Chapter 606 Heavenly Fate]

The compass is a feng shui appliance invented on the basis of the compass.

It uses the magnetism of the magnetic needle to indicate the direction.

An azimuth plate is installed around the magnetic needle. On the bearing plate, there are scales and words arranged according to certain laws and principles and have some meanings.

So that it has the meaning and function of divination.

In Feng Shui, people often use the compass to determine the qi of Feng Shui, and to select location and orientation. It can be said that it is an indispensable tool for Feng Shui experts to check Feng Shui.

Xu Fu can be regarded as the first person to use the compass. Although there are many experts in Feng Shui, Xu Fu is also regarded as the originator of Feng Shui convenience.

Ying Zheng heard that Xu Fu had a compass in his hand to find the dragon vein more openly, and he was even more happy.

“Alchemist, can you let the widow see the statue of the real dragon flying?”

Ying Zheng is still very longing for Immortal Dao, and there is always a lingering idea in his heart, that is, to become an immortal body that can last forever.

Xu Fu’s 603 frowned slightly, this request really made him a little embarrassed.

There is a saying in Feng Shui that if you want to see the real dragon take off, you must destroy the dragon veins.

Xu Fu dare not defy the meaning of winning the government.

“Great King, after I find the dragon veins, King Qin will see the true dragon take off.

Win Zheng didn’t know that the true dragon he wanted to see took off was to destroy Qi’s dragon veins.

“Alchemist, please hurry up and find the dragon vein.” Yingzheng decided not to disturb Xu Fu.

Turning back to Yan Shunyan said: “Follow the widow to see the scenery of Mengshan Mountain.”

Without the gaze of Yingzheng, Xu Fu relaxed a lot.

Slowly turning the compass, he shouted in his mouth: “The hand-handled compass and gossip god, the beginning of Pangu divided the heavens, the earth and the people. The Nine Heavens Profound Female Yin and Yang method was once taught to the predestined people in the mortal world.”

This is the mantra of the compass. Only by chanting the compass mantra to keep the human disc united can the dragon veins be found.

Seeing the red sea needle and the magnetic needle overlap, he breathed out gently, “The dragon vein has been found.”

What is dragon veins is well documented in Feng Shui.

The dragon veins refer to the undulating mountains. The ancient “feng shui technique” first recommended the “Five Geographical Secrets”, which is “looking for dragons, inspecting sand, watching water, tapping acupuncture points, and standing up.”

The dragon is the geographical context, the earth is the flesh of the dragon, the stone is the bone of the dragon, and the vegetation is the hair of the dragon. To search for a dragon, you should first find your ancestors and parents mountain range, check your vitality, don’t get angry, and divide yin and yang.

It is necessary to understand the ins and outs in order to judge good and bad cause and effect.

Yingzheng has little knowledge of Feng Shui, but he knows the importance of Dragon Vessel as a country.

Xu Fu took out a five-baht coin and placed it at his feet. This is the direction of Dragon Vessel.

As Xu Fu walked like the wind, the nine five-iron coins were arranged in a zigzag manner.

Each five-iron coin was a hundred or ten steps away, and Xu Fu wiped the sweat from his forehead until the last five-iron coin was placed on a cliff.

“Majesty, Xu Fu has found the dragon vein here by relying on the well-being of the king.

Xu Fubian said that he dropped a red line (aibd) along the trend of nine five-baht coins.

It was sprinkled with cinnabar to ward off evil spirits.

Although the dragon veins are auspicious objects, it is inevitable to have evil spirits. Therefore, cinnabar must be used to avoid these things that are not good for winning the government.

Yingzheng Su Zi and Yan Shun came to the red line, “Alchemist, is this red line the direction of the dragon vein?

Xu Fu hurriedly bowed and saluted, “Majesty, this Mengshan is the ancestral mountain of Qi, and Qi is prosperous, and they are in contact with this Mengshan.”

The so-called ancestral mountain is the source of the mountain range.

Where the mountains originate, the parent mountain is the beginning of the mountain range. Shen Qimai refers to whether the Shenzhu mountain range is curved or not, whether there is a halo on the ridges and ridges of the mountain.

There are nine types of dragons that need to be divided into nine types. Among the nine types of dragons, there are: Huilong, Exodus, Jianglong, Shenglong, Eyed Dragon, Needle Dragon, Taming Dragon, and Leading Dragon.

To the dragon comes the twists and turns of the mountains.

Xu Fu didn’t tell Ying Zheng about these feng shui words, but only briefly talked about the importance of dragon veins.

“Alchemist, this must be the leader of the dragon veins?” Ying Zheng walked to the edge of the cliff and stepped on the five-iron coin under his feet.

“My lord, what you said is very accurate. This place is the dragon head of the dragon vein, and the vast aura in the deep valley below the cliff is the dragon aura.”

Yingzheng leaned out half of his body and looked down the cliff.

The fog was clear and white. Yingzheng still had to dig his body down, and Yan Shun quickly stepped forward to persuade him. “My lord, although there is dragon spirit below, my lord shouldn’t take risks.”

“Alchemist, can we go down and have a look?” Yingzheng was delighted for a while, thinking of exploring in the valley.

Xu Fu knelt down quickly: “The king must not go down rashly. There is a valley below the cliff, and the dragon energy is gathering, I am afraid it will hurt the king.”

Yingzheng didn’t understand, “Alchemist, can’t the widow absorb Dragon Qi?”

Xu Fu shook his head gently, “Majesty, this dragon spirit belongs only to the monarch of Qi, and only people from the family of the monarch of Qi can absorb the dragon aura here.”

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