Chapter 589 Jun Jun, Minister, Father, Father and Son]

“Your Majesty, Qi State is mourned, and King Qi Xiang is dead.” Lu Buwei carefully observed the face of Ying Zheng during the Beijing News.

“Huh?” Ying Zheng hummed a nasal sound. The news was too unexpected. Lu Buwei said that wherever he went, the country would have to be destroyed. This is not bad. King Qi Xiang was scared to death by just saying that he was going. Should it be a coincidence or misfortune? Or luck?

What kind of soldiers will be trained in the future? What kind of weapons do you use? Let Wang Jian be in charge, and you don’t need to lead soldiers behind, so you can take the winning government to various countries, and then wait for that country to be annihilated. Time-saving, labor-saving and high-efficiency, the real “ten thousand enemies on the battlefield”.

When Ying Zheng thought about these messy things, he didn’t know that Lu Buwei in front of him was forcibly holding back a smile. He finally saw the long-lost surprised expression “Five Nine Zero” on Ying Zheng’s face. There will be rich expression changes in the previous victory, but after the death of King Zhuang Xiang, the victory will always be a fall. The indifferent appearance in front of him without changing his color. I just heard Zhuang Xiang

When the news of Wang’s death came, Ying Zheng finally revealed his surprise.

“The king hasn’t used troops yet, and King Qi Xiang is scared to death?” Winning the government is also a rare encounter with unexpected things. Is King Qi Xiang so intimidated? It seems that he is getting older and can’t be too irritated. . Victory still has a little self-blame. He doesn’t blink when he kills, but he didn’t expect that one day he will scare people to death. So he is already scary to this point?

“Will the king go to the Qi country?” Lu Buwei asked embarrassedly. King Qi Xiang was scared to death. If he wins the government and insists on going, Wang Jian will not survive.

“Go, of course. Even if Qi Wangjian is scared to death, this king will go. Is it possible that everyone in Qi will be scared to death by this king?” Yingzheng thought helplessly, so that he would not have to send troops to destroy Qi. Nothing, save trouble.

Lu Buwei was instructed to prepare a chariot for the victory of the government, and the victory of the government can finally travel in an “righteous” way. Finally going out in honor of the emperor, winning politics is still a bit unaccustomed.

The relationship between Yan Guo, Yan Wangxi and Yan Dan was the most depressed when the father and son of Yan Dan finally broke the ice. After putting aside the political affairs, national affairs and other factors, they discovered that they were actually just a pair of ordinary father and son. The other party just has different political views. Calm down and think about it. In fact, the other party’s actions are understandable. Yan Wangxi wants to let Yan Yan country live from Qin country.

After coming down, he chose the “soft” approach. He was always opportunistic and wanted to profit from it, also for the sake of Yan Guo. Yan Dan is young and vigorous, and it is understandable that he likes to be “hard”. He wants to completely change the country of Yan, and he is also seeking a road to prosperity.

After all, the two reached the same goal by different paths, and it happened that neither of them succeeded in the end, just like failure.

After speaking out, Yan Wangxi finally gave up his “soft” method: “It is impossible to profit in vain in front of the Qin State. This person who wins the government, regardless of his appearance as a king, is actually a thief at all. He has to steal everything.” Yan Wangxi laughed at himself in his heart. Isn’t he? It’s just that the way to win the government and steal things is more clever.

Everything, what he said is that the thief shouts to catch the thief.

Yan Dan felt a little self-blaming in his heart. He had lost his temper twice in front of Han Fei. The first time Han Fei stimulated him with words and ignited his anger, in fact, no matter when, people who can’t control their anger deserve to fail. . Yan Dan had already learned his lesson and was determined that he would never be irritated by anyone again. But for the second time, Han Fei still used despair as a sharp edge

, Cut him apart alive.

The most useless thing in language skills becomes a weapon because of doubts. Han Fei is the one who has mastered this weapon, and his skillful tongue can make a storm in the country of Yan. Yan Dan had no choice but to bow down. He admitted that there was a good minister in winning the government.

Yan Wangxi whispered, “Yan, is it really unsaved?” Just like this, he has been surrendered to Qin, and then waited for the victory of the government to eliminate other countries and then be eliminated, becoming the last stepping stone on the road to the victory of the political unification? Yan? Wang Xi’s words seemed to be asking Yan Dan, or he was talking to himself.

Yan Dan replied: “The only one that can save Yan is the last narrow and rugged road. If my father had taken this road early, I am afraid it would not be as difficult as today, but my father would have left it until the end.” Yan Dan laughed at himself. , What’s the use to say at this time? It’s useless to blame Yan Wangxi. He is just used to talking to Yan Wangxi like this.

Competitive 0 ……

“Widow is already tired, let the widow do the last thing for the country of Yan.” Yan Wangxi’s expression became serious, and he hid another sentence in his chest: “It’s also for you.” Yan Dan is his after all. Son, if the country of Yan can survive this catastrophe, Yan Dan will successfully become the king of the next generation of the country of Yan, standing at the same height and winning the political battle!

He agreed, Yan Dan’s long-cherished thoughts, united the power of all countries to fight against Qin. Yan Wangxi knew that what Yan Dan said in front of Han Fei that day was angry, and Yan Dan never gave up.

“The last thing?” Yan Dan asked back. He completely gave up the idea of ​​uniting. He was exhausted. He didn’t want to feel that he would never interfere with anything in the country of Yan again. In front of Han Fei, he accused his father. , This crown prince must also be taken away. From now on, he only needs to watch the victory of the government take away the country of Yan, and then according to Qin

According to the regulations of the country, you can do whatever you want.

Yan Wangxi did not allow his son to be so unambiguous. He showed the majesty of the king: “The widow agrees to the prince’s suggestion, just do what the prince said!”

“Father?” Yan Dan was stunned for a long time, tears bursting into his eyes. He looked at Yan Wangxi in front of him. It’s too late and too late, Yan Dan solemnly said, as he had imagined, “I take the orders!

Maybe it’s not too late, everything is still too late. The man doesn’t flick when he has tears, but he hasn’t reached the point of sadness. He Yan Dan does not care for love or righteousness, but for the people of this world, the country of Yan shed tears this time!

“Prepare a car for the widow, and the widow must go to Qi country in person.” Yan Wangxi conveyed an order to Yan Dan. It seemed that this place was not an imperial garden, but a solemn court. Prince, they should regard the safety of Yan as their responsibility.

This was Yan’s last desperate move. Yan Wangxi personally dispatched, saying that the father and son were very profitable. I don’t know if they can keep Yan’s state this time.

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