Chapter 584 It’s really comfortable inside]

The situation in Wei, Qi, and Yan is roughly the same. They are all lambs to be slaughtered, and they can only wait to be slaughtered. Unlike the “outside” situation, the “inside” situation is much better.

Zhao Guo, Han Fei, and Chu State are all very good. Winning the government has spent a lot of manpower and material resources. The chimneys of the Daqin Steel Plant smoked endlessly to rush to make steel. Finally, the railway was finally repaired to these three countries. The reason for doing this is very simple. It is to realize the ability to transport troops and materials.

Among them, the military strength is still the most important. It is not easy to win a country, and it is even more difficult to defend. The winning government will treat the people of these countries as the people of Qin, but they don’t know whether they know good or bad. People who don’t know the heights of the sky and the earth, want to take advantage of the turmoil of the country to become the king and win the government to prevent such things from happening, you must have soldiers.

Strong support.

Qin’s military strength is strong, and after being divided by the three countries, it is still not weak.Even Bai 08 does not feel magical.It is like an inexhaustible well. Will make up for it, and Qin will always have far more continuous force supplements. This all depends on the policy of winning the government, so that Qin’s military has such a virtuous circle.

The army is well treated and equipped, and Qin often wins battles. Many young people will enter the army to practice themselves if they want to show their fists.

When the railway arrived, the people of the Three Kingdoms hadn’t seen this novelty. Later, when they knew the effect, there were mixed joys and sorrows. Some people felt that it was Qin who sent troops to further control their country. Out of their fangs and claws, they tore the land to pieces. Others saw the supplies from the railway,

They are all happy to think that this is a precursor to a good life for them.

After Han Fei came back from Yan, he plunged into the affairs of rebuilding Zhao Kingdom. The old Zhao Kingdom wanted to re-run schools and develop education. Many people in Zhao Kingdom were eager to study. Han Fei and Li Si were both of Confucian origin. They can understand the thoughts of scholars best and attach great importance to the school.

When there are too many people, there will be too many things. In order to better manage these people, they will register all the people in the register. I have the list in the world, and everything will be listed according to the list. People who came to Qin for various reasons before. Among them, many people have returned to their homeland because of homesickness. Anyway, these countries already belong to the Qin country, and there is no need to be buried in anonymity.

The names have drifted away from home, and their names have all been entered on this list.

Yingzheng is not commenting on this matter. Those people who have been in Qin for a period of time have learned a lot of technology and culture, and they also know the national conditions of Qin. After they return to their respective countries, they will take them back with them. They will be an aid to the reconstruction of the Three Kingdoms, and Yingzheng is willing to let them go back.

Having the list makes it convenient for Li Si and Han Fei. In keeping with Qin’s policy, children over five years old must go to school to learn the language of Qin, and many teachers are assigned to help them with their studies. The subjects studied are also Qin studies. Han Fei and Li Si did not demand too much, everything is difficult at the beginning, and it is indeed difficult for people who have not lived in Qin to learn Qin’s studies.

It can only be gradually nurtured from the rough and shallow.

Cultural dissemination is very important. Only when people in these countries accept the Qin culture can they become Qin people completely.

In addition to this, there is also industry. The textile industry in Qin is developed. People in the Three Kingdoms know sweaters and they also have one. But they don’t know how the sweater is made. The processing steps are complicated and complicated. To make a sweater, from raw materials to finished products, every level needs to be slowly understood by them.

There are also steel mills, glass factories, and so on. Qin’s territory has grown and there are more places that need to be rebuilt. There are many desolate places in the eyes of Yingzheng. These places are rebuilt well and can accommodate more civilians. People. Especially those places that were originally borders between countries, wherever they are in remote areas due to long-term wars, the people are unwilling to go.

I could feel the screams of wives from the soldiers who died on the battlefield.

After the Qin State unified these countries, this problem did not exist any more. With a stroke of a pen, Ying Zheng delineated what these places were to be used for, who should live, who should be reclaimed, and who should build factories and factories.

To build things, raw materials are needed. Materials such as steel and glass can only be produced in factories. Qin has a ready-made factory, but if it is manufactured where, it is a big expense from collecting raw materials to transportation. The best way is to Three countries build new factories.

With the new factory, the labor problem has been solved. The prolonged war has displaced many people. They are always hungry, have no income, and cannot guarantee three meals a day. Ordinary peasants rely on mountains to eat mountains and water, but the things in the ground cannot withstand human consumption. After breaking the virtuous circle, they can only be hungry.

In order to feed these people, Yingzheng transported a large amount of grain from Qin State, which could be used for a period of time, but they still had to rely on their hands to support themselves. The factory is the most ideal solution. Qin State no longer needs to continue to develop agriculture. Industry is the most profitable thing. These people enter the factory and distribute them according to their own abilities.

Young men who are physically strong go to do some heavy goods that simply require physical strength. Ingenious women go to do some handicraft work. Those clever and clever children can also find safe and delicate things to do in the factory. The elderly can also find some easy jobs in the factory. Everyone has something to do, mobilize the labor force.

Not only can these countries develop rapidly, but also the lives of these people can be put on the right track. Of course, the winning government can afford these people. Even if they do nothing, the winning government can send food to them for free. But Yingzheng doesn’t want to be like this. He loves the people like his son, and he doesn’t love it so much. A country can’t be all idlers.

The biggest slogan of the Three Kingdoms now is to work more and get more. The more you give, the more you get. Winning politics gives them a buffer of time, even if they don’t work, they can get food, but this kind of life will not last too much. For a long time, only under the pressure of competitiveness can these places move forward.

The people are also happy to do this. They have money to make money and food to eat. They don’t need to worry about fighting anymore. Their life is getting better and better. This time they really lifted the clouds to see the sky. With their support, Qin is in these three kingdoms. Gradually stabilized his rule. .

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