Chapter 603 Qi State Dragon Vessel]

After King Qi Jian returned from the cemetery of King Qi Rang, he was devastated.

Sadness is a kind of situation, more of fear. He knows that winning the political alliance with himself is just a way of doing things.

King Qi Jian knew very well that winning the government wanted Qi Guo to let go of his ambitions.

Then again, even if Qi State has such ambitions, but the national power is not strong, you can only think about it.

Of course, King Qi Jian knew better that the State of Wei was much more dangerous than the State of Qi at the moment, and many signs showed that Ying Zheng wanted to do something against the State of Wei.

However, these King Qi Jian didn’t want to bother, and he didn’t care about Wei Guo’s affairs.

“Wang Jian, why are you worried?”

The queen asked, looking at Wang Qi Jian with a frown.

“Mother, the child is worried about the future of Qi.

The Queen said lightly: “To build a king, the power of the world will return to Da Qin, and winning the government can be regarded as a good king. Sooner or later, Qi will return to Da Qin.”

King Qi Jian looked at the queen with no sorrow at all about to subdue the country.

“Mother, once Qi country is destroyed, where will you and I go?”

Queen 600 looked at the thin and weak King Qi Jian, “The world is so big, there is always a place for us to settle down, but without the glory and wealth, can you get used to it?”

“Children don’t want to be prosperous and wealthy, just want to live with peace of mind.

Hearing these words, the queen was filled with sorrow.

Looking at the indecision of King Qi Jian and the mighty domineering power of winning the government, the queen is still happy for her choice.

Since Qi Guo could not keep it, he could only pray for his survival.

“Jian Wang, you don’t have to think too much about it. Now that Qi State and Da Qin have concluded an agreement to hold hands, winning the government will not subdue Qi State.”

King Qi Jian sighed: “Mother, I am afraid that things will not last for many days, and there will be changes.

The queen can only comfort a few words.

In the palace, the victory lies in the conversation with Yan Ling Ji.

Yan Lingji still couldn’t figure out whether to win the government, whether to attack Wei or Qi first.

But she (aibd) just cares about it.

“My lord, Xu Fu is waiting outside.” Yan Shun whispered under the Long Case.

“Quickly invite Xu Fangshi to come in.” Hearing Xu Fu rushing over from Xianyang, Ying Zheng hurriedly stood up.

Yan Lingji was a little confused, “How can a little alchemist make winning the government so excited?”

“Meet the king.” In a black robe, holding a lacquer box in his hand, the middle-aged alchemist walked in slowly from the outside of the palace.

“Alchemist, please get up.” “Yingzheng stood up a little impatiently.

“Xu Fu, is the elixir you refined in this lacquer box?”

“This is the thing in the King’s lacquer box. After nine, nine and eighty-one days of experience, this elixir has used nine kinds of elixir. After the King takes it, it will live like the sky and live forever.”

Yingzheng was a little unbelief, “Xu Fu, can a widow only use this one to live forever?”

Xu Fu handed the lacquer box to Yan Shun, “Majesty, you can live forever with only one pill, you need to take seven or seventy-nine longevity pills to get into the fairyland.”

Yingzheng nodded, “Xu Fu, the widow takes this longevity pill first.

Xu Fu fell face down on the ground, “Respectfully invite the king to enter.

Ying Zheng pinched the pill, and a smell of medicine overflowed.

With his head raised, his mouth floated towards the mouth of the pill, as if he had eaten a spice.

Seeing that Ying Zheng took the pill, Xu Fu stood up, “My lord, did you find Xu Fu to take the pill in time?”

Xu Fu asked in a low voice, he knew the character of Yingzheng, and King Qin would never let himself rush to Qi State for a pill.

“How can the widow make the alchemist run back and forth for a pill.” Ying Zheng sat back behind the Long Case.

“Xu Fu, take a trip to Mengshan with this king tomorrow.”

Yan Lingji heard the words Mengshan next to her and her heart moved.

Mengshan is a famous mountain in Qi State. According to legend, the top of Mengshan is the head of the dragon. Here is the place of the dragon vein. Whether the national fortune is prosperous depends on the top of Maoshan.

Yan Lingji secretly said in her heart: “How long will it take to win the politician to go to Mengshan and despise the national fortune of Qi country.”

Xu Fu took a few steps back.

“Alchemist, please go back to the post house to rest.” Ying Zheng waved at Xu Fu, and Xu Fu turned around.

Xu Fu is a person from Donglai, who is a man of yin and yang. He is familiar with yin and yang and gossip. He is more exquisite and alchemy, and he is deeply fond of winning politics.

This victory made Xu Fu rush to Qi State day and night, with only one idea, that is, let Xu Fu explore the dragon veins of Qi State.

The so-called prosperity of a country lies in the dragon vein, and the death of a country lies in the dragon energy. The determination to win the government lies after Xu Fu has explored the dragon veins of Qi.

“My lord, you are going to Maoshan tomorrow, shouldn’t you say hello to King Qi Jian?”

Seeing Xu Fu walking out of the palace, Yan Lingji leaned on Ying Zheng’s shoulder.

“Say hello to King Qi Jian?” Ying Zheng shook his head. He never put the puppet-like King Qi Jian in his eyes.

“Say it to the Queen tomorrow morning.”

Ying Zheng turned his head and said to Yan Shun, “Tomorrow, we will bring some guards and widows to travel around the mountains and rivers.”

Yan Shun handed over, “My lord, we don’t have many guards, do you want Wang Ben to keep the five hundred warriors and protect the lord?”

“Junshun, if the king decides, he can use his guards. As for Wang Ben’s five hundred warriors, let him follow him back to the border of Qin and Wei.”

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