Chapter 607 Real Dragon Takes Off]

Yingzheng understands that this is why Mengshan was fenced up as a royal hunting ground, and the monarchs of Qi state came here every year for hunting.

They didn’t really want to hunt, but went to Mengshan to absorb dragon energy.

Only with the baptism of dragon energy can the monarchs of Qi state have a certain path of luck.

“Alchemist, do you see the dragon spirit of Mengshan ~ is it prosperous?”

Although Ying Zheng saw that the fog below was very thick, he didn’t know whether this dragon spirit would be of great help to Qi State.

Xu Fu stared at the bottom of the cliff, “Majesty, Qi’s national fortune has already shown signs of decay. Please see, the king. Those dragon qis are not pure white, but with some gray, and the uppermost layer of aura is even more impressive. Gray band-black.”

Yingzheng didn’t look into the valley, but listened to Xu Fu’s explanation.

Seeing Xu Fu still kneeling on the edge of the cliff, Ying Zheng quickly picked him up. “Alchemist, how long should you look at Qi’s fortune road?”

Although Xu Fu stood up, he still arched his waist. “The king asked Weichen to calculate.

Xu Fu raised his right hand and curled his thumb in his palm, pulling it on his four fingers.

“Great King, there are still three years left for Qi’s national destiny.” Yingzheng looked up at the sky after listening, “Three years, three years, only three years, Daqin can first conquer the Wei state to recuperate and then come to destroy the Qi state.

Slowly finished the sentence, said to Xu Fu: “Alchemist, can you let the widow see the real dragon take off, right?”

Xu Fu lowered his head: “My lord, it will take two hours to see the real dragon take off.”

Winning the government was puzzled, “Alchemist, does it take a good time for the real dragon to take off?”

Xu Fu hurriedly said: “Majesty, the real dragon can fly out at any time, but if you want to trace the dragon in the air, it must be past noon, that is, it must be after noon.”

Yingzheng nodded, “Then we will play around Mengshan.

Yan Shun was still afraid that Yingzheng would be attacked by all the people in this mountain. “Great King, if otherwise, let’s go back?”

Winning waved domineeringly, “Yan Shun, this king is not afraid, what are you worried about for this king?

Yan Shun gave a wry smile. Xu Fu also persuaded: “Majesty, this is the territory of Qi State. I am afraid that those mobs will be detrimental to the king.”

Yingzheng said: “That just matches the king’s heart, let the mobs accompany the king’s activities.

Xu Fushili “Great King Weijia is wild, how can those Qi people dare to compete with the Great King.”

Satisfied with the victory, laughed loudly.

“Xu Fu, you let this king see the real dragon take off as soon as possible.”

Xu Fu nodded and said yes, “Lord, you can go to the surroundings to take a look at the scenery first, and wait until the real dragon appears and the ministers are calling for the king to come.”

Yingzheng knew that Xu Fu had a different technique in his heart, “Alchemist, don’t let the widow down.

Xu Fu motioned to Yan Shun to persuade him to win the government.

Xu Fu waited for the guards to go to another place, and then took out three pillars of incense from the cloth bag he carried.

The dragon veins that ruined Qi country would be condemned by heaven. Xu Fu knew in his heart, that’s why he had to pray for incense.

Three pillars of incense are inserted on the dragon head, dragon tail and dragon back.

After the yellow paper was incinerated, Xu Fu prayed for a long time, and then guarded around the three-pillar offering incense. He watched the incense burnt and took out the three-pillar offering incense from the cloth bag.

Xu Fu looked up at the sky, and the afternoon sun had moved to the west.

“The time has come.” With a secret cry in his heart, he inserted the three-pillar offering incense onto the dragon’s head.

“My lord, come here soon, the image of the real dragon flying is about to appear.”

Seeing that Yingzheng reached halfway up the mountain, Xu Fu shouted loudly.

“Alchemist, you wait for the widow.” Ying Zheng turned around and wanted to walk over the cliff.

0……Look for flowers…

Xu Fu found a peach-wood sword from the cloth bag, “The sky is round, the rules are nine chapters, I will go down to the town, and all the disasters will retire.”

Xu Fu first protected his whole body, and then the Taomu sword pointed in the air.

“There are three strange suns, moons and stars in the sky, and the sky is clear and the earth is horrified. Today, I opened the mouth of the Qinglong. Gently introduce the Taijun seal.”

At this point, Xu Fu inserted nine five baht coins into the ground.

The mahogany sword pierced into the dragon’s head fiercely.

There was a shock at his feet, and a few dragons chanted faintly.


“My lord, look into the air.”

Xu Fu turned the peach wood sword in his hand three times in the dirt, and then drew one by one along the red line of the cinnabar to the dragon’s tail.

With a bang, all the gray gas in the valley disappeared.

With the sound of dragon chanting, a giant dragon twisted its body in mid-air and disappeared in the east.

Just a glimpse, also made Yingzheng excited for a long time.

Since ancient times, I have only heard about dragons appearing, but I have never seen Yingzheng. I didn’t expect to see real dragons take off in Wenshan in Qi State.

“My lord, the dragon veins here have been lost. After the real dragon takes off, the national destiny of Qi will completely decline in a year.

“Good, good, great.” Yingzheng yelled three times.

Xu Fu thought that winning the government would punish him, but King Qin was in a happy mood.

“Alchemist, you have worked hard. This king will host a banquet with you tonight.

“Great King, this is what Xu Fu should do.” Although Xu Fu didn’t understand that winning the government would be so happy, it would be a blessing as long as King Qin didn’t punish himself.

King Qi Jian was resting in the afternoon, but he did not expect a violent shaking above the hall.

There was a howl of flavor, and the sound of the beam breaking. Wang Qi Jian was so scared that he crawled outside. factory,

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