Chapter 566 Zhao Guo surrendered]

Winning the government is not in a hurry, he waits for the sisters to bring him infinite surprises in the future, Zhao Feiyan dances in the palm, and Zhao Feifeng is full of charm. This pair of sisters is a pair of treasures. Before Ying Zheng attacked Zhao Guo, he had never thought that there would be such an unexpected joy. In order to survive, King Zhao Miaoxiang handed over his two daughters, which was considered sincere.

In this way, Zhao Feiyan was assigned to the Snow Girl, and the Snow Girl would teach Zhao Wu, and after practicing the palm dance, it would be watched by Ying Zheng. But this Zhao Feifeng is always so limp. Honglian is already clingy enough. With Zhao Feifeng, winning politics is not a walking pole. Yingying and Yanyan hang on it every day.

A woman in a black and purple dress appeared at the entrance of the hall, with a charming and affectionate smile on her face, and a string of dots of decorations under her eyes. The person here was Mrs. Pearl. Although Yingzheng has not summoned it, it is not uncommon for Mrs. Mingzhu to appear here. She is keen on all things related to the harem. Hearing that Zhao Guo has sent beautiful women again, Mrs. Mingzhu will not stop.

Rushed over.

It is strange to say that Zhao Feifeng feels cordial as soon as she sees Mrs. Pearl. In her opinion, her sister Zhao Feiyan is a gentle and virtuous woman. The snow girl who can dance is a cold and snowy beauty. They are all different from Mrs. Pearl. It is a kind of charm that emerges from the bones. It does not float on the outside, nor is it hidden deep inside. It is not only invading like thunder and fire, but also calm and restrained.

In Zhao Feifeng’s dream, she became such an attractive woman, accompanied by Yingzheng. She looked at Mrs. Mingzhu’s Yan eyes with naked envy.

Mrs. Mingzhu felt Zhao Feifeng’s scorching eyes, and smiled softly, with a sweet and charming smile. This Zhao Feifeng also has vision, knowing that relying on himself is the right way. Mrs. Pearl didn’t mind having another help.

“Don’t be anxious, the king, Feiyan and Princess Feifeng are both new and unfamiliar. Why don’t I take them to take a good bath first, 々.” Mrs. Mingzhu gently covered her mouth, her voice was charming. Moving, the meaning of the words is more provocative, take them to bath, what do you do after bathing? Naturally, they will be sent to the dragon bed of Yingzheng.

Zhao Feiyan’s face flushed slightly, feeling that Mrs. Mingzhu’s words were too bold, and it was not like a reserved woman should have said it. In Zhao Feiyan’s opinion, this boldness is not right, but when Zhao Feifeng heard it, she felt that Mrs. Mingzhu was boldly expressing love. Feifeng felt that she was stronger than herself by many times. She also wanted to be a woman like Mrs. Pearl.

Mrs. Pearl’s suggestion was quickly approved to win the government. He just nodded, and the women in the palace left, doing their own things. Winning politics also has more important things to do than enriching the harem.

It is a good thing for Zhao Guo to surrender. It proves that King Zhao Miaoxiang is not hopeless, knowing what to do is right, and how to do it will make Zhao Guo fall into a worse situation. Yingzheng is also willing to accept his surrender.

It was not only because Zhao Feiyan and Zhao Feifeng were sent by King Zhao Miaoxiang. Even if he doesn’t send it off, he won the government to consider whether he should save his life. No matter which country, after experiencing war, it is bound to be turbulent for a period of time.

It is not that winning politics is afraid of national unrest, nor is he unable to pacify a country, but that this matter is too time-consuming. Leaving the life of King Zhao can quickly stabilize Zhao Guo. This is a good thing. Just like doing business, not saving money means earning, and saving effort and trouble is also earning.

Once the State of Zhao is destroyed, other countries will fall into panic and anxiety. If they are forced to do something unexpected, they will inevitably do anything to win the politicians to avoid all risks and win these countries steadily. Speed ​​is an important element.

Stabilize the country of Zhao as soon as possible, then quickly repair the army, and then attack the next country, continuously weakening the strength of the remaining countries, allowing them to be destroyed one by one in a short period of time, and quickly disintegrated.

This is only one of the reasons, and there is a more important reason. The State of Qin insisted on implementing the prisoner policy so that the people and soldiers of other countries would know that it would be easier to attack which countries at that time. All living beings are profitable, and this trick to win politics has been tried and tested repeatedly. Give a little favor, and ordinary people will be grateful for Dade’s acceptance. this

In the second Qin State attacked Zhao State, winning the government was to cooperate with the policy of capturing tigers and moving the capital, and directly took the Handan city of Zhao State.

Later, because of the influence of this policy, many cities in the Zhao country retreated without fighting. This is also why the State of Zhao, who can clearly fight against the State of Qin, will become so vulnerable in the end. The Qin State had policies, allied forces, and food and grass, almost everything. Compared with Zhao Guo, he can really be called a rich country and a strong soldier. King Zhao Miaoxiang and Li Mu had a centrifugal force, straight

This led to Zhao Guo’s defeat.

It is also ridiculous. As King Qin, Yingzheng can put himself on the ground and think about what Zhao should do in the face of war, but King Zhao Miaoxiang couldn’t think of it. Not to mention that Qin State has gained strength by winning politics. In terms of the ability to win the government as a king, the many decisions he made before the war are not unwise. If he is the king of the Zhao country, he will fight with a country that is several times stronger.

The family fights, and the winning government still feels that they will not lose. It is not that the strong will win, but the winner must be strong.

As for whom the next country will attack, winning the government still needs to think carefully.

The ministers of the cabinet gathered again, and they were satisfied after learning that Zhao Wang was willing to surrender. Lu Buwei snorted coldly: “”This King Zhao Miaoxiang is still acquainted, knowing that he can’t beat us, Qin, so it’s good and harmless to surrender as soon as possible. I knew why today, if it weren’t for him (Li Zhao’s) Qi Zhang was doing everything against Qin State, and Zhao Guo didn’t.

Will greet my Qin army so early!” When he decided to attack that country, Lu Buwei was the most active advocate of Zhao Guo.

Han Fei also nodded: “The surrender of King Zhao is a good thing for the State of Qin. We should prepare early to avoid long nights and dreams, and hold a ceremony to accept Zhao’s surrender as soon as possible. Incorporate into the territory of the Qin Kingdom.”

His ideas coincide with winning politics, the sooner the better, and the longer it takes to change. It’s just that after the last time Han and Chu were conquered, the reintegration plans of these two countries were all commanded by the winning government, and others just obeyed the orders of the winning government to do things. It has been demonstrated twice. This time, the winning government is going to hand over the affairs of Zhao Guo to the important ministers of the cabinet. even if

If you take a picture of a cat and draw a tiger, you should also be able to learn something. .

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