, Xin Sheng waited till dawn to light up the five thousand cavalry.

1.3 As he was about to start, King Qin Yingzheng stepped out of the big account.

“General Xin Sheng asked the widow to see you off.

Two cups of wine were brought to Xin Sheng’s horse by the soldiers.

Xin Sheng got off his horse and quickly knelt on the ground, “How dare you bother King Qin at the end?”

Ying Zheng helped Xin Sheng up and served a glass of royal wine. “The widow is here waiting for the general to return.

After talking and drinking. Xin Sheng also drank the wine in the cup, and the five thousand cavalry shouted, “The Qin King is mighty, the Qin King is mighty.

Watching the smoke and dust billowing away, Wang Jian and his son accompanied Ying Zheng back to the Chinese Army’s Great Account. .

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