Chapter 586 Ok, deal】

“It’s decided, this king is going to Qi country.” Ying Zheng said lightly, and Lu Buwei was instantly dumbfounded.

It’s decided? What was decided? When was it decided? It’s never just decided casually. Anyway, if you are the King of Qin, you can’t be a little conscious. When will the habit of running around as a monarch be changed? Lu Buwei is almost desperate. Even if he knows that it is difficult to win the government, he can’t rest assured that it will run around.

A King Qin went to Baiyue when he didn’t agree with him. He passed a letter in hastily and went to the Kingdom of Han, and appeared again in the Kingdom of Chu without paying attention. Who would dare to believe that he was the king of the Kingdom of Qin? If you don’t go out of the second door, you have to have a ceremonial guard to prepare for a few days in advance.

Lu Buwei stammered and asked: “The king is going to Qi country?” He bit the word Qi very heavily, afraid of winning ~ politics can’t make sense.

Ying Zheng nodded and said faintly: “Yes, Qi country.” Country is not a reason to restrict the action of winning politics. In the future, the whole world will be his. What else can’t you go to?

“Why did the king suddenly make such a decision?” Lu Buwei couldn’t understand, he wanted to directly ask where the habit of running around came from. If he remembers correctly, every time he wins politics, he can reap a lot of beauties, and he will not go to Qiguo just to find beautiful people.

“Jixia Academy is ideologically against the Qin State. This is not something that can be completely wiped out by an attack, and ideological things can’t take away the influence with the end of life.” Yingzheng’s expression is serious, this is true. It is indeed his real purpose, not as unscrupulous as Lu Buwei thought. Yingzheng does love to run everywhere, but every time you run, there is a reason for it, go to Baiyuezhi

The earth is to end smallpox and benefit all people. This time I went to Qi State, also for the sake of the people all over the world.

Lu Buwei never thought that winning politics was going to do such a thing. He was very curious about what means to win politics could solve the trouble of Jixia Academy: “What is the king going to do?”

“Now all the schools that oppose the Qin State are concentrated in the Jixia Academy. This king intends to disintegrate the Jixia Academy. It is a good thing for them to get together and let this king catch them all in one go.” As for how to do it, win the government. Still have to think about it, he doesn’t worry, there is nothing in the world that he can’t do.

Lu Buwei was not in a hurry. He had already seen Jixia Academy upset, but he hadn’t found a way to deal with them. He really needed someone to come up with an idea. I’m afraid it must be a win in politics.

Ying Zheng had already calculated it in his heart, and the four words Jixia Xuegong had been smashed into pieces in his chest, and he pondered carefully.

Lu Buwei, who was on the side, suddenly smiled bitterly: “It might be difficult for the king to go to Qi.”

The first reaction of the winning government was that the courtiers in the court, when he went to Baiyue last time, he had “colluded” with Lu Buwei in advance, and under the cover, he persuaded the courtiers to go to Baiyue freely. cross. Later, when the courtiers knew that they had detoured to the kingdom of Han and Chu to win the government, their hearts were raised in their throats, and they were urged to find ways to win quickly.

If Zheng Nong came back, if there was a mistake, no one could afford it. To be honest, at that time even Lu Buwei was worried.

“This time it was not the courtiers blocking it.” Lu Buwei thought of a funny thing: “If Qi State knew that the king had arrived, Qi Wangjian would be scared to death. The king went up to the land of Baiyue, Baiyue. The land has changed hands. I went to the country of Han, which is gone, and when it comes to the country of Chu, the country of Chu is gone. The king goes to the country of Qi again, what can the country of Qi do?”

What to do? Of course there is no more.

Lu Buwei made an expression of embarrassment: “If the kingdom of Qi is frightened by the king, it will be bad.”

Win Zheng couldn’t help but laugh. It was indeed the reason. I hope that Wang Jian Qi has a strong heart that can withstand this pressure.

After the joke was finished, he still had to be serious. Lu Buwei took the initiative to ask for his order: “It’s better to let the minister go to Qi country for the king. The minister will definitely live up to his trust and let the Jixia Academy collapse.

“No, this king wants to go personally.” There is a reason for Yingzheng’s persistence, and he has to do this. On the one hand, in order to solve a major obstacle in the ideological and cultural transformation of Jixia Academy, Lu Buwei has been thinking for so long and has not been able to find a solution. Zheng is very anxious and can’t give it to Lu Buwei

Enough time.

0……Look for flowers……

Talents must be used in the right place. It is better for Lu Buwei to stay in Qin and continue to edit Lu Shi Chun Qiu. Other Han Fei Lisi and others must stay in Qin to deal with state affairs on their behalf.

On the other hand, as Lu Buwei said, Qi was afraid of Qin, and he wanted to go to Qi to frighten King Qi to win politics. “Next, Qin’s combat goal is to destroy Wei. Qi has always been in a state of avoiding the world. If this king goes to Qi for a tour, Qi must be even more afraid to take any action. It is a pavement for attacking Wei.” Want to scare Qi Guo, Lu Buwei’s qualifications are still not enough

, Only when the winning government is dispatched personally can the effect be achieved.


“Attacking Wei State?” Lu Buwei, you still remember that he was criticized and educated by winning politics because he was anxious to attack the next country. At that time, he advocated attacking Yan State. After this matter, he did not discuss it again. The cabinet’s work priorities Putting it on rebuilding the State of Zhao, I don’t know when it was decided to attack the State of Wei?

No one discussed, this is the decision of the winning government. Attacking Wei is the best choice. Yan has bowed his head to Qin, and his national power has been weakened a lot. You don’t have to worry about the alliance between Yan and other countries to deal with Qin, and you don’t have to worry about Yan rebelling. This country is in Qin. In front of him, he was as obedient as a son.

Since Qi State chose to escape, they were not in a hurry to win the government. They did not send troops to assist the Wei State, and they could temporarily turn a blind eye to the victory. Wei Guo’s national strength is weak, it is very simple to attack, but it will be more difficult to rebuild after it is defeated, and to support a backward country, it feels tiring to think about winning the government.

After the State of Wei is destroyed, the State of Yan in Qi can slowly be eaten away. Of course, there is another reason for the distance. The two countries are far away, and it is understandable to put them behind in the military. Winning the government has already planned the way forward, and it is imperative to attack Wei. This way, we will slow Qi State and give them a tortoise shell, so that Qi State can be steadily shrunk inside, without interfering in winning politics.

The pace of invading Wei State will do.

Lu Buwei looked bitterly at the victory, and their great king was going out again. factory,

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