Chapter 568 Helpless choice]

Although Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng were both in their arms, the people of Zhao State did not know that they still thought that Zhao Guoguo would go to war with Qin State, and Zhao Guozhong Mou was panicked for fear that the war would be triggered and Qin State attacked in.

The people complained that they didn’t want Zhao and Qin to go to war. Seeing Qin’s unimpeded road, all fools knew that Qin’s combat effectiveness was stronger. Fighting between Zhao and Qin was tantamount to hitting a rock with a pebble.

Under the excitement of the crowd, they even surrounded the new palace of Zhao State. Their request was simple. As long as King Zhao Miaoxiang ceased the war and asked Qin State for peace, they were willing to leave here. This disturbance is no different from the people’s uprising. After hearing the news, King Zhao Miaoxiang didn’t dare to come out. He treated King Zhao’s palace as a tortoise shell, so he simply shrank inside and couldn’t come out.

The people didn’t leave, and they simply lived outside the palace of King Zhao in the “May Seven Seven” period. Some of them lived far away. You can often see the momentum of Qin’s 400,000 troops going to the outside of the city. The scene is normal. People will be frightened to their legs, not to mention that they are the targets to be attacked.

King Zhao Miaoxiang was helpless in the palace, so it was not a problem to be a tortoise with his head shrunk. A few days later, Qin State came to the imperial decree to win the government, and gave King Zhao Miaoxiang a chance to surrender. The simple words in the imperial decree seem to be understatement, but to King Zhao Miaoxiang it is as important as Mount Zhao.

No need to win the political urge this time, King Zhao Mourianxiang proclaimed in the court hall very positively: “Tomorrow morning, Zhao will be officially surrendered to Qin.” When he said this, the long-term lifeless face turned out to be the first. Revealing a trace of life again.

Some of the courtiers were very distressed: “Oh, Zhao Guo actually fell like this. Does my Zhao Guo really have no chance to turn defeat into victory?” He said this, and King Zhao Mouxiang immediately ordered him to be killed. Push it out and cut it.

At this time, there are only two kinds of people who can say this. One is the loyal minister and good general who really thinks about the state of Zhao. They can’t bear to let the state of Zhao be destroyed, so they say so. There is another kind of people who are the remaining aristocratic forces of Zhao Guo. The reason why they do not want Zhao Guo to surrender is simple, that is, they do not want to lose the rights they have now.

King Zhao Miaoxiang wanted to survive for himself and also to restore peace to the country of Zhao. So this time he must follow the example of winning politics and directly eradicate these forces. The nobles of the Zhao Kingdom are of no use anymore. As long as tomorrow is passed, there will no longer be the group of the nobles of the Zhao Kingdom. They will go to extinction along with the destruction of the Zhao Kingdom.

No one in the court dared to speak anymore, and King Zhao Miaoxiang handled the matter of accepting surrender to Qin with one hand. He stayed up all night that night and woke up early the next morning.

From today on, he will never wear gorgeous clothes anymore, but put on a plain white clothes under the service of the palace people. White will always look at the lowest level of civilians to wear it, and he will also wear it at funerals. Su Yi. King Zhao Miaoxiang put on such clothes specially to accept the surrender, just to express his sincerity.

This means that he has put down his status as the king of the State of Zhao, and accepts the surrender as a commoner of the State of Qin. From then on, the king of Zhao State won the government, not him.

It was not enough to just put on clothes. King Zhao Miaoxiang asked him to prepare twine, tied himself up, and then got on the white carriage. Unlike the ceremonial guard that the king travels, this carriage is not only very simple to get down.

The people of Zhao State who were guarding outside the palace were shocked when they saw this battle. Those who didn’t know thought that King Zhao Miaoxiang died? They talked about whether it was a good thing or a bad thing. King Zhao Miaoxiang died. Zhao Guoguo became a loose sand, and then it could neither defend nor attack, and Zhao Guo would destroy itself without attacking. No one knows whether this is a good thing or a bad thing.

In this way, the people of the Zhao country say you and me, and they think about it, no matter what the king Zhao Miaoxiang is, he is also the king of the Zhao country, and people die like a lamp. The people of Zhao State knelt down one after another to “see off” Zhao Miaoxiang. What’s more, he cried directly, and Zhao Guo felt like a “national funeral” at once.

Just when they were indulging in grief, true or false, King Zhao Miaoxiang was smoked from the Qiqiao in the car, and these people of Zhao country were so longing for him to die? How much resentment is it for him? Have such a wish? King Zhao Mouxiang felt infinite sadness in his heart. He felt exhausted physically and mentally, and was dragged forward by the car like a wandering soul.

When King Zhao Miaoxiang couldn’t listen to the deep cry, he got out of the car and shouted: “Why cry? The widow is not dead yet!”

The people of Zhao Guo just woke up like a dream. They have mixed feelings in their hearts. They don’t know whether they should be happy or sad. Go to the front and formally let Zhao Guo be surrendered to Qin State.

The people were moved to tears when they heard King Zhao Miaoxiang’s decision. They were really willing to bow down to the ground this time, thanking King Zhao Miaoxiang for his “life-saving grace.”

King Zhao Miaoxiang knew in his heart that this was the last time anyway, and he still had a chance to be admired by the people. It was his last ending as King Zhao. When it came to the moment of accepting the surrender, King Zhao Mouxiang was still uneasy.

Standing in front of the army of the Qin State, Wang Jian watched King Zhao Miaoxiang holding Yuxi step by step, every step was extremely difficult. The jade seal in his hand is a token handed down from generation to generation by the Emperor of the Zhao Kingdom. This thing carries the hope of many generations of the people of the Zhao Kingdom, how much the Emperor of the Zhao Kingdom has the ambition to spleen the world, as well as the thousands of hectares of the Zhao Kingdom, every inch of the river and every inch of blood.

But now it’s all turned into fly ash, and everything is over. Zhao Guo has reached the generation of King Zhao Miaoxiang, and has come to the end. The growing power of Qin State is the shadow of Zhao Guo’s gradual decline. No one can understand the pain of King Zhao Miaoxiang 1.3. The jade seal in his hand is hot, and his palm is so hot that he can no longer hold the jade seal.

Both Wang Jian and Qin Jun were waiting for the moment when King Zhao Miaoxiang let go. That was the moment when the State of Zhao was declared to be completely destroyed, and it was also a proof that the State of Qin was stronger.

If you can’t bear it, you can’t help it. If this Yuxi stays in the country of Zhao for a moment, it will be more dangerous.

“Let’s go then.” This sound melted in the wind like a sigh of nothingness, and burst everyone’s eardrums like a thunderstorm. The person who heard it, either gratification or pain, would become temporary.

Qin will not be immersed in joy forever because of getting Zhao Guo, they have a more distant journey. Zhao Guo will not suffer forever because of loss. What they will usher in is the new life bestowed by the winning government. .

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