Chapter 592 Not a deceased’s homeland]

This is what the Hu sisters are asking for. In the end, the two sisters both begged Yingzheng for mercy with tears in their eyes, and won the government to let them go. Madam Hu and Meiren Hu had no strength to move in a row.

This time they saw the power of winning politics, so they didn’t dare to eat each other anymore. Women’s affairs were too lazy to take care of winning politics. He was only responsible for making them surrender to him. The three of them were all subdued from the land of Baiyue, and they were not partial to winning politics.

But when it comes to the land of Baiyue, there is still an important change. If it weren’t for Madam Hu and Meiren Hu, who were already weak, they would definitely tell Yingzheng personally about this change. The land of Baiyue used to be in a lot of suffering. The people fled to the country of Han to survive, but now it is different. Not only the people who went to the land of Baiyue will return, but also those of the country of Han.

The people will also follow along.

The development of the Han country has not fallen, but the victory of the government obviously pays more attention to the land of Baiyue. The reconstruction of these countries was done with the assistance of the cabinet, and only the Baiyue Land was planned by Yingzheng and sent important officials. The people of Han country psychologically feel that the land of Baiyue is better, and they are all anxious to drill in.

Even if Mrs. Hu and Hu Meiren didn’t say it, Yingzheng knew about it. He did it deliberately by 593 in order to allow the population of other countries to flow to Baiyue. Where is too many people dead because of smallpox, population and labor are needed to promote the development of Baiyue, and more cultural shock is needed. Winning government doesn’t want to be turned into a place after he ruled the Baiyue Land

Poor rural areas and undeveloped wilderness swordsmen.

Yingzheng is also quite emotional. When he came last time, these were the territories of other countries. He had to remain anonymous. This time I came back and belonged to the State of Qin. It feels like Yingzheng sincerely invites me to visit from all corners of the world. If I remember correctly, this is the former Han country, and the land of Baiyue is not far away.

Since you are not in a hurry to go to Qi State, it is also a good choice to calm down and take a good look at this great river and mountain. Winning the government and bringing the Flame Lingji is regarded as an inspection of the reconstruction of the Han country. There is no specific place, but Just walk around and see, the lower the level, the more detailed things will be more real.

Yan Lingji jokingly said: “If this is the battle of the emperor’s inspection, then I will be in Baiyue and inspect it in my spare time.” When she was in Baiyue, except for the time she was eager to find a victory. In addition, that time was not a ceremonial honor of the mighty team, the Baiyue people all knelt to the ground along the way, shouting long live the queen.

“What about the results of the inspection? Are you satisfied with this king’s governance?” Ying Zheng followed her words and said, with him controlling the land of Baiyue, Yan Lingji didn’t need to worry about anything at all.

“Not bad, this king is very satisfied.” Yan Lingji wanted to learn to speak in the tone of winning politics, but only learned how to make it. Suddenly I came and wanted to see this land of Han country, maybe I missed Honglian, this is her hometown. But a few days after leaving Qin, King Qin was so concerned about it, it seems to be a couple

Li is deeply affectionate. ”

Winning politics really didn’t mean that. If it weren’t for Yan Lingji to mention it, he would really forget that this is Honglian’s old man: “The country of Han has been destroyed by the country of Qin, and there is no country of Han in the world, saying that this is Qin. Country, don’t have another han country.” What about his hometown, Honglian can only be trapped in Xianyang now.

Yan Lingji stopped talking, silently accompanied Yingzheng to complete the inspection. The punishment of being jealous, she doesn’t want to have a second time anymore, she won’t end up getting angry and winning politics, Yan Ling Ji is a smart person and can’t do stupid things.

They saw the establishment of the current colleges in Han country. It seems that Han Fei opened the back door and set up more academies in Han country. He is a scholar from Han country. This is understandable, but since he has been won Zheng found out, and when he returned to Xianyang, he would inevitably be blamed. A bowl of water can be leveled so that there will be no problems.

The enrollment rate of students in the Han country (aibd) is also the highest. As long as they are school-age children, there is no “fish that slips through the net”. This is very satisfying to win politics. Other places have to do this to meet the standard. Nowadays, only going to school is the most important thing these children should do. They don’t need to plant land. With the grain and seeds shipped from Qin, the grain output of Han country is sudden.

With rapid progress, the entire country can be raised long ago, and farming does not require a lot of manpower and material resources.

The purpose of studying is, of course, to be an official. The existence of the academy is to support the imperial examination system. The officials in the Han country were originally disciples from aristocratic families. Each of them was born from a powerful and prominent family, but now it is different. Officials are selected from the bottom. As long as they study, they have the opportunity to rise above the others, and climb up one level at a time. .

The selection is based on the individual’s ability. Being selected is the recognition of the ability. Failure in the selection proves that the ability is insufficient, and further studies are required. A straight line is straightened, and those who meet the standard are naturally good. Those who do not meet the standard can only work hard by themselves. Except for a small number of geniuses, most ordinary people can rise to heights through hard work.

Ying Zheng looked at everything with great emotion, and was still the last step. When Jixia Academy was removed, “Lü Shi Chun Qiu” turned out to be born, and the Qin State would be able to achieve cultural unity. Winning has already made up his mind, he wants to let the culture go to another culmination.

Yan Lingji listened to everyone singing praises for winning politics along the way, and she was also very happy. This is true in Qin, Baiyue, and even Han. The honor received by winning politics is also her honor. The praise of winning politics is also a praise of her. The country that has been defeated by the winning government is already prosperous.

Isn’t that even the land of Baiyue now inferior to that?

In the past, it was said that the land of Baiyue was the most backward, even the weakest and weakest country of Wei was a hundred times stronger than the land of Baiyue. I have no regrets: “Will King Qin take me this time to go to Qi country? I have never seen what Qi country looks like.

I don’t have too many of them. ”

Even if she didn’t find so many reasons to win politics, she would take her there. The future Qi country will belong to the Qin country. It is a good idea to take advantage of the fall of Qi country. The reconstruction of Han country is almost complete. After a round of inspections, the overall victory in politics is still very satisfactory.

Seeing Yingzheng, Yan Lingji nodded, and excitedly took Yingzheng’s arm. Since Yingzheng is anxious to rectify the Jixia Academy, it should not be too late, and immediately dared to go to Qi State. Yan Lingji, who still had a smile on her face, didn’t know that Qi Guo also had a ruthless character, the Queen, waiting for her.

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