Chapter 593 Is it really cruel?]

Yan Lingji arrived in Qi State with the winning government. She looked around like a little girl who has not been involved in the world, and vowed to see through all of Qi’s horned brothers.

Qi Guo greeted the winning government with the gift of the monarch, and the battle was not small along the way. Yan Lingji sat beside Ying Zheng and complained that there was no way to take Qi Guo seriously. Qi Guo didn’t expect that Yan Lingji would come with Yingzheng. There was no mention of this in the credential given by Yingzheng. After the civil and military officials asked the king for instructions, they got: “Don’t worry about that woman,

Little Baiyue Land still wants Qi Guo courteous? Just treat her as an ordinary concubine brought by Ying Zheng. “Such instructions.

In the eyes of the queen, Yan Ling Ji was a queen, but she was just a puppet. Only she will become the only true queen. The queen’s ambitions grew day by day, especially after seeing her useless son, she was angry and annoyed, and she wanted to kick him off the throne.

Yan Lingji didn’t mind. Regardless of what those pompous gifts did, she held Yingzheng’s arm and kept looking out of the car, looking at the landscape of the country and the people of the country, Yan Lingji’s mood was relaxed.

“How do you feel? Qi Guo.” Ying Zheng asked Yan Lingji. He had lived in the court for a long time and could know Qi Guo’s national conditions. He had a general idea before he came. After seeing it, he only confirmed his guess. A country that was once prosperous is now like a dying old man.

“I don’t know the truth like King Qin, and I can see the crux of Qi country at a glance.” Yan Lingji tilted her head mischievously: “Just by what I saw and heard, it feels like Da Qin is alive, and the blood is circulating. Yes. And Qi is dead, and the people of the Qin country have something to struggle for life, even the people at the bottom. But the people of the Qi country

It’s dead-of.

“They are clearly still alive.” Ying Zheng asked knowingly. In his eyes, Qi Guo was just getting old, and he died directly wherever Yan Lingji was. Qi Guo was really pitiful.

Yan Lingji also knew that Yingzheng was deliberately playing her words. How could a politically savvy person like Yingzheng not understand what she was trying to say: “The King of Qin looked at the people of Qi, they were people when they were born, and their descendants are also people. This is the case from generation to generation, and the descendants are endless. After thousands of years, they will still be ordinary people. This is a hierarchical forest.

The strict world is so strict that it makes people desperate. “Han Lingji lowered her eyes, her expression a little lost.

“This is the cruelty of the world.” Ying Zheng briefly summed it up. He touched the head of Yan Ling Ji as comfort. The survival of the fittest is the universal principle of all things, and no one can break free. Therefore, there is no need to lose it.

Big fish eat small fish, small fish eat dried shrimps. Regardless of whether it is a person or anything, it will be restricted by strengths and weaknesses, and the weaker layer will always be subject to the higher-order layer. It is not only between different species, but also between the same kind. There are “chiefs” in animals, and kings in people. Factors such as money, power, and origin can divide people into different classes ruthlessly.

It is their privilege to kill and kill the low-level.

Winning politics is the person standing at the top. He looks down on everything, and all beings become small in his eyes. He enjoys everything that power brings, and at the same time bears the burden of the world. To put it bluntly, when the sky is falling, you have to fight to win politics. This is the price of enjoying this kind of power.

The kings of the countries have not reached the height of winning the government. Naturally, I can’t see such a scenery. Yan Lingji has never reached it. She can’t empathize with them. , Watching the winning politics aloft, I can’t feel the same as winning politics.

Ying Zheng said that this world is cruel, it is not his arrogance as a master, this world is also cruel to him. Yan Ling Ji is making injustices for the common people, but she doesn’t know why it is.

“It was only after the government decrees that King Qin implemented that Qin was truly alive. I heard that Qi was also following suit. I thought there would be some changes. I saw it today, but you weren’t.” Yan Lingji sighed, no Know whether you should expect Qi Guo to be good or not. Maybe Yan Ling Ji just pityed the people.

“Isn’t the country of Qin alive anymore?” Ying Zheng asked her with a smile, like seeing an innocent child. If you really manage the Baiyue Land for her, she will probably build it into a children’s paradise.

0……Look for flowers……

“Of course it’s not cruel. Everyone says that Qin is good everywhere. It’s a fairyland on earth. They want to run to Qin. Doesn’t King Qin know the people of the country who have been attacked? They will become Qin people. I feel that Qin is good, and I was afraid of Qin at the beginning. I really regret it.” Yan Lingji was very serious when she said this. What is the land of Baiyue?

Could it be so, all thanks to winning politics.

Ying Zheng said indifferently: “You are wrong, Qin is probably the cruelest place in the world.”

It is cruel wherever it goes, and it is cruel for them to be unable to escape the shackles of hierarchy in Qi. In Qin, the conditions for escaping from hierarchy are the same, and only truly talented people can stand out. When Winning Government formulated those rules, they were built on a cruel basis.

No matter how cruel the world is, there are people who can try their best to defeat everything. Winning politics is a living example. If everything goes according to the rules, there will be no winning politics today. He will not be the King of Qin, nor will he have the powerful Qin state today. Winning politics enshrines in the cruelty of the world, and overcomes this cruelty, can we build a majestic Great Qin Dynasty.

He was just helping those who could almost escape from cruelty lower the threshold. In the future, they will have to rely on themselves. If there are people who have been ordinary people for generations, it is no wonder that they have won politics.

And all of this can only be seen through by the person who stood at the top in one era. Unfortunately, this top is too small and can only stand another person. It is said that the king is lonely and can’t beat the cold from the heights. Wang’s loneliness probably originated from this.

Ying Zheng held Yan Ling Ji in his arms. Fortunately, there are passionate beauties embracing each other, and it is not too lonely.

Yan Lingji looked at the winning government in surprise, and didn’t understand what happened, but she was talking about Qi Guo. Why did she feel that winning the government suddenly became sad? Zheng: “Why should King Qin feel sad? If Qi is not pleasing to the eyes, then just destroy it.” He said this without evasiveness.

The Qi State ceremonial battle outside the car shivered suddenly. factory,

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