Chapter 597 Taishijia

Yingzheng’s mouth, a deceitful ghost. The queen knew that she couldn’t trust him easily. For the emperor, he always had his own power and strategy, and the glory of the Taishi family had to be won by themselves. After the Queen and Yingzheng had a spring night, seeing the victory in the day is still the same as usual, calmly in front of others, and only at night will they take out those who have been left behind.

One side of the clothes, quietly went to the other palace to meet.

The queen knew that only she was not enough. She was older than Yingzheng. If one day she died, what would the Taishi family do? The queen thought about it or decided to go back to Taishi Mansion and see her father in person, Taishi Xiao.

In the troubled times, there are not many people who can see the current situation clearly.Like those in the Qi State Court, they are foolishly deceived by the victory of the government. They still have the hope of the Qi State Council to prosper and really think that Qin and Qi are allies. Qi will not be destroyed, never.

Tai Shiqi was able to give birth to such a clever daughter, so naturally neither did he himself. Father and daughter met at this special moment, and soon reached a consensus: Qi State will be destroyed by Qin State in the near future. Tai Shifu Qi Guochao Tang was desperate. His grandson, Qi Wangjian. There is not even a bit of capital worth looking forward to. It is true that the moment of life and death of Qi is still his 597

A daughter is reliable.

The king behind to his father told his own and Yingzheng’s deal and trade: “The King Qin has promised that after destroying Qi, we will not be embarrassed by the historians. We can still enjoy the glory and wealth. Do not provoke anger and win politics, the Taishi family will be blessed by the Qin State for generations.”

“How is it possible? You, as the mother of King Qi, have no reason to let you go.” Tai Shifu frowned, and looked at the queen with doubts. This daughter was courageous and could always do something impressive. Shocked move.

“Father, rest assured, King Qin will not break his promise. This is not a unilateral promise, but a deal.” The queen bit her lip, and said to her father there was nothing to say: “All transactions require capital. , The daughter exchanged some things that King Qin wanted in exchange.” The queen is not as ashamed and embarrassed as a girl, but a little magnanimous.

A woman’s weapon, she just used it reasonably.

“You are really confused.” Tai Shiqi was a little bit distressed. Their family is also regarded as a famous family, how can they have such a shameless daughter.

“Otherwise (aibd) what does my father want me to do as a woman? Be clean and self-conscious and loyal? Keeping the festival for the dead? Father is really good moral.” The queen is not a vegetarian, and even her father dares to rebuke: “Then what? Taishi family and Qi country were destroyed together, has my father ever thought about how far our family will fall?

For the common people, go to the fields and farm? Or for the Qin people to be slaves and maids? This is the morality that the father wants to pursue?”

Tai Shi Xiao was speechless by the Queen’s remarks. It really sounded terrifying. He had a handful of old bones, and he would have to go through this twists and turns in his twilight years. Tai Shi Xiao also wanted to spend his old age peacefully. Since this daughter is so capable, let her handle this matter. “Since the deal between you and Yingzheng has been reached, what are you going to do with the Taishijia? It needs to be done by the Taishijia.


“What did my father say? There is no Taishijia. What is the use of my ability to reach the sky? To make Taishijia safe and sound in troubled times, other members of the family need to work together.” The Queen’s most worried thing is age. , Yingzheng has the blessing of the seal of the emperor. I am afraid that he can reach the realm of the same life as the world. By then, he will not be old and die. It will be difficult to live for a long time.

So as not to forget the transaction with her.

“What do you mean?” Tai Shixiao suddenly became vigilant, a bad premonition enveloped his heart, and he didn’t know what the queen was thinking.

The king and queen were not in a hurry, and gave Tai Shi’s enlightenment. She first talked about the example of Princess Honglian and Han Wangan. Han Wangan’s survival depended on the relationship between Honglian. In other words, as long as the family has a woman with Yingzheng, the family can be kept safe.

Tai Shishu thought about it carefully. It was indeed the truth. Many women in the harem of Qin State were like this. “From now on, the glory of the Taishi family will be handed over to you, and you must be more careful when you accompany you to Yingzheng.

“It’s a pity that my daughter is now in her 30s. His realm is stagnant, but the realm of winning politics is terribly high. Even if he can’t live with the world in the end, he will live forever. The world changes and the vicissitudes of life, who can say to win politics? I won’t forget anything.” The Queen’s expression was a little sad, she had no choice but to make this uniform order, and hoped that the Taishi family could understand her.

“Go ahead, what do you want to do?”

“As long as Da Qin does not die, the Taishi family will select one of the women over fifteen years old to marry into Qin as a concubine from generation to generation. It is impossible to get married if there are twin sisters, widowhood women, etc. Blood relationship. Everything is only for the preservation of Taishi family!” After the king said this sentence seriously, she looked at Taishi calmly: “I will ask King Qin for orders, Qin

Wang has no reason to refuse me. As long as his father agrees, he will be able to achieve the glory of the Taishi family from generation to generation. ”

“Fifteen years old? Should I send it to Yingzheng at such a young grade?” Tai Shiqi seems to have forgotten. Yingzheng is also amazingly young: “Why are widows who are also sent in? They are already married, and they are given to Yingzheng. He doesn’t necessarily want to take care of it.”

The queen is anxious. When she grows up, she will be as ambitious as her. It is the safest way to send it to Yingzheng while she is still young. It is his business whether to win the government or not. It is the Taishi family’s business to send it or not. She is a living example. Sending so many in is just for insurance.

Well, this will become the fate that all the women of the Taishi family cannot escape.

“But if you do this,” Tai Shi Qi stopped talking. He suddenly remembered that the Queen and King Qi Xiang had given birth to a daughter named Tian Feng, who was born when the Queen was seventeen, and she was just fifteen years old this year. If it is done according to the king’s idea, wouldn’t it be necessary to send Tian Feng together, mother and daughter to serve the husband? It is possible to be with the grandparents in the future?

This idea shocked Tai Shiqi, and the queen was so bold that he could even do such a thing. Tai Shifu was entangled in his heart. In fact, he was also afraid of winning the government, afraid of everything they would face after the destruction of Qi. If the queen did not discuss this business with Yingzheng, the Taishi family might just become a commoner in the end.

But the king and queen just wanted to keep the glory of the Taishi family. Taishijia entered the sight of the winning government, and it was impossible to retreat completely. If you were to win the government and take revenge, the Taishi family would fall into disarray, and even suffer cruel punishments. There was a cold behind Tai Shi San, and said to the Queen and Queen: “I promised for my father, you will take Tian Feng to wait for the victory in politics.

The children will be delivered as scheduled, so it’s hard to say whether they are mothers and daughters. “If there is a precedent, the others will follow suit.

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