Chapter 572 Pour the power of a country]

After Yan Dan arrived at the court, he kept repeating: “Father must not attack the heart of Qin State. Attacking Qin Guo now is like moths fighting the fire to find their way to death. Yan State can’t die!” He was very emotional. , The tone also became tense, so I just knelt directly on the ground and cried and pleaded.

“What do you mean? Didn’t you propose to unite to attack Qin before? Now that the widow is about to do this, you have jumped out to prevent the widow from doing it. What do you mean by repeating it or not?” King Yan Burning with joy and anger, how do you think Yan Dan is not pleasing to your eyes.

Yan Dan insisted on his own opinion: “Father must never think about attacking Qin, and Yan will perish.” This is the inevitable result. Yan Dan doesn’t understand why the other people in Yan can’t see through, or say they are just Pretending to be stupid on purpose?

Yan Wangxi listened to Yan Dan, the kingdom of Qin, one after another, and one after another, he was angry just listening. This son made him sweep his eyes in the court, and he could not tolerate any more mischief. Yan Wangxi directly ordered people to kill Yan. Dan dragged on, and would never be allowed to come to the court again without his permission.

This punishment is not light. Not allowing Yan Dan to come to court is tantamount to denying Yan Dan’s political rights in disguise, so that he no longer has the right to intervene in Yan’s government affairs. The more important point is that he will not be a prince, which is equivalent to abolishing him.

Yan Dan didn’t struggle or argue. All his unwillingness turned into a sneer. This smile was extremely desolate, as weak as the only blank on a thick and colorful scroll, desperate eroding Yan Dan’s limbs. He calmly walked out of the Yan Guochao Hall. This may be the last time he stood here, but it doesn’t matter. Soon the entire Yan Guo will disappear. Who will

Do you care about a small court?

When the person who got in the way was gone, Yan Wangxi enthusiastically patted Yan Chunjun to prepare to attack the Qin State.

Preparations for this battle against Qin were not smooth. Jun Yanchun was determined to create a man to persuade Qi and Wei to send troops, but was rejected by both. Wei’s reason is simple. King Wei Anli said that he was tired. When the land of Baiyue was besieged at the gate of Wei, he was frightened day and night, and he was in fear in his dreams.

How long the troops in the land of Baiyue stayed at the gate of Wei State, how long King Wei Anli suffered. Now they withdrew their troops, and Wei Guo finally cleared the siege. Even the destruction of Zhao Guo can’t be taken care of. Wei Guo just wants to survive on his own and be able to take care of himself in troubled times.

He didn’t care about winning the government, and King Wei Anli didn’t want to know what Qin was doing. As long as Wei lived in peace, he would be satisfied. With such a desire, it is naturally impossible to form an alliance with Yan Guo to fight against Qin. If Yan Guo fights, he must fight it himself. Don’t pull Wei Guo, Wei will not participate in any war in the future!

Wei Guo refused decisively, and King Wei Anli said so decisively, Yan Chunjun knew that there was no way to persuade him. He simply gave up Wei Guo and went to Qi Guo.

Qi Guo is even more “powerful”. Hearing that it was the messenger from the Kingdom of Yan, I didn’t even see it at all. I also accused Yan Wangxi as being a grasshopper on the side of a wall. It was clear that he was a grasshopper on the same line with the Six Kingdoms. Finally dumbfounded, I didn’t get anything.

In Qi State’s view, this war was launched by Yan State in order to avenge Qin State. Acting so impulsively, there is no chance of winning. Qi Guo couldn’t take risks with Yan Guo, and if he angered Qin Guo, he would be attacked as the next target of destruction. Qi Guo also rejected Yan Guo positively.

Yan Chunjun was helpless, neither of the two allies could win, so he had to go to Yan Wangxi in disgrace, and truthfully reported all of them.

“Both countries are not willing to form an alliance with us?” Yan Wangxi was not surprised. He blamed everything on Han Fei. It was that person who deceived himself that made Yan Guo fall into such a passive situation, except for Qin. No country in China dared to form an alliance with Yan.

Yan Chunjun asked Yan Wangxi with a dilemma what should be done, and Yan Wangxi thought about it. This time the battle against Qin must not give up. If you give up, it is not just what Yan Dan’s intentions are. The two of them have a rift between them. Yan Dan refuses to let him do anything. He just wants to do something. It must be carried out to the end.

Yan Wangxi feels that this son is a waste, as long as he is doomed to fail. Conversely, what he didn’t let him do, he would surely succeed! The arrow was on the line and he had to send it, even if only Yan Kingdom was the only one, he would have to launch a war against Qin Kingdom! King Yan was happy that Yan Kingdom was weak, and as long as he had a proper strategy, he would still be able to win. of.

0……Look for flowers……

There are many things to win with less, and there are more examples of weaker than strong. Yan Wangxi confidently believes that the Yan Kingdom’s battle against Qin can be fought beautifully, leaving a rich and colorful stroke in the long river of history. From then on, Yan Kingdom turned over and stepped Qin on its feet.

Then everything that Qin has now will become Yan’s. They attacked so many countries in vain, and finally let Yan pick up the ready-made ones. There are so many beauties in the harem of Qin Kingdom, and they will all stay at that time, so that he wants to use it alone.


Yan Wangxi’s imagination is almost crazy. He gave an order to Jun Yan Chun: “With the power of my great Yan, attack the Kingdom of Qin! This battle can only be won but not defeated!” In this way, the battle of the Qin war was completely handled by Jun Yan, Yan Wang Xi continued to fantasize about all kinds of good things after the defeat of Qin.

Yan Chunjun did not have the confidence of Yan Wangxi. He watched Yan Wangxi in embarrassment and stopped talking. He wanted to ask Yan Wangxi how to win this battle? But he also knew that Yan Wangxi fought against the marching army. I’m not interested in matters of the aspect, so asking will only cause Yan Wangxi’s scolding. In the end, Yan Chunjun could only retire dejectedly.

Yan Wangxi noticed the decline of Yan Chunjun, so he added: “If you lose this battle, the widow will kill you.” Yan Wangxi said viciously, even his younger brother. If he can’t win the Qin State for him, and capture and win politics alive, it’s just a waste on the chessboard, just throw it away.

If you can’t tolerate Mr. Yan Chun to speak, everything is settled. Yan Chunjun finally knew what it meant to lift a rock and hit himself in the foot. When he proposed to attack Qin, no one thought that he would be the leader. Everyone just talked about it and never considered specific implementation. What to do at the time.

So far, I can only think about how to defeat the Qin State and give Yan Wangxi an explanation. After Yan Chunjun left the palace, he urgently summoned several of his capable men. This time he would do his best to make Qin State lower his arrogant head. factory,

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