Chapter 604 Journey to the Mighty Mountains]

The Queen was discussing state affairs with King Qi Jian. After hearing the report from the guards, King Qin Yingzheng arrived at the front hall and greeted him eagerly.

King Qi Jian followed closely: “Mother, what is the purpose of King Qin’s victory here?”

The queen said softly: “I am afraid that King Qin is here to make some demands.”

In the heart of the queen, she secretly believed that winning the government was because she wanted to make some unreasonable thoughts with Qi.

When I think of those glamorous things about myself and Yingzheng, the queen’s face is a little red.

Seeing King Qin Yingzheng standing in front of the palace gate from a distance, the two hurriedly bowed to salute.

“I don’t know if King Qin is here, it’s late to meet you, don’t blame the King?” The monarch of Qi country at any time, but King Qi Jian is obviously inferior in momentum.

08 “Get up all.” Ying Zheng looked around, watching the queen bow to herself, and quickly signaled Yan Shun to lift the two people up.

King Qi Jian and the queen also felt a little gaffe. Although Qi is a weak country, it is now a close relationship between the two countries. This kind of bowing etiquette should not appear between the monarchs of the two countries.

Ying Zheng saw a trace of ruddy on the Queen’s face, and knew that she was a little bit disappointed at the moment.

“King Qi, Queen, I think I have nothing to do today, and I want to go to Maoshan. Can you see it?”

Although the tone is very polite, there is a kind of domineering in the words.

“King Qin, let King Qi go with you?” The queen was at a loss for such a request.

“The queen, it’s just that the widows go to Mengshan by themselves, and the king of Qi doesn’t need to be with him.

After Ying Zheng finished speaking, he turned around and left, as if he was in his own residence.

King Qi Jian said: “The king of Qin is playing in the land of Qi, and this king will accompany him.”

Yingzheng did not turn around, but said lightly: “Qi Guo, Da Qin has no choice but to hold his hand. I am here as if at home.” The words flowed away. No longer looking at King Qi Jian and Queen King.

This made King Qi Jian a little displeased, “Mother, the Qin King’s business style is out of control, and it is actually the same in our Qi State as in the Great Qin Dynasty.”

The queen stood in place, and the warm wind blew on her body. The queen did not feel any warmth but was a little bit chilly.

But after only half an hour of this chill, she wanted to understand.

The queen understood that winning the government’s trip must be closely related to the fate of Qi.

What she just didn’t understand was why Yingzheng didn’t let herself accompany him.

Is there anything shameful about the trip to Mengshan?

Although this thought flashed past, the queen still walked back to the Qi State Palace.

“King Jian, let King Qin go, the land of Qi is still hesitant to win politics.”

Yan Lingji also wanted to follow Yingzheng to Mengshan, but Yingzheng did not agree.

Because this time I went to Mengshan, not to watch the scenery, let alone go hunting.

Xu Fu followed closely to win politics, and had already explained to Xu Fu on the road to win politics. In this way, we must find the dragon vein of Qi.

And we have to see how the Qi’s dragon spirit is prosperous.

As soon as he said this, Xu Fu felt his heart sink. He was still not sure that he could find Qi’s dragon veins in Mengshan.

However, seeing that King Qin was very interested in winning the government, he followed closely behind and didn’t say much.

Mengshan is in Qingzhou, not too far from the capital of Qi.

Winning the government along the way didn’t get on the chariot, but went straight ahead.

Everyone knows that the king of Qin wins the government and loves horses. There are several horse nests in Xianyang, and all well-known horses in the world are included in the horse nests.

Yingzheng gave his BMW Liangju a good name, namely, Chasing the Wind, White Rabbit, Rongjing, Chasing Electricity, Flyover, Tongque, and Changliang.

In Daqin, the people called it seven.

This time I arrived in Qi, winning the government still brought his chasing BMW.

Yan Shun knew that chasing the wind was good at running, so he said to King Qin: “The king, the power of chasing the wind, the remaining horses are incomparable, and the journey to the king is very slow.”

After listening to Yingzheng, there was another burst of laughter.

“Gunshun, the widow knows that compared to the chasing wind in your mount house, I will just follow you guards.”

Yan Shun meant nothing more than that once King Qin rode the horse too fast, it would be impossible for their dozens of guards to follow the protection king.

Although 600 Yingzheng looks down on Qi, it is better to be more careful if you are on the territory of Qi.

Dozens of war horses lined up lined up, full of official roads, the people of Qi dared not speak.

Still winning the government saw some clues, “Yan Shun, I and the alchemist are in front, you can follow behind.”

“Great King, Qi State is now weak in national power, why don’t we take the opportunity to subdue it?”

Xu Fu asked lightly after Yingzheng.

“Alchemist, although Qi is weak, it also depends on the fortune of heaven. Da Qin can unify the six kingdoms at any time, but he must choose not to violate the will of heaven.” Ying Zheng said: “Alchemist, heaven and fortune, in Da Qin, it is already occupied. Try your best.”

Xu Fu nodded, “The king is still farsighted, but our great fortune in the Great Qin Dynasty is prosperous, and Heaven will help us.

Ying Zheng smiled faintly, and his legs clamped the abdomen of the war horse.

“Driving” the horse neighed and ran forward.

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