Chapter 569 Give you the site]

The situation in the Zhao country is still like this. The two countries can’t talk about national celebrations, but everyone is happy. Only a small number of aristocrats in the Zhao country whose interests have been damaged are sad. They are all covered in the new atmosphere after the end of the territory.

Besides, Gao Jianli, Jing Ke and Cao Qiudao finally returned to Yan State on foot. Zhao Guodu had already surrendered, and Yan Dan learned the news of the failure of assassination of Qin. When the three of them returned to the country of Yan, they were in a state of despair, and suffered tremendous physical and mental injuries in the country of Qin. Coupled with the long-distance travel afterwards, they were no longer in human form.

When Prince Dan saw them, he was shocked. He thought that some savage in the mountains had entered the Yan King’s Palace with intent to go wrong, and almost called the guards to drive them out.

The three of them did not speak, and they did not communicate with each other along the way. The shocks to the three of them were too great, and they couldn’t be relieved for so long. But it doesn’t matter if you don’t speak or not. As soon as you see them like this, Yan Dan can guess that assassinating Qin has failed.

The action he planned for a long time, the assassin copper that was sacrificed when he was forced to do so, this assassination action from the summoning of the manpower to the execution, only two or three days after the first 08, it will be discovered by the winning government. Yan Dan couldn’t figure it out even if he wanted to break his head, could it be that winning politics really has the ability to reach the sky, can he know everything in the world?

Assassinating Qin simply failed, and Yan Dan was caught off guard. Yan Dan thought about various possibilities, many difficulties and corresponding methods, but never thought that it would fail so completely, let alone the corresponding measures after the failure. . Zhao Guo surrendered, what should Yan Guo do? Other countries are completely cold.

Winning politics has set the general trend of the world, and no one can stay out of it. Yan Dan’s storm is coming. Yan Dan looked at his subordinates, and their faces seemed to see through the vicissitudes of life. After all, these people have lost their original determination to take the lead and repay the world. They don’t care about Yan Guo. .

Yan Dan looked at the three of them, as if looking at an abandoned son.

Yan Dan was desperate, Yan Wangxi was angry, and Yan country was not at peace. The reason for Wang Yan to be furious is very simple: “It’s really cunning to win the government. This time he attacked the State of Zhao, he didn’t look at how many places the State of Zhao occupied by the State of Qin! He didn’t even have any sincerity to talk about alliances.”

Yan Chunjun reluctantly said: “But this is the reason why the king failed to grasp the timing of sending troops. If we sent troops early, it would not be so miserable.” This time the country of Yan was really miserable, and the land of Zhao country was almost Wherever it was to win the government, Yan Guo only got two or three cities.

After the Qin State broke Handan, the State of Yan actually caught up, but Yan Wangxi played smart again and didn’t take the initiative to attack. Instead, he followed Wang Jian. As soon as the Qin army finished the attack, they hurried to occupy it. In fact, Qin Jun didn’t fight very much. As long as the cities in Zhao State heard that Qin Jun was coming, they surrendered and surrendered.

May become a prisoner.

Yan Wangxi was not yet complacent with this practice. He followed Qin Jun to eat all kinds of meat without moving his hands. It was like a newborn child who had nothing to do and someone would feed him. Don’t worry about getting hungry at all.

At that time, the court of Yan State was also full of applause, and the courtiers even took the opportunity to brag about Yan Wangxi and said all the good things. The flattering faces are still dangling by Yan Wang. In the end, the victory was ruthless enough to directly let Wang Jian take back those cities.

After all, Qin State was going to re-plan Zhao State, and he didn’t want to wait until after attacking Yan State before taking back these cities. And his reason is simple: “This is the Qin’s soldiers hit with a single sword, since Yan is an ally, so it was used by the Yan army as a temporary garrison. Now Zhao has surrendered, these Naturally, the city was going to be returned to the State of Qin.

The words are said to be true, and all kinds of things make sense. Yan Wangxi originally wanted to stay there with a sullen expression, to see what Yingzheng would do with him.

It doesn’t make sense, of course, it’s a direct action. Win the government if you want to be reasonable, then just do it. When Yan Wangxi refused to leave the occupied city for the second time, Wang Jian directly let his subordinates do it, and he directly killed the soldiers in the city of Yan. Others thought that Qin and Yan had become enemies.

In fact, Yan Wangxi really wanted to turn back, but he didn’t dare. Opposing Ying Zheng will not do any good to Yan, not to mention that Qin still has the handle, and it is impossible to form alliances with other countries. King Yan could only bear it, and then obediently withdrew his soldiers from the various cities of Zhao State, and returned to the winning government.

When I vomited something out of my mouth, this feeling was really too bad. Yan Wangxi was furious about this and disturbed the Yan Guochao hall. The courtiers were silent, and no one dared to talk to King Yan King Xida again, and the upper dynasty could end soon. Yan Wangxi could not hear the flattering voices of courtiers, and was always upset.

And what makes him even more annoying is still behind. Winning the government has always had to make progress. Every day, like an enclosure, they say that this city is theirs and that the city is also occupied by them, so that King Yan will evacuate the soldiers of the Yan country as soon as possible. Just kill them as soon as you leave, just like the soldiers of Yan State who drove away from the city.

If King Yan Xi gave any orders, the soldiers of the State of Zhao were completely panicked. They even crawled away from the cities of the State of Zhao, knowing that the Qin Army was going crazy and even killed “his own people”. He is an indecisive person, always thinking about the 577 good things that the mantis catches the cicada and the oriole. How can there be so many good things in the world, even if there are, they can still be picked up by King Yan?


The soldiers of the Yan State had left the city of Zhao State consciously. Before Yan Wangxi had yet to decide how to make a decision, he heard this mutiny-like news, and his angry face turned black. Ying Zheng deliberately snatched things from the Kingdom of Yan. As a soldier of the Kingdom of Yan, he didn’t want to protect him. Instead, he directly gave up his hands and ignored the existence of his king. Yan Wangxi knew that this was the fear of the Kingdom of Yan.

They are afraid of winning the government, and they are afraid that Qin will make Yan’s blood flow for thousands of miles. He is no longer qualified to laugh at King Zhao, Yan’s army is in front of Qin’s army, what else can he do?

The courtiers could only persuade Yan Wangxi not to get angry, and even if the military discipline was required, he couldn’t kill all the soldiers who left the city without permission. That way, Yan Guo would lose a lot of troops for no reason.

In the end, winning the government was still merciful, leaving two or three cities for Yan Wangxi as a reward for this alliance. King Yan looked at the map with joy and almost turned his back in anger. These three cities are all poor and remote places in the country of Zhao, and they are still far away from each other. This is the place that deliberately prevents the country of Yan from setting foot in the country of Zhao.

King Yan happily fell on the map: “It’s true that he won the government when Zhao is his Qin country, he can’t think about it!”

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