Chapter 585 New ideology and culture]

While the students from these three countries were still tossed by Qin’s studies, Qin’s education was about to enter the next stage, and the “Lü Shi Chun Qiu” that Ying Zheng had been thinking about was finally compiled.

On the day when the book was completed, Lu Buwei was excited about it. To put it bluntly, winning politics has the consciousness of modern society. He remembers many modern things and the help of systems. Many advanced modern things can be directly copied onto them, but the ready-made things are not omnipotent after all. He has discovered that Qin State uses the drawbacks of Qin Xue to educate.

The beginning of Qin Xue was actually a handwritten manuscript written by Ying Zheng. It was discovered by Han Fei and Li Si as a treasure. In the end, it was compiled and compiled into different categories of Qin Xue. For Qin, who had just abolished the old culture at that time, Qin Xue was A bright moon in the dark night, the light is so bright. After setting up a school, I simply used Qin Xue as a textbook.

, The examination is also subject to this.

For Yingzheng, Qin learning is just the beginning. The things that make the people of Qin enlighten their minds contain all sorts of miscellaneous things, and the content is relatively superficial, far less profound than modern culture. It’s been a long time since the beginning, and the time has come to an end. Winning politicians will push education to a new height. This is why he has been waiting for “Lu Shi Chun Qiu”.

Lu Buwei happily introduced to Yingzheng: “The Spring and Autumn of Lu is based on Confucianism as the backbone of 590. The officials believe that Confucianism is the doctrine that is most in line with the current process of the Qin Dynasty. Moreover, Confucianism is also everyone. The students of Confucianism are spread all over the country. It is huge, and the development of Confucianism is more perfect than other theories, so the minister decided to absorb the essence from Confucianism.

As the backbone of this book. ”

Yingzheng nodded, just to his liking. Confucianism is indeed good. After the imperial examination system of Qin State began, Confucian scholars were the most elected people. The coincidence between Qin and Confucianism was not only a coincidence. It’s just that Yingzheng will not designate Confucianism as Qin’s national studies. He can see that there are still many unsuitable things in Confucianism that need to be raised.

There are still many problems if you want to govern the country.

Lu Buwei also knew that the way to govern the country was based on his own mind, and that the doctrine of that family didn’t work. However, in addition to Confucianism, there is another family of ideas that are very suitable for the current state of Qin: “Lü Shi Chunqiu is also based on Taoist thought, using name, law, ink, agriculture, soldiers, and Yin Yang school thought as its materials. The doctrines of the philosophers of a hundred schools of thought are one furnace.”

This is the most important part of “Lu Shi Chunqiu”. Win Zheng smiled with satisfaction after hearing it. This is the core thing of this era. A hundred schools of thought are contending, and the ideology and culture are unprecedentedly prosperous. It is not good to use these things and just inject it into modern times. Those things are not very useful. This is Qin State, not the 21st century. It is not feasible to mechanically copy, and winning politics is not a panacea.

Yes, he couldn’t write about the specific method of building airplanes in Qin Xue, just as there will never be the mystery of onmyoji in the books of the 21st century.

Yingzheng wants to use Lu Buwei’s “Lu Shi Chunqiu” as the ideology after the great unification, as the true cultural symbol of this era, the era of Qin learning and enlightenment has passed, and the things that the philosophers have condensed will be in this film. The land is rekindled. Qin learning is something exclusive to Qin, even if other countries can buy books about Qin learning, it will be subject to

Text and other factors make it difficult to carry out cultural dissemination. The thoughts of the philosophers are different. No matter whether they are conquered by the Qin State or not, they have all received the cultural influence of the philosophers.

After Ying Zheng got the “Lv Shi Chun Qiu”, he turned over a few pages with love. He hadn’t seen such a rare thing for a long time, and he agreed with many of the theories. “Qin’s unification of the world is very important, as is the unification of thoughts. Qin learning is to make people’s lives better, and “Lü Shi Chun Qiu” is to make the cultural symbols of this era possible.”

This book was tossed over and over again by Ying Zheng and read it many times carefully. After studying it carefully, Lu Buwei was summoned again, and an order was issued: “Add two important points (aibd) in “Lü Shi Chun Qiu”: Loyal King , Patriotism.” This is the means of the ruler and the power of the victor.

Lu Buwei readily took the order.

There is another question. Ying Zheng asked Lu Buwei: “How is the philosopher Baijia now?” Since we have to manage ideological and cultural matters, we should manage it thoroughly.

“People from all schools of philosophers are quite honest now. They have participated in several imperial examinations and want to be officials. Many of them have already given up their original doctrine and switched to Qin School.” Lu Buwei answered truthfully.

Winning politics won’t let the philosophers of the Hundred Schools just end like this. He will let “Lü Shi Chun Qiu” and Qin Studies coexist, combining ancient and modern, without striding forward nor going back to ancient times. It’s a little unexpected for the philosophers of Baijia to be so honest. However, he found that Lu Buwei seemed to be hesitant to say something: “Is there anything else I can’t let this king know?”

This is not because Lu Buwei deliberately concealed his victory in politics, but because he didn’t know how to say it improperly: “Although a hundred schools of scholars have learned a lot, there is still a force in restlessness. Qi Guoji Xia Xuegong is fighting against Qin State. The students are all hostile to the State of Qin. They gather together to form a force, and don’t know what actions will follow.”

Lu Buwei also told Yingzheng that Qi is now also selecting officials and implementing a relatively conservative imperial examination system following the example of Qin. There is no such vigorous and resolute person as Ying Zheng to change the situation. The old aristocratic power is entrenched in the Qi State court. There are many obstacles to the reforms of the Qi State. Although the Qi King intends to change the Qi State, he can only conservatively make the details. change

Qin’s drastic measures left them beyond their reach, and Qi had to adapt and develop a little bit, hoping that one day a single spark could start a prairie fire. Those who support reform in Qi State are also in a hurry. Seeing that Qin State is about to unify the world, Qi State is still toddling like a child.

After listening to Lu Buwei’s words, Yingzheng smiled and said: “Qi is just trying to behave in the same way. Forgive them, they can’t make much trouble.” Everything only knows one thing, but it doesn’t know the other. Qin has implemented the imperial examination system for so long. Now, Qi Guo just followed the way, and the talents eager to benefit from the imperial examination system have already arrived in Qin, and Qi can rely on the immature system to do more.

What about a big change? Even if it can really make waves, it is still out of reach.

The more troublesome is Jixia Academy. This place claims to be an academic sacred place, where many self-proclaimed students gather. Winning wants to let the ideological and cultural development into a new era, so the trouble of Jixia Academy has to be eliminated. .


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