Chapter 571 If you don’t agree with each other)

Both Mrs. Pearl and Li Ji were stunned, and Honglian was the first person to accuse Victory of being a liar. As a monarch, someone pointed his nose to say so, Yingzheng did not turn his face but touched Honglian’s head spoilingly: “How did this king lie to you?”

Li Ji looked at Gu Lian enviously. This woman could have such a privilege in front of Ying Zheng. It should be the happiness she would never get.

“King Qin clearly said that what they came across was a snake called the Chilian King Snake. Now they have been seen by others. Where is this snake? King Qin is deceiving people!” Hong Lian said angrily. She always likes to stick to Ying Zheng, and she always encounters a weird thing, round and hard. Gulian is always curious to touch it with her hands. Win Zheng will always stop him.

The reason for stopping was to tell himself that there was a snake wrapped around him. This snake was extremely poisonous. If it was provoked, it would come out and bite. Do not let go of politics.

Li Ji was asked by Guren, she didn’t know what to answer, and looked at the victory in confusion. Ying Zheng was amused by Guren’s silly look. He asked Li Ji to push aside and let Guren “retaliate” on him.

As if the child got 577 new toys, it was both novel and happy. Guren learned Li Ji’s movements and touched it a little strangely: “I just heard you at the door saying something like an inch, what do you mean?”

Without waiting for the victory to speak, Mrs. Pearl and Li Ji both laughed. When it comes to greed, I am afraid that no one can compare to the victory. He has so many beauties in his harem. The concubine of Honglian, Honglian is just playing on his own, and the start is not serious or serious. This is a painful victory and can only be taught personally.

Fortunately, Honglian is a good boy who is studious. After that day, Chilian King Snake didn’t know from which corner he crawled out, and Honglian knew that winning the government was not a lie, and begged Yingzheng for forgiveness with aggrieved expression. What can win the government say, he is the one who is really wronged.

This grievance was sent to Yan Wangxi, and the victory directly ordered: “A city will not be given to Yan, all belongs to Qin. These are all captured by Qin with the sword, and there is nothing to do with Yan. Relationship. If Yan State makes trouble unreasonably, Qin State will not show mercy.

After Wang Jian was killed, he knew (aibd) to win the government was to kill him. As long as the soldiers of Yan State dared to grab them, they would kill them directly. Wang Jian was also a ruthless man, and he directly ordered his soldiers to do so.

As soon as the order came out, the soldiers of Yan State were frightened. They didn’t think that Qin State was an ally. I saw that the soldiers of Qin State were all taking detours.

Yan Wangxi was furious when he heard the news: “Is it crazy to win the government? Isn’t he afraid that the world will say he is selfish? That country will dare to form an alliance with him in the future?” He pointed to the air and cursed, pretending to be standing in front of him. It’s winning politics.

“My lord, I am afraid that Qin does not need alliances with other countries anymore.” There is no good alliance. Han, Chu, and Zhao are already Qin, and to some extent they are the most reliable.” “The Alliance. It was Yan’s courtier who was talking about the situation. He had a thorough analysis of the situation.

“Widows know, I want you to talk more!” Yan Wangxi yelled angrily. Yan’s court always did this. Suddenly, he would help to win the government. Yan Wangxi doubted whether these courtiers were rebellious.

Yan Chunjun was frowning on the side. Yan Guo was too miserable this time. It was like an empty bamboo basket and a waste of work, but in the end nothing was caught. Let Yingzheng be a living target for nothing. “This time the account must not be settled like this. I thought that Qin was sincere and sincere to form an alliance with us, but unexpectedly crossed the river and demolished the bridge. They did this, so don’t blame Yan for being inhumane.


King Yan was very angry. Hearing what Yan Chunjun said, it was just what he wanted! Attacking Qin and winning politics alive! This is the only thing Yan Wangxi wants to do.

“King Qin doesn’t put my country Yan in his eyes, he must give him some color to see.” Some courtiers instigated them. They were totally brainless. As long as they found out what King Yan wanted to do, they would follow suit. According to what he meant, they just wanted to please Yan Wangxi. As for what happened next, they didn’t care about it.

Yan Chunjun also agreed to attack the State of Qin: “To win the political tool Zhang Bahu, someone must come to rule!”

“Widow is willing to punish him on behalf of the sky.” Yan Wangxi sits with a solemn expression on his face. It’s like doing something just and awe-inspiring. Yan country can be regarded as fighting all over the world, and cannot be bullied like this by Qin country. He wanted to regain the original bloodiness for the soldiers of the State of Yan, so that they would not be frightened by the sight of the soldiers of the State of Qin.

Now that you have decided to do it, let it go. Yan Wangxi’s determination has been made, and he dare not follow the court. It’s just how to fight, how to fight. These are still problems.

Yan Chunjun suggested: “It is better for the king to join Qi and Wei to attack Qin. After the battle of Zhao Zhao was over, the victory of the government removed the Baiyue troops stationed outside Wei, and now Wei has got it. The space for activities can be striving for them to be in alliance with the Yan Nation.” The odds of winning the Yan Nation alone may not be enough, but if the three countries join forces, the winning rate will indeed be much greater.

King Yan nodded happily. Attacking Qin is not a trivial matter. It’s better to find more helpers. It’s just that how to get this Qi state is still a difficult problem. The alliance between Yan State and Qin State lies here. If Qi Wang has doubts in his heart and refuses to conspire with Yan State, Wei Guo’s national strength is weak, this is true. not good.

Yan Chunjun comforted King Yan and claimed that he would think of a way to persuade King Qi to let the Three Kingdoms attack Qin. He did not give a specific plan, but he gave Yan Wangxi the confidence.

Just as the Yan State court was about to reach an agreement, a person hurried over, yelling, “No, never!” Judging from the figure and voice, it was Yan Guo’s prince pill.

After learning that the Assassination of Qin failed for a long time, he couldn’t slow down for a long time. After finally returning to normal, he carefully calculated that Zhao Guo was annihilated, Qin Yan divided Zhao Guo, Ying Zheng and Yan Wang Xi were not fuel-efficient lamps, the two of them It’s weird to be able to negotiate. No one ruled Yan Dan in the affairs of the court, it was all inferred by Yan Dan alone.

Sure enough, as soon as he approached, he heard where Yan Chunjun was deceiving the people, and the three kingdoms would be able to attack the Qin country? Dreaming! Yan Dan’s hope has not been completely extinguished, and he wants to let the Yan country be in a turbulent situation. Survive, no matter how hard it is.

The smile on Yan Wangxi’s face gradually faded. From when on, the father and son would never think of going together. He couldn’t help wondering whether Yan Dan deliberately acted against him.

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