Chapter 594 Plans are all ready]

Yan Lingji’s words shook Yingzheng. It will save a lot of trouble to eliminate Qi country. This is something that has been planned for a long time. Qi State is different from other countries that were destroyed before. The Qi State Court already has a sense of crisis. They are learning from the laws of Qin State and trying to make Qi State stronger.

For such a country, of course special methods must be used to make them obey. Why don’t you get out of your mind about being able to move your sword and gun? Suddenly, Yingzheng has a new idea. It seems that this time it is not just a matter of rectifying the Jixia Academy. Qi Guo has also been temporarily included in the plan. within.

While thinking about winning the government, the two have arrived at the Qi King Palace. Because King Qi Xiang died, the palace was still editing, everyone bowed their heads and whispered, and their faces did not dare to show joy. The place where the anger “Five Nine Three” is heavy.

The queen took the Qi Wang Jianjian banquet to entertain the winning government. Yan Lingji accompanied and went to the banquet. At the banquet, the eyes of the queen kept looking at Yan Lingji. She wanted to take a good look at what charm this woman had. Can make King Qin fascinated by it. The queen looked at it for a long time, only to see the unparalleled face and hot body of Yan Ling Ji.

As for the way of governing the country and the manner of being a king, I haven’t seen it at all. The temperament is arrogant and terrible, and in the face of winning politics, it seems that the queen’s false name has brought her too much capital.

Yan Lingji was staring upset, so she asked angrily: “Qi State is up and down, why are the kings and queens still dressed in gorgeous clothes?” How long did King Qi Xiang not die? Just came according to the agreed time and didn’t hide anything.

Speaking of the woman the Queen, although she is the concubine of King Qi Xiang, she still has children under her knees. But the age is not too old, but she is just a young woman in her thirties. She wore luxurious court clothes among the seats, with heavy make-up on her face and no signs of oldness. Instead, the years have precipitated her unique femininity.

The thirty-year-old queen and Yan Lingji’s figure are actually on the same level. Yan Lingji is still a girl, and her figure is considered to be the top one among the women who have won politics. The body of the queen is a mature fruit. To be like her, Yan Ling Ji will have to grow for another year or two. The status of the queen is noble, and is properly maintained on weekdays. King Qixiang

They are all so old, and the king and queen still have the same demeanor.

When she was young, she also had a teenage dream. Her innocence and tender face gradually faded away, and her cinnabar and her eyebrows were soaked in lead, which became the charm of this mature young woman. Not only the appearance, but the inner temperament is also elegant and generous. Faced with the problem of Yan Lingji, the queen did not show a crying face, but just responded indifferently.

Answer: “Qi, you can never be immersed in grief forever. Qi must stand up, and must not be devastated because of the death of the first king, let alone the new king has already taken the throne.” The king and queen also set an example. There is no time for Qi to go. Tribute to King Qi Xiang.

This answer was impeccable, and Yan Lingji couldn’t refute it either. She noticed that Qi Wangjian, who was sitting next to the Queen, was a bit strange. Contrary to the unhurriedness of the queen, Qi Wangjian has been trembling slightly. He tried his best to hide his nervousness, sitting silently in the main seat without saying a word. Lose.

Ying Zheng discovered the strangeness of Qi Wangjian early.As the king of Qi Guoxin ascended to the throne, Ying Zheng was still very interested in seeing him. Wang Jian’s eyes went up to win the government and quickly moved away. He looked panicked everywhere, as if looking for a hole to drill away.

Such a Confucian as the monarch of the Qi country? Yingzheng feels that it has been stabilized to subdue the Qi country. Not as calm as the Queen of the Queen, Qi Guo can withstand the impact of King Qi Xiang’s death, and smoothly meet the victory of the government. It seems that this queen and queen is holding it with one hand behind her back.

The war between Yan Lingji and the queen has been ignited. The queen cannot accept that Yan Lingji has no ability to govern but sits as a queen. Yan Lingji also hates the queen’s pretentious appearance, winning the government and Qi Wangjian. There was no word between them, but the two women fought each other. Yan Lingji satirized Qi Wangjian’s cowardice and incompetence, and sooner or later Qi State would be destroyed in his hands.

The queen also implied that she was there, and no one should even think of hurting Qi Guo: “This great river and mountains left by the ancestors, our mother and son must keep 0… The queen is confident that she can cover the sky with one hand. She did not deliberately hide her ambitions to win. Exposed before politics.

Winning the government gave the queen a meaningful look. He was not interested in the queen at first, but only after this woman showed her ambition of power over the world, won the government to taste something interesting. To conquer an ambitious woman, profit is the best whip. Ying Zheng listened to the dialogue between Yan Lingji and the Queen, and observed Qi Wangjian’s behavior. This banquet did not lose, Qi Guo,

Already in the palm of Yingzheng’s hands.

No wonder Qi Wangjian is so afraid of himself. Winning the government remembers that Tian Jian was starved to death by himself in history. The king is enjoying Yupanzhen. It is a shame to be starved to death. Ying Zheng looked at Qi Wangjian shivering and dared not to speak, and as he was immersed in hard work, he couldn’t help but show a faint smile.

If Tian Jian really gave up the country, he wouldn’t have to starve to death, as long as he was honest. Yiqi Wangjian has a cowardly character, and if he asks him to surrender now, he will directly agree.

It’s just that someone will stop it, and the gaze of winning the government will shift to the queen. This person who grabs the throne with her son and aspires to be queen, her ambitions need to be extinguished by winning politics.

Ying Zheng took up the wine glass in front of him and drank it. When he put it down, the sound of the cup colliding with the 1.3 surface of the table attracted everyone’s attention. Everyone should shut up.

The queen raised her lips and showed a charming smile: “After talking for so long, I haven’t asked King Qin’s purpose of coming to Qi country this time. It’s always a leisurely trip to Qi country to enjoy the mountains and rivers, right?” The queen king Picked up the hip flask and got up, walked to Yingzheng to pour the wine in person.

The people around all took a breath of cold air. This kind of rough work should be done by the palace people. How can the emperor’s status do this kind of thing? Even if the Qin State is strong, it can’t let the Qi State’s Queen Mother bow to his knees.

What shocked them was still behind, and before the queen was pouring down the flask, Yan Lingji stretched out her hand to block her. .

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