Chapter 587 I can only greet but not refuse]

No one can stop what Yingzheng has to do, just go as you say it, and never miss it. The courtiers couldn’t figure out how beautiful the rivers and mountains of Qin were, how comfortable the throne was, and how attractive the harem beauties were. Why can’t I keep my heart to win the government? But I have to run out of strength. I don’t know what risks I will encounter when I go to Qi country this time, let alone how long I will go, even

Some people wonder if they can come back.

The courtiers just let Yingzheng set up the edict before leaving. The harem is reasonable, except for the stickiest Gulian. After winning the government and coaxing the red lotus to settle down, it was the letter of credence being submitted to Qi State. The general content is that the widow is coming to Qi State, remember to welcome it.

Qin State is reluctant to let go, but Qi State is worried that Zhongzhong will not let it come!

When King Qi Xiang received the letter of the country, he asked the courtiers with a face of embarrassment: “King Qin is coming to Qi country. I don’t know what the Aiqing people think?” King Qi Xiang couldn’t figure out what the situation was. They had two days ago. It was Wei that Wang Jian led his troops to the state of rejoicing, and it was confirmed that the next country that Qin would attack would be the State of Wei. How come to Qi State in a blink of an eye to win politics?

The civil and military officials 590 also have a headache. What is this? If it is not a major matter, the two kings will not meet easily. If you really want to meet, you have to go through a rather cumbersome and complicated understanding. There is no country that unilaterally says it will come. The true purpose of winning the government is probably not simple. The Qi Guochao Hall was instantly overcast.

King Qi Xiang thought that Qi had been avoiding those disputes outside, and he didn’t provoke Qin much. Is it possible that the winning government is just to stroll around? Or to make good relations with Qi Guo? His heart is also big enough, and he doesn’t think deeply. Compared with other countries, Qi Guo has been at ease for a long time, and King Qi Xiang has gradually put down his psychological defense, forgetting what it means to be prepared for danger in times of peace.

He didn’t go deeper. The courtiers thought for him. Some courtiers stood up and said: “Qin Wang wins government is a disaster. Except for his hometown, Qin, he will go to a country where he will not end well. Now Three of the six countries under the world have already been wiped out. Not long ago, Yan and Wei were still enduring the attack of Qin. Didn’t the king think that Qin was

Why not attack Qi country?”

King Qi Xiang thought about it carefully, it seemed that this is the case, (aibd) Qi and Qin have no friendship, nor are they allies. It is indeed a strange thing that Qin Guo didn’t even have a slight harassment.

“This statement is not correct. Qin must be afraid of Qi’s powerful national power. He dare not act rashly. What you said just now is clearly to curse Qi’s destruction. My Qi is prosperous for generations, and it is impossible to be bullied by Qin!” The courtier only said this when he wanted to show it in front of King Qi Xiang.


“Presumptuous! You group of chaotic officials and thieves are clearly cursing the country of Qi and cursing the widows!” King Qi Xiang’s face changed, and everyone in the court became nervous. They knelt on the ground and did not dare to look directly at King Qi Xiang.

King Qi Xiang still knows in his heart, knowing that Qin State wants to destroy Qi State easily, this courtier talks exclusively at the gunpoint. After hearing this, King Qi Xiang only feels that this trip to win the government is to destroy Qi State. No, if you want to destroy Qi, you should let Wang Jian bring a large army to attack, how can you come personally? Or without bringing soldiers. It seems that Qi is not destroyed. King Qi Xiang suddenly realized,

He glared inwardly, won’t it be here to kill him?

It is very possible that the realm of King Qi Xiang is not enough to win the government, and it will be easy to kill him if he is really interested in winning the government.

“No, absolutely not!” King Qi Xiang stood up excitedly, repeating this sentence to himself: “You can’t let him come, and you must never let winning politics come to Qi!” He is the king of Qi. He has the right not to allow Winning to set foot in Qi’s territory. King Qi Xiang knew that only when he was in Qi country could he protect his own safety.

It’s not too late.

But now it’s different. Winning politicians came to Qi to kill him!

The court in Qi State was solemn, and no courtiers spoke. King Qi Xiang said this is too willful, no one can stop winning the government wherever he wants to go. Even if Qi is not invaded by Qin, King Qi Xiang is still the lord of Qi, and they can’t stop the pace of winning the government.

Do you want Qi to burn your body because of rejecting King Qin? What is the purpose of Qi Guo’s efforts to protect himself for so long? Winning politics is a distinguished guest that can only be welcomed, and no one dares to shut the door to winning politics. The people dare not, and the courtiers dare not. , Even King Qi Xiang didn’t dare, and it was the same in other countries. Otherwise, winning politics will knock on the country in a more violent way

The door of home.

“Are you all trying to kill the widows?” King Qi Xiang is already very old, he is already half-buried in the yellow soil, but in his opinion, he hasn’t done anything in his life, how can he be like this? Dead? He wants to live, only God can take his life, no one else can, including winning the government!

The courtiers still did not speak. They could not offend King Qi Xiang, let alone win the government. Even if Ying Zheng is really here to kill King Qi Xiang, they can’t stop Ying Zheng and let him kill. Qi has long been succeeded. As long as he doesn’t guilty and wins politics, Qi can survive. The immortal country is the common wish of all people in Qi, even at the cost of a king.

King Qi Xiang sat paralyzed on the throne, listening to the persuasion of the courtiers in a few words, some said that King Qin won’t do such ridiculous things. Killed the king? Some people say that Qin’s purpose this time is to establish diplomatic relations with Qi. It is the right thing to persuade Qi Xiang not to worry too much.

Some people say that Yingzheng is only a visitor to Qi country. When it comes to Yingzheng, he always likes to play around and has been to various other places.

These words were terrible, and King Qi Xiang remembered the “legend” of where the winning government went and where it was destroyed. His heart suddenly seemed to be pressed against a big stone, so that he couldn’t breathe. He rolled his eyes and no one helped him remove it. This symptom was so urgent that King Qi Xiang couldn’t speak. Can only slap the armrest of the throne.

The courtiers thought that King Qi Xiang was angry again, and continued to lower their heads in silence.

A figure appeared outside the court hall. It was the queen of King Qi Xiang. She heard that King Qin was coming to the kingdom of Qi. She realized that the matter was very big and came to the court hall. Unexpectedly, she saw King Qi Xiang askew He fell unconscious on the throne. And those courtiers were still bowing their heads, and she said loudly: “You all the courtiers are blind? Even the king looks sick in front of him.

Not out!

The queen rushed straight into the court and came to the side of King Qi Xiangsai. .

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