Chapter 570 Greedy person]

King Yan’s idea was very simple. He couldn’t help but win the government and not give it. The territory of the Kingdom of Zhao, Yan Nation, was about to be determined. . As for how much the country of Yan deserves, Yan Wangxi said: “For an alliance, it means that two countries work together, help each other, and attack the country of Zhao together. This is how it counts.

It’s not half of the people in the end. ”

“Half?” Even Yan Chunjun was shocked by Yan Wangxi’s greed. This is how the lion opened his mouth. Winning the government would definitely not give it.

King Yan said with a sinister smile: “If you want more than half of it, you want a small half. Give half of the land, and give it to one or two cities. All we want are more, not all we want to leave. Now, it’s enough to win politics, and he won’t care so much.”

Yan Chunjun said: “Now that the Qin State has taken those territories, it will soon implement a new policy in the Zhao State, so that the people everywhere will gradually become the people of the Qin State. I am afraid we can no longer get it now.”

The imperial decree change is the most deadly. Zhao Kingdom was initially determined. A place frequently changed owners. In the morning, it was still Zhao Kingdom, and at noon it became Yan Kingdom. In the afternoon, it was Qin Kingdom again. NS. This will cause turmoil in the local area, and in the end, this place may be isolated directly, and no one wants to own it.

This is the dangerous way that Yan Wangxi is doing now, but even so, Yan Wangxi is not ready to let go: “No matter what the city of Zhao State becomes, even if it turns into a ghost city in the end, no one will dare to take it anymore. , Nor can it be given to the State of Qin, 々.

Although Yan Chunjun was a little afraid of being an enemy of Qin, seeing Wangxi Yan’s self-confidence, there was a hint of happiness in his heart. The country has more “trophies” in its hands.

The two reached a consensus, and Yan Wangxi immediately revised a book and asked Yingzheng for half of Zhao’s land. The letter written by Xiaozhi moved with emotion and reason, and the sincerity of the feelings made people shed tears. The tragedy of Yan State is written incisively and vividly, and the role of Yan State in the battle of Zhao Zhao is especially crucial. After receiving the pen, Wang Yan was satisfied and read it again. He said to himself: “I don’t believe in winning.

Zheng will not give us Jiangshi after reading this letter.

Don’t believe it, the content of this letter seems ridiculous to Yingzheng. Through this letter, he can see Yan Wangxi’s clever face. He is really stupid and stupid, and loves tricks.

Mrs. Mingzhu climbed up from behind Yingzheng, leaning her chin on Yingzheng’s shoulder, and looked at the letter in Yingzheng’s hands together: “It’s really worthless for someone to send it over for such a boring thing. “This letter was sent by Mrs. Mingzhu, but her purpose is not just to deliver the letter.

“Insatiable people will sooner or later ask for trouble.” Mrs. Mingzhu teased and said, she felt ridiculous when she saw the letter written by Yan Wangxi. Who should win the government, even if he has huge financial resources. , The endless territory and numerous beauties will not easily be distributed to others. After all, it is just an iron cock, with no hair. What do you want to take away from him

It all depends on good luck.

**”This king has already given him two or three cities, and he wants more. It’s really an inch.”

Mrs. Pearl is brilliant, but Ying Zheng doesn’t want to listen. The two or three cities given to King Yan were not what he meant. He handed over the rebuilding of the Zhao Kingdom to the cabinet, and he rarely asked about it afterwards. These cities are probably “concessions” made by the cabinet to maintain friendly relations with Yan. Winning Zheng didn’t want Mrs. Pearl to say more, so she simply

Shan rudely blocked her mouth.

Give two or three cities an inch. Yingzheng knew that it was time for him to deal with (Li Zhaozhao). Half of the territory didn’t even think about it. This time he wanted to let Yan State not get a city.

“My sister is right. People who are insatiable will surely get angry in the end, but I don’t know who the insatiable person is?” Ying Zheng forgets that there is Liji’s mouth, and she suddenly said this nonsense, making Mingzhu. The lady was also puzzled.

Only Yingzheng felt that there was a person approaching here. Not an assassin, there is no killing intent on her body, this person is familiar with winning politics, since she came to Qin, there has been little peace in winning politics.

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