Chapter 596 Taking shelter as a rein]

The banquet was finally passed through with laughter and joy. The courtiers of Qi State were very satisfied. Winning the government brought such good things. If King Qi Xiang had known it, he would not have to die.

But it’s not right. If King Qi Xiang is not dead, King Qi will not be enthroned, and the queen will not be regent. If you win the government and propose a good relationship with Qi, the courtiers of Qi will not agree to it. Looking at this series of things, people have to wonder if winning the government is intentional. If you don’t say it, it is so important to form an alliance. It happened at this time.

Qi’s fear of destroying the country was not in vain. They said that Qin and Qi had always been allies, but in their hearts they knew that Qin had no such intentions before, and all were words of victory in politics.

If you think about the causes and consequences carefully, you can communicate with each other. This is a duel between the winning government and the queen. From the day the queen wanted to take power, she was doomed to fail.

After the banquet was over, the queen was tired of Qi Wangjian’s questioning and asked him not to think about going to rest soon, but she herself was upset and couldn’t calm down for a long time. She shouldn’t expose her ambitions and was caught in the pain by the winning government. The courtiers of Qi State also turned their elbows out, and would rather be subject to winning the government than let her regent, which is really good.

The queen was in a state of confusion, constantly thinking about what she should do next, when the Qi country was wiped out, and things like power, status, wealth, etc., would soon leave her. On such days, the queen would never accept it.

In the middle of the night, the person who ordered Yingzheng sent an invitation to the queen, inviting the queen to come to the place where Yingzheng stayed. The place Qi Guo prepared for the victory was no less than the palace, used to entertain the most distinguished guests, no one had lived before the victory came.

The meaning of this invitation is very clear. It is not an upright banquet, but a secret invitation in the big evening. The lone man and widow will meet in another palace. If it is passed out and said that there is nothing to do, who will believe it. The girl is so ignorant, she certainly understands the meaning of winning the government, this is a deal.

The queen hesitated for a long time, and finally decided to see what medicine was sold in the victorious gourd. If it was a panacea, she would of course exchange it at all costs, but if she couldn’t satisfy her, this business would not be discussed.

Winning the government requires a pair of twine to tie the four wild horses of the Queen and Queen.

The queen smiled charmingly in front of Yingzheng: “It’s no wonder that there are so many women around King Qin. Women can’t resist rhetoric, and King Qin doesn’t even blush or beat even when he tells a lie, 々.

“You are a smart woman. Lies can deceive others and can’t deceive you. This king will tell you directly: Qin Guoguo will destroy Qi country.” Ying Zheng looked at the way the queen was scratching her head, knowing that she had come to discuss this business sincerely. , This woman is very coquettish, she knows how to show the most alluring side, even trying to use beauty to make the winning political infatuation,

Then dropped his helmet and armor, and surrendered to her feet.

It is indeed the queen’s material, but it is a pity that her opponent is winning politics.

“If King Qin said these words in front of the officials, I wouldn’t have to be so passive.” When meeting during the day, the queen was pretentious, only when she met with the winning political game. Unfortunately, she lost all the games. When we meet again in the evening, the queen can only bow her head to the victory and admit defeat.

The power of the victory made the Queen sigh herself inferior, and turned the situation around in a chat and laugh. The queen can only use another weapon when discussing business with him. She slowly approached Yingzheng. The lights in the palace were brightly lit, reflecting the exquisite figure of the king and queen clearly. She has already changed her outfit, which is different from the court dress during the day. This dress is very light and thin.


She deliberately uses movements to guide the eyes of Ying Zheng. The skirts on both sides of her thighs are made of yarn, and the opening is as high as the waistline, and the two beautiful legs are looming. . The queen deliberately asked Ying Zheng: “What is King Qin looking at? I’m asking King Qin what he said.”

The queen is afraid that she doesn’t know how to write the words to ignite her own self-sufficiency. She will pay the price for such a bold provocation to win politics. “The queen is dressed like this to lure King Qi Xiang every night? If someone sees it on the way, I am afraid there will be rumors and rumors. If the bones of King Qi Xiang are not cold, you will let the waves out. If he knows under the spring, I don’t know if he will be angry.

“Does King Qin mean that he wants people to come to see King Qin in filial obedience? If the interest of King Qin is destroyed, I can’t afford it.” The queen turned her back to win the government intentionally or unintentionally. There was no yarn behind this dress, and the wind blew. Long hair, revealing a white and flawless skin.

“With the beauty of the king and queen, filial obedience is a hindrance.” Yingzheng said with a smile, such a mature body, it is better not to wear it. “what do you want?”

**” To preserve the wealth of the Taishi family. “The Queen asked that the Taishi Family was her mother’s family. The destruction of Qi State was already a certainty. All she could do was to protect the Taishi Family’s integrity. The Queen turned around and looked at the winning government, her hand slowly Moving up in his waist: “As long as King Qin agrees, what King Qin wants will soon be available. ”

This business is not a loss for winning politics. The family of the woman in his harem has not been preserved? Except for those who make trouble and die with their lives. The concubine’s family members will take special care of them when they win politics. The fact that King Yan, King Chu and King Zhao are still alive is the best proof. A mere historian is just a matter of winning politics.

The queen smiled with satisfaction. The winner is the king and the loser, Kou, the queen is a female generation after all. She finally knows why Yan Lingji, as a queen, still puts down her posture in front of winning politics. No one can beat winning politics. , Surrender is the most correct choice. If the queen loses, the loser is convinced.

Not only women, men can’t beat (Li Nuo Zhao) to win politics. The queen felt ridiculous when she thought that her husband and son were frightened like that by Ying Zheng. Yingzheng asked her what she was laughing at, and the queen could only answer truthfully.She once thought that King Qi Xiang was the best man in the world, so オ was willing to marry him as his wife and become the queen of Qi, but then she came more and more.

The more he hates King Qixiang, his fear of winning politics, and the shyness of state affairs. I don’t know if it was Qi State’s government affairs that made him exhausted, or other women in the harem sucked his vitality away, and King Qi Xiang aged very quickly.

On the contrary, the queen was radiant and energetic. She was even crazier than when she was a girl. Today, I saw that the clothes that Ying Zheng wore were also prepared by the Queen, but what Qi Xiang left her was only disappointment again and again. When the king and queen’s clothes slipped off, she really felt the aging and death breath that permeated the entire Qi country, and finally from her body

Was dispelled.

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