Chapter 608 Trip to Hexi]

“It’s a sign of earth movement.” The maids also followed the queen and ran out of the bedroom.

“Mother, what happened to this?”

King Qi Jian had just finished saying these words. The flagpole that stood firmly in front of the hall broke from the middle, and Qi’s flag slowly touched the ground.

“It seems to me that the way of luck has declined.” The queen sighed in her heart again.

“King Jian, this is just a sign of earth movement, don’t panic.”

King Qi Jian looked at the flag that fell on the ground, “The omen of the empress is unknown. The flag falling on the ground indicates that Qi is about to perish.”

“My child, you don’t have to think about it. Sending someone to repair the hall is the most important thing.

The queen slapped a group of skilled craftsmen with the purpose of devoting his country to the capital to repair the palace of the king of Qi Jian.

Ying Zheng returned to the palace from Mengshan with an unexpected sense of gain.

Yan Lingji saw Yingzheng with a smile on her face and asked, “King Qin had a worry about moving to Mengshan, right?”

Yingzheng nodded: “The scenery of the Mengshan Mountains is infinitely good, which makes the widows very happy.

Yan Lingji still wanted to ask, Ying Zheng said: “The widow is a little tired and needs a rest.”

Yan Lingji hurriedly told 603 to retreat.

Back in front of the Long Case, Ying Zheng quickly wrote a secret letter.

“Yan Shunsu sent guards to hand this bamboo slip to General Wang Zhi.”

Xu Fu looked at Ying Zheng and was tired, and retired and returned to the post house.

Before leaving, Ying Zheng said: “Alchemist, I will return to Xianyang soon, so please go back to Daqin first.”

Ying Zheng slept in the palace until three poles before appearing in the main hall.

Yan Lingji originally thought that he needed to accompany the king to drive home, but never wanted to win politics and didn’t let him go to the bedroom. Yan Lingji felt something was wrong.

She secretly said in her heart: “What decision will King Qin make to hide from himself?”

At noon, Yingzheng summoned Yan Lingji.

“I decided to go to Hexi.” Yan Lingji was surprised when he heard that Hexi was a border town between Qin and Wei. As far as she knew, Wang Ben’s army gathered in Hexi.

“My lord, you decided to subdue Wei Guo (aibd)?

Ying Zheng shook his head and tapped his fingers gently on the dragon case in rhythm.

“The widows are here to comfort the warriors. The affairs of the Wei state are left to Wang Ben and Wang Jian.”

Yan Lingji knew that the winning politicians had started against Wei Guo.

Although Ying Zheng said that he didn’t care about Wei’s affairs, but at this juncture, winning the government and going to Xihe must be related to the conquering of Wei.

“Majesty, can the slave and maidservant follow the king to Xihe?”

“Lingji, this trip is more difficult, you don’t have to follow the widow.”

Seeing that Ying Zheng said very resolutely, Flame Ling Ji did not say much.

“The slave and maid returned from Qi.

Ying Zheng nodded, “Yan Shun, after letting the guards go to inform the king, we will leave Qi country today.”

The queen did not want to win politics and left.

She also thought that winning the government would be greedy for her beauty and stay in Qi for a few days.

Upon hearing this news, the queen escorted Qi Jian to the palace.

“King Qin, isn’t Qi State taking good care of it?” The Queen said first.

From the outside, the winning government and the queen are the kings of the two countries, so the queen did not show weakness.

“Queen, the widow has been in Qi for a few days. The affairs of Daqin are complicated, so it’s better to return sooner.”

King Qi Jian was anxious to win the power and the evil star hurriedly left, “King Qin, then Qi country will choose an auspicious day to bid farewell to the king.”

Winning the government waved his hand, “Jian Wang, queen, do not have to narrate, the widow will leave immediately.”

The queen did not see Yan Lingji, “King Qin, I should give the king a ride, or say goodbye to the two younger sisters?”

Seeing the queen’s winking eyes flashing, the winning government had no choice but to agree.

“Then bother the king and send the widow out of the city.”

Yan Lingji saw the queen leaning in front of Yingzheng, he walked out of the chariot, “Sister, don’t know when you can meet?”

The queen raised her head, “Sister, you and I will be able to meet you when you are destined. It’s just that Miss Tian Feng wants to entrust you to Lingji.

“Sister, don’t worry. Tian Feng’s well-behaved and deep king loves it and won’t suffer. Maybe Ling Ji will let Miss Tian Feng take care of her in the future.

The queen glanced at the winning government, “I hope that the king will get closer to Tian Feng, so that our Taishi family will have a peaceful time.

Yan Lingji understood what the queen meant, and said softly: “Sister, don’t worry, I will speak nicely in front of King Qin.”

The queen was a little frustrated, winning the government did not sink into her beauty.

Yan Shun shouted on the battle horse, “Majesty, we can set off.

Yingzheng waved his hand at the somewhat sad Queen, “Queen, I will wait for the Queen’s arrival in Xianyang.”

After this sentence, the queen’s mood was considered a bit of pleasure, “Winning the government still has not forgotten herself.

A burst of smoke rose, the horse neighed, and Ying Zheng rushed to Hexi after the separation from Yan Lingji.

Wang Jian looked at his son Wang Ben in the Great Tent of the Chinese Army. Now Wang Li is already a celebrity in front of Yingzheng, so that his dad’s face also has brilliance.

“Wang Li, when King Qin came to Hexi, did he let us attack Wei Guo?

Wang Li put down the bamboo slips in his hand, “My father, I don’t think it is necessary. When I went to Qi State, King Qin had an explanation, and he was not in a hurry to conquer Wei State.”,

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