Chapter 591 Can’t eat more vinegar]

Ying Zheng agreed to Huo Yu Gong’s request. This is the person who almost became his father-in-law. In the near future, he may really become his father-in-law. Even for Madam Hu and Hu Meiren’s sake, Ying Zheng will give Huo Yugong saves face.

Duke Huoyu said with gratitude: “Thank you, King Huoyu. From now on, Huoyu Villa will serve Baiyue and Daqin. As long as the place where Huoyu Villa is available, King Qin only needs to notify him. It is incumbent on Huoyu Villa.” In fact, it’s a nonsense. Huoyu Villa was saved by Winning. In the future, his two daughters will also be owned by Winning, Huoyu Agate.

A lot of gains have also been plundered by the winning government.

Huoyu Mountain Villa itself belongs to the winning government and does not need his Huoyu Gong to specifically explain it. “Since King Qin left, the two beloved daughters wondered if King Qin would like to visit them?” Huo Yugong wanted to bridge the gap for his daughter.

Yan Lingji was the first to speak: “Duke Huoyu should take care of yourself, don’t try to take control of King Qin.” The queen’s aura is undoubtedly revealed. She has failed too much for the queens, and there are even winners in her own land. The little lover didn’t know it, and stupidly supported Huoyu Villa, hoping that one day he would take credit for winning the government as his political achievement.

Duke Huo Yu didn’t dare to speak any more, he took a meaningful look at the heavy curtains and knew that this was not the second place he could stay for long, so he had to leave.

It is a woman’s nature to be jealous, and Yan Lingji is no exception, including the women in the harem of Qin, more or less jealous with each other, even Fei Yan has eaten the vinegar of the sisters Hu Meiren and Madam Hu. . Winning politics is like having a natural gravitational force. Others are in the chaos of flowers and leaves alone. He has to twist flowers and grasses in the bushes.

But the way to get jealous and win politics is simple and rude. Yan Lingji Jiao scolded Ying Zheng: “At any rate, the sisters are also in the land of Baiyue. King Qin should say hello, and they should take special care of them, 々.” How about she is a queen, and a woman who wins politics, Where there is a high and low status.

“You don’t need to take care of others, you just need to wait for the widow to take care of you.” Ying Zheng pressed Yan Lingji under her body, and there were many absurd things behind the curtain. The best way to cure jealousy is to let her not think about it.

“Go to see Sister Hu’s family later?” The corners of Yan Lingji’s eyes were wet, and she couldn’t stand the punishment similar to winning politics. But this question is very heavy, and Yan Lingji must ask clearly. Without hearing Ying Zheng’s answer for a long time, Yan Ling Ji’s hand climbed onto Ying Zheng’s back again.

Winning politics didn’t mean to hinder her, but she would use points every time she caught winning politics. It didn’t take long for Yan Lingji to beg for mercy, put her hand aside and surrendered. After Ying Zheng saw the blood stains on her fingertips, he increased the punishment again. The proud queen also needs to be whipped appropriately.

Victory, who has gone through hundreds of battles, has never been injured, but has been marked with a few blood marks here, the wound on the back is healed at an astonishing speed. Healing is just to add more interest.

The Hu sisters couldn’t help themselves after seeing the victory in politics, especially Hu Meiren: “King Qin promised to see us again. I didn’t expect to wait for a long time.” When the two first saw the victory, they already felt that they were winning. Qiyuxuanang, more of an emperor’s temperament, is by no means comparable to ordinary mediocrity. Unexpectedly, the winning coup has changed so much when I see you again.

Naturally, they didn’t know that it was the effect of the emperor’s confession of gods. Yingzheng did not expect that goodbye Madam Hu and Meiren Hu, the two of them also went out more beautifully. It is considered that since he left the land of Baiyue, he has destroyed the Kingdom of Chu and the Kingdom of Zhao, and a long time has passed. Huoyu Villa was no longer turbulent, and the two came out of panic. Madame Hu and Hu Meiren

Adjusting the body according to the prescription left by Duanmu Rong, I can no longer see the haze and thin body that enveloped the eyebrows when I first saw it.

Mrs. Hu’s money is going to win the government: “Our two sisters can get today, all relying on the blessing of King Qin. King Qin has promised our promise, and has it forgotten?” Madam Hu still thought about this matter in her heart, in the long wait She had made up her mind long ago, and she must ask questions when she sees the victory again.

Yingzheng nodded: “This king has never broken his promise.”

Hu Meiren was ecstatic, with a bright smile on her face: “As long as King Qin doesn’t forget us.” Madam Hu walked to Yingzheng and looked at Yingzheng shyly. Since he said that he would not break his promise, it meant that the marriage contract between them still existed. In this case, she didn’t need to be too far away from winning the government. “Does King Qin know that we want a lot of words to be right?

King Qin said. ”

“Let’s talk, maybe this king hasn’t seen you for a long time, don’t be restrained.” Ying Zheng asked Mrs. Hu to come by, and a pair of sisters put their hands on the shoulders of the winner, their bodies slightly inclined to win. Zheng, the beauty of her body is also suppressed. The two of them just whispered in the ears of Ying Zheng.

*” King Qin must have left our sisters behind. After arriving in Qin, although they were protected, they could not hear the slightest news about King Qin. It was not until a long, long time later that we heard that King Qin had settled the land of Baiyue, so we hurried back. , I want to see what Baiyue looks like. “Ms. Hu’s voice is as quiet as water, listening to her is like a clear spring falling on her heart.

Clean all the dust.

“We didn’t expect that the Baiyue Land would become that way. The previous Baiyue Land was so bitter. There were dead people everywhere. There were people who burned, killed and looted secretly for the sake of wealth.” Hu Meiren’s expression was gloomy. At the end of the day, her voice turned softly, like a yellow oriole singing on a tree, it would make people relax.

“Since that time we went back, the land of Baiyue has completely changed. Everyone’s smallpox has been cured (Li Nuohao). No one has died from this disease again, and the country has become richer. We can’t recognize that it is the land of Baiyue at all. It’s more like in Qin State.” Madam Hu remembered what she had seen and heard in Qin State. Only then did she know the place on the top of Huoyu Mountain Villa.

How small is the sky on one side.

“What the elder sister is talking about, where is the State of Qin. However, we only learned later that King Qin completely overthrew the Baiyue royal family, and that the government belonged to the State of Qin. The land of Baiyue has already existed in name only.” Hu Meiren’s face was shy, Baiyue Yue Zhidi wins the government. In other words, they are also the winners. This makes sense everywhere.

Unlike her sister’s joy, Madam Hu looked a little sad: “There is also the Baiyue new king established by King Qin, we have also heard of it.”

The last jealous person is lying on the bed and can’t get down. I didn’t expect that the Hu sisters and Yan Lingji would actually get better. .

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