Chapter 567 The restless court]

Han Fei and Li Si took the initiative to request orders. They will continue to preside over the imperial examinations in Zhao State and select Zhao’s talents, even if they are only rare. Based on past experience, countries like Han and Chu did not implement the imperial examination system like Qin, let alone promote education such as schools and schools. Even though there are many poor students who are still studying hard, they rarely do

A person who is knowledgeable.

Without resources, even people with natural talents will be affected. In Han and Chu, no matter how good they are, they are not as good as an ordinary student in Qin. However, Han Fei and Li Si were not discouraged. They still treated the citizens of the surrendered country in the manner of the imperial examination system. They could wait, and the days after Daqin would still be long.

When the real talents came out of these countries, everyone was still equal before the imperial examination system, and there was no distinction between high and low, and even after the reunification, there would be no country. Everything is difficult at the beginning, and now these countries that have just returned, the cultural level is still slightly behind the Qin State.

What Han Fei and Li Si are most anxious about is the construction of the new kingdom of Zhao, but Lu Buwei is concerned about other things, a more important thing: “My lord, since the kingdom of Zhao has fallen, should we consider attacking the kingdom of Yan?”

Yan country. There are many places where Yan State provokes Qin State. Yan State has been assassinating to win politics before, and this time it is too late for the Alliance to send troops 570. Yan’s wolf ambition has long been exposed. As long as he is willing to win the government, there is a reason to fight against Yan.

Han Fei held back a smile. He remembered that when he went to persuade Yan Wangxi before, he kept saying that Qin and Yan had no enemies, so that he could make a bold alliance with confidence. But in fact, where there is no hatred, hatred is not something that can come casually, let alone go casually.

In this attack on Zhao State, Yan State still gained a lot of benefits from it. Even if he was not guilty and cherished his crime, Yan Guo would hate Qin Guo. Everything belongs to the State of Qin, so how can it be allowed for others to share a piece of the pie? Yan Guo’s hunger for food is simply seeking his own way, no wonder Qin State is ruthless.

This path is a bit wild, that is, when we are attacking Zhao, we will unite with Yan. On the one hand, we will not allow Yan to send troops to rescue Zhao. Other countries will hesitate to send troops when they see what Yan has done. Disintegrate the remaining countries from within. On the other hand, the benefits are temporarily placed in the country of Yan, and will be returned when the country of Qin attacks the country of Yan. Those territories are in the hands of King Yan

Without enlightenment, he returned to Qin’s hands.

Speaking of the next country to attack, I am afraid that as Lu Buwei said, Yan Guo is the most suitable candidate. If you have benefited from others, you should get it back earlier, otherwise the country of Yan will take the opportunity to become stronger. Isn’t it necessary for the State of Qin to spend a lot of time.

Han Fei and Li Si both nodded their heads in recognition. They had forgotten that the most important thing this time was to discuss how to reorganize the country of Zhao, and they all focused on preparing to attack the next country.

The cabinet is unanimous, but they won the government and said indifferently: “The incident of the assassination of this king by Yan Kingdom is too long, and this king can’t remember it. The road to dominate the world is a long way to go, and you have to take it slowly. First, Zhao Zhao After dealing with the affairs of the country, we will discuss the matter of attacking other countries.

Victory has discovered that as the Qin State has become stronger and stronger, there has also been an impetuous air in the court. No matter how high or low the official position is, every official seems to be a little impetuous. He always feels that Qin is omnipotent, and thinking about danger in times of peace is the way to survive in a country. If you are blinded by the glitz in front of you, you will lose your way.

Although Da Qin is powerful, it can also collapse in an instant. No matter which country Qin attacked, it was not difficult to tell the truth. But winning the government is still cautiously guarding, and every battle must not be taken lightly. Only one step at a time can we get to the day when Qin will defeat all countries.

Lu Buwei leaned over and saluted: “It was the minister who was too impatient. The king said that although Zhao Guo had proposed surrender, he did not completely surrender his power. Only when Zhao Guo completely belonged to (aibd) Qin State, Zhao Guo was regarded as completely imprisoned. It’s gone.” You can’t be anxious if you’re anxious.

It would be no fun if the country was flanked back and forth.

The strategy of winning the government and attacking the country is very clear. Complete preparations must be made before the start of war. You cannot declare war rashly, and then officially declare war when everything is ready but the east wind owes you.

Once war is declared, we must get up quickly, and our actions must not be slow. Don’t give the other party a chance to ask for help. This kind of quickness is based on the military. It is quick but not able to advance, just like when the Qin State attacked Handan in Zhao State, it was slow, orderly, and gradual. When Handan is broken, you will be able to sing triumphs all the way.

In the end, we have reached this stage. Winning politics or choosing stability is the truth.

Han Fei continued: “We need officials to go deep into every place in the Zhao country, so that the people of the Zhao country can surrender, and they are all under the management of the Qin country.”

Yingzheng nodded and made a good analysis, except that the officials were sent specifically, where they were sent, what their official positions were, and what their ranks were. What should the officials of the Zhao Kingdom deal with and how the people would accept the new officials? These are all issues that must be considered. This matter was directly handed over to Han Fei to win the government. In order to build the land of Baiyue, winning the government is the official

It took a lot of effort to delegate the staff. Thinking that there will be other countries in the future, he couldn’t do everything by himself. He decided to cultivate Han Fei’s talents in this area.

Li Si thought for a while and said, “My lord, these things are not trivial. Each one requires a lot of energy, and the minister is willing to assist the seniors to complete it together.”

Yingzheng agreed. Li Si is a trustworthy person. He and Han Fei have always been good partners. The two of them often work together to do one thing. They work together, and winning the government is very assured.

“It’s just that we have to re-organize all aspects of a country. There is a long way to go. It will not be completed overnight. I am afraid it will take a lot of time.” Li Si’s expression is a bit solemn. Don’t be too anxious.

Lu Buwei knew that he was too aggressive to make Li Si say such a thing, and he lowered his head in shame.

Winning politics allows Han Fei and Li Si to do it with peace of mind, and he will promptly correct any problems. As he said, the leader of Yingzheng suddenly turned, and asked Lu Buwei: “You have been editing books these years, what happened to “Lü Shi Chun Qiu”?”

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