Chapter 605 National Luck Dragon

Yan Shun led many guards to follow closely behind.

Since Ying Zheng left the capital, Qi Jian Wang has received a tip.

“Mother, Yingzheng only took a dozen entourages to Mengshan. Should we take advantage of Yingzheng without guards to protect him….

The queen shook her head, “Jian Wang, you must not act blindly. At this time, even if we hurt the killer and dispose of the winning government, Qin will not let us go. Don’t forget, Qin. Over 100,000 troops have been accumulated on the border of our country.”

King Qi Jian was unwilling to say, “Mother, Qin has not won the government, isn’t that a mess?”

The queen stood up and walked to the dragon chair of King Qi Jian, “King Jian, even if Qin does not win the government, they still have Wang Zhi, father and son, Meng Yi, Xin Sheng, Lu Buwei, and Li Si are making plans. We are all together. The country is still vulnerable.”

King Qi Jian patted the dragon chair fiercely, “Mother, is our Qi country willing to perish?”

The queen was silent for a while, what can she do? Under the light of winning the government, Qi country is like the light of ants.

“Jian Wang, let’s wait for the time.”

After saying these helpless words, the queen slowly retreated.

Only the sighs of Qi Jian Wang left in the hall.

Yan Shun reined the horse’s head, “Majesty, there is a mountain in front of him.” After a hurricane, dozens of horses were stained with sweat.

Ying Zheng took the rope, sat firmly on the saddle and looked up at this not majestic Maoshan.

The Mengshan Mountains are not very high. There are neither steep peaks nor deep caves. Not too conspicuous in the mountains.

It seems to be an ordinary mountain, but this is indeed the hunting ground of the Emperor of Qi, and the people are not allowed to enter casually.

Yingzheng turned around and asked: “Alchemist, do you know the origin of Mengshan, 々?”

Xu Fu bent over and arched his hands on the horse, “King Qin, I know a thing or two.”

Yingzheng stood up and dismounted, and said to Xu Fu, “Alchemist, then let’s listen to it?”

Xu Fu walked a few steps tightly, and was a shoulder-to-shoulder away from winning the government.

According to legend, when King Qi hunted in the mountains, he hunted a monster that could not be named. King Qi named the monster “Meng”.

Later this mountain was called Mengshan.

People will deify this beast in the future.

This beast is ugly, huge, with a hideous face, big ears, bell eyes, and a kind heart. It never harms the people. It is extremely powerful and can resist evil beasts from disturbing the people. It is said that this fierce mountain is the cloud transformed by the beast.

Yingzheng nodded. This legend about Mengshan says that this is the first time that Yingzheng has heard Xu Fu talk about it.

In order to ensure the safety of King Qin, Junshun sent people to explore the way early.

Ying Zheng pointed to the top of the mountain, “Alchemist, let’s go up the mountain together.” Xu Fu bowed, “The king goes first.”

An hour later, several people have reached the top of the mountain.

Ying Zheng looked around, “Alchemist, this fierce mountain is not the highest peak here, why would the monarch of Qi state pay so much attention to it?”

Xu Fu looked around and saw that there were continuous mountains around Mengshan. Only Mengshan was independent and not connected with other mountains.

After watching for a long time, Xu Fu closed his eyes slightly, and quickly moved his fingers in his palm.

The policeman gave him a glance, and just as he was about to urge Xu Fu to speak, Ying Zheng hurriedly stopped him.

Ying Zheng knew that Xu Fu was calculating the yin and yang directions of the five elements.

Disturbing Xu Fu at this time will definitely affect the calculated results.

Xu Fu finally spoke, “Lord, please take a look.”

Xu Fu turned his body to the east, where the clouds were misty.

Mengshan is surrounded by mountains. Mengshan is located in the basin in the middle, and it is not connected to any surrounding mountains, and is separated from crop fields either near or far.

The north is Xingmu Mountain and Jishan, the east is Kangshan and Xiangshan, the south is Heishan and Baishan, and the west is Zhaishan and Changjiashan. Eight mountains surround Mengshan.

There is only one link to the northwest to Zihe.

Eight mountains surrounded a hilly basin, and Mengshan became a green island in the basin, which was very eye-catching.

Therefore, Maoshan is precisely the middle palace of the Nine Palaces of Luoshu, so it is the core of Longchang.

Yingzheng nodded uncontrollably.

*”Xu Fu, so this Maoshan is the dragon vein of Qi country?”

Xu Fu folded his hands and said: “What the great king said is extremely true, this is the dragon vein of Qi.

Yingzheng pondered for a moment, and he wanted to make a choice in his heart.

Did Xu (king’s) Fu immediately break the dragon vein of Qi country or the dragon vein continues.

After half a day, Ying Zheng said: “Xu Fu, look for the dragon qi in this dragon vein and see if the dragon qi in Qi is prosperous.”

Xu Fu responded and slowly looked down from the top of Mengshan.

To find the dragon energy, you must find the dragon head of the dragon vein.

Dragon Qi is emitted from the dragon head.

After walking down the top of the mountain dozens of steps, Xu Fu appeared a disc from his waist.

He held it in both hands and kept watching the changes on the disk.

Yingzheng was a little curious, “Alchemist, what kind of thing is this?”

Xu Fu said: “This is how the compass evolved from the compass, which contains the five elements and eight hexagrams.”

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