Chapter 588 The Second Empress]

Lv Buwei, who was far away in the Qin State, didn’t expect that he would really say it. King Qi Xiang didn’t have such a powerful heart. After the Queen reached out his hand to take a breath, he discovered that King Qi Xiang had died.

The civil and military people of the Manchu Dynasty were dumbfounded. They were not stunned, and they were not crying. They really did not expect that life and death were so sudden, and the people who were just fine just disappeared. All the civil and military officials looked at the queen in panic.

The queen is different from those weak women. She was not immersed in grief, but she was very calm. She scolded the courtiers: “The king is dead, what are you still doing, everything will be done according to the process.” The old man, this is the twilight of human beings, and the king and queen are already prepared to face today’s situation.

The event of the national funeral shocked the State of Qi. At the moment of Qiang Qin, any disturbance in the State of Qi is a major event that affects people’s hearts. After learning of King Qi Xiang’s death, the people are panicked. Less alarmist remarks circulated in the streets and alleys, and people were in panic for a while.

The king and queen of the imperial court controlled the government in one hand. She proposed to make her son king based on the national conditions of Qi. Originally, Qi should have a year of national funeral. Only after the end of filial piety can the new king be enthroned. It is classified as a special case and requires special treatment.

The courtiers did not dare to defy the king, so they could only obey the promise. When King Qi Xiang died, he was in front of courtiers. If the queen deliberately pursued it, no one would be spared from the court and the wild. The pigtails were caught in his hands, and the courtiers could only obey the queen. As soon as he became the throne, he couldn’t wait for a moment.

With the support of the queen, Qi Wangjian successfully ascended the throne. The letter of the credential of Yingzheng had just been read to King Qi Xiang, and it was transferred to King Qi Wangjian. After reading it, Qi Wangjian finally understood why his father died suddenly. At first glance, the momentum of this book is scary enough, not to mention the contents. Can the winning politicians come here? Qi Wangjian sat on the throne, his body slightly


The queen sighed and blamed King Qi Xiang for walking too quickly. She hadn’t been able to train Qi Wangjian into a qualified king, so she hurriedly helped him to the throne. It looks like, if you really see the deity of Yingzheng, you won’t be able to lose all Qi Guo’s face.

Even if it was for her husband and son, the queen did it this time. She stood behind the king of Qi, and was an undisguised regent. Before the king of Qi became a qualified monarch, the queen would firmly grasp the country of Qi. In his own hands. As a woman, her fierceness is rare among women in the world. It was no one else who prompted the queen to do this, it was Qin.

Wang Yingzheng, when he heard that he had named a woman the queen of the Land of Hundreds of Things, the idea of ​​regent arose in the queen’s heart.

It was Yingzheng who let her see the world, knowing that women can also be in politics. Qi State was affected by this shock. Only the Queen was the most calm. She put her hand on Qi Wangjian’s shoulders: “Calm down, King Qin is the king who wins the government, and you are also the king. The status of the two of you is equally lofty. You-there is no need to be afraid of him. .”

Only then did Qi Wangjian calm down. He had no opinion and could only ask the Queen what to do.

“Don’t guess the purpose of winning the government, it is useless if you guess it. You just need to understand that you are also a king, and you must never show your timidity in front of winning the government!” The Queen’s tone was harsh. Only playing the image of a loving mother, she has to be strict with Wang Jian so that he can grow up quickly.

After the king of Qi State, there was no chaos after the death of King Qi Xiang. Before King Qi Xiang was alive, he wanted to follow the measures of the State of Qin to reform the State of Qi. The queen followed his will and stepped up efforts to implement reforms. , Let Qi State catch up with the pace of Qin State as soon as possible. For the queen, she was not fighting for her son, but for herself.

She has regarded Qi Guo as her own world. She is like a queen like Yan Ling Ji. This son is just a puppet before he grows up. The monarchs of various countries were exhausted in the face of winning politics, but the queen did not. Although she was a female class, she wanted to compete with winning politics. Qin’s start was not as good as Qi, when Qi was prosperous

Now, Qin is just a small backward and poor country.

The queen only hated her for not taking power early. In her opinion, if Qi State had been handed over to her to manage it early, he would not have fed the behemoth Qin State. It’s all because of the incompetence of these men that they gave the opportunity to win the government and grow to where they are now.

0……Look for flowers……

Having said all this, the queen felt it was not too late. Her husband and son were not as good as winning politics, but she was different. A fire ignited in the eyes of the queen: “King Qin, come if you want, I want to see if the famous King Qin is really as omnipotent as the legend is.” The queen said to herself Speaking of, she wants to challenge the authority to win politics.

Qi Wangjian was frightened by his mother’s words. He stammered and asked what the queen was saying, as if he couldn’t believe his ears.

The queen smiled and resumed her usual amiable expression: “Listen well, this time King Qin comes to Qi country, Qi country must not develop with Qin country, otherwise Qi country will lose undoubtedly.” The queen is also helpless in this situation. , First of all, we must allow Qi to survive before we can fight against the capital that wins the government.


Qi Wangjian was in a cold sweat behind him. It was this critical juncture when he became a throne. His father died early at this time, and he died at this time after he had dealt with the victory.

The queen reminded again and again: “As the king of the Qi country, this is your mission. At that time, no matter what you say when you win the government, you can’t be angry or refute. All follow him, and he will give whatever he wants, even if he doesn’t. They also took the initiative to squeeze in, sort out the rare treasures of Qi before King Qin came, and collected a group of beautiful women, all dedicated to the victory.”

“Doesn’t it mean that you won’t be willing to go after winning politics?” Qi Wangjian frowned, where he would live forever in such a good place.

The queen looked at Qi Wangjian with a little disgust in her eyes. Why did she give birth to such a useless son: “Who is the winner? Of course, Qi is better than Qin. The beauty of jewelry wants to keep Qin. The monarch? These things can only keep the wine pouch and rice bag! These are offered to please King Qin, not to keep him.”

Only then did Qi Wangjian understand and acted according to the instructions of the queen. He has no kingly demeanor, just like a giant baby who hasn’t been weaned yet. He does what his mother asks to do. The king is like this, and Qi’s government has naturally fallen into the hands of the queen. This woman is already the “real king” behind Qi. factory,

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