Chapter 595 False Ally]

“Doing this kind of thing is inconsistent with your status, let me come.” After Yan Lingji passed the flask in the hands of the queen, she personally served Yingzheng full of wine.

Winning politics is supreme, but it’s too exaggerated to even have someone grabbing a drink. It’s the Queen of Baiyue and the Queen Mother of Qi. To others, these two individuals are noble, but they are like maids in the face of victory.

The queen did not expect that Yan Lingji would do this. She came to pour the wine just to get closer to the victory. She used the beauty to lure the victory to tell the true purpose of Qi. The queen pouring the wine is already a surrender, Yan Ling Ji wants to grab it.

Yan Lingji didn’t care. Isn’t it normal for her to do this kind of thing to win the government? She has also done many other things. Yan Lingji deliberately opened the eyes of the queen. She handed the full wine glass to Yingzheng’s mouth, and completed a series of actions in full view.

“The queen really cares about King Qin.” The queen was a little embarrassed and could only return to her seat. She couldn’t publicly reveal the ambiguity between Yan Lingji and Yingzheng. She worked so hard to pretend that she didn’t know and couldn’t see it in 08. It is bold to think of these two people.

Yan Lingji replied straightforwardly: “The glory of Baiyue was given by King Qin. I am supposed to repay King Qin well. Is this wrong?” She looked at the queen defiantly. She is the queen who wins the government in her palm, and the queen will become the prisoner of the queen who wins the government and leveled the country. The status of the two is obvious.

But the next sentence of the victory made Yan Lingji completely messed up: “This king comes to Qi this time for nothing else. It is just for the sake of alliance with Qi.”

As soon as this remark came out, the crowd was in an uproar. The officials of Qi State all showed suspicion, and the determination to win the politicians to unify the world is well known. One possibility: Winning the government is afraid that Qi and Wei will jointly resist foreign enemies.

This also doesn’t make sense. After the Qin State destroyed other countries, its national power was unprecedentedly strong. Then why does Winning propose to form an alliance with Qi? It’s too weird.

The queen was also taken aback. She would dare to believe if he came to destroy the Qi country if she won the government, but she said she came to form an alliance? Will Wei take the knife? Or is it going to be the Yan country? If the three kingdoms are lost to one country, how will Qi be dealt with? “Everybody knows things, and then go around


Ying Zheng smiled. This king and queen has a brain, dare to ask this kind of question, and is courageous: “This king does not mean to destroy the Qi country. Both Qin and Qi have always been very friendly and widowed. I don’t want any grievances!” There is no questioning what Yingzheng said, and all the officials of Qi State were silent.

Victory said that he did not want to destroy Qi. This is a lie. No one can stop the ambition of winning the government. It is impossible to abandon Qi for no reason. Although the officials of Qi State could not believe it, in the final analysis, this Qi State was a good thing! Ying Zheng said that there is no grudge, then there is no grudge! What a simple thing.

Qi Guo has long been prepared to follow the meaning of winning the government no matter what conditions are proposed for winning the government. All the excessive requirements have been followed, not to mention the favorable requirements of the country. The courtiers became active in an instant, and they toasted to Yingzheng, saying compliments: “The King Qin is right. Qin and Qi have been dating for a long time. There has never been any friction between the two countries. There has been no friction before.

There will not be any in the future. ”

“Yes, right, right, Qin and Qi have always coexisted peacefully and helped each other. Now that Qin is getting stronger and stronger, I hope that King Qin will take more care of Qi.”

“Where are you talking about it? King Qin said that he has a good relationship with Qi State, and the assistance of Qi State’s development is just a matter of effort. Is this matter worthy of your mention?”

The courtiers of Qi State said in a few words, you and I sang the show together. Before Ying Zheng said that sentence, they were still full of fear for the victory, and respected Qin. After saying these words, Yingzheng became the most distinguished guest of Qi, and Qin also became an ally of Qi.

If Han Fei knew about this, he would have to vomit blood. Every time he finds a country to form an alliance, he has to talk hard to get it, but he only needs one sentence to win the government and let the Qi country turn back.

Ying Zheng’s gaze passed through the courtiers of Qi State and looked straight at the queen, her face was not pretty.

Since the death of King Qi Xiang, the courtiers of the Qi state have seen Qi Wangjian’s cowardice and cowardice. The assistance of such a monarch is simply walking on the tip of a knife. aggression. After the king took control of the Qi state government, they became even more desperate.

The handle was held in the hand of the queen.

Under the above-mentioned factors, the resentment of the courtiers of Qi State was accumulated in their hearts, waiting for an opportunity to burst out. Winning politics gave them this opportunity. As long as they turned to Qin, the problems they faced would be solved. Qi would not be destroyed, and the king and queen would be controlled by Qin, and they would never be able to set off any storms. They only need to train Qi Wangjian up.

The queen opened her eyes in disbelief when she heard what the courtiers said. Are these courtiers just rebelling? Those handles were wrong. After seeing the king, she covered her mouth with her hand and remembered what she said: “Qi cannot always be immersed in the grief of losing 597 of the first king.

Lifting a rock to hit one’s own foot, the handles of the officials are no longer useful, and winning the government can completely turn over all the things related to King Qi Xiang. The king and queen tried to control everything laid down by the government, so it’s gone?

She quietly looked at the victory, she deserves to be King Qin, and counts you as cruel.

Yan Lingji next to Yingzheng teased: “As a woman, I don’t want to be practical. I always think about the power of the country. I will get old soon.” Yan Lingji believes that the queen is gone, and Yingzheng won’t be bothered at this banquet. One soldier and one soldier disintegrated Qi from the inside.

Qi Wangjian asked the queen anxiously: “When did Qi and Qin become good? Why don’t you know?” Is this the meaning of the so-called obedience to win the government? Everything is right to win the government? The State of Qi, like the State of Yan, was controlled by the State of Qin.

It is impossible for people like Yingzheng to give up and just give up. One day, Qiguo will destroy the hands of the government. The courtiers of the Qi state naturally understood this principle, but the way of survival of the Qi state is like this, avoid all possible wars, don’t send troops to aid any country, only seek its own development, and form an alliance with the Qin state to achieve this.

There is only one purpose of this false alliance: first send away the great Buddha of victory, and let Qin go to fight Wei first. .

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