Chapter 561 Bing to Zhongmu]

King Zhao Miaoxiang was in great trouble, and when the 400,000 troops of the Great Qin Dynasty arrived in Zhongmu, he was assisted by the officials to reach the top of the city. King Zhao Miaoxiang glanced at it, and the magnificent aura of the 400,000 army suddenly weakened his calves. Had it not been for the support of a group of officials, he would have been paralyzed on the ground.

Zhao Guo was beaten so that only the last city remained, trapped in this small square, unable to move. The officials all persuaded King Zhao Miaoxiang to follow the example of Han and Zhao and surrender to Qin in order to achieve peace. King Zhao Miaoxiang listened to them, and kept his head down in silence. She sneered in her heart, so she was defeated by Qin State and became Zhao State.

Is it paper?

He can’t admit defeat, everything is not over yet, only when he admits defeat, the state of Zhao is truly perished.

Wang Jian pointed to King Zhao Miaoxiang and said: “King Zhao, Zhao is exhausted and everything is over. I advise you to surrender earlier, and Qin can raise your hands high, so that Zhao, like Han, and Chu, will be free from the suffering of war. , Live a peaceful life.”

When King Zhao Miaoxiang listened to Wang Jian’s words, he felt the overwhelming aura of the other party and almost fainted. He could not hear the words war, especially surrender. He had a splitting headache as soon as these words pierced his ears.

Some courtiers leaned into the ear of King Zhao and said: “My lord, just do what he said. As long as you surrender, the state of Zhao will be able to end such a long war.

“It’s over. Not only the war is over, but the country of Zhao is also over.” His words were heard by the people on the side, and they returned sarcastically. Some of the courtiers were still unwilling to surrender. They were just for gain. If Zhao Guoshanhe is handed over to others, some of them will lose their current official positions. What kind of imperial examination system, they don’t think

I can pass it. There is also a person who will be deprived of the status of aristocracy, and lose the current life of opening his mouth to stretch out his hands, rich clothing and jade, and arbitrarily arranging power.

As long as there is damage to interests, there are voices of opposition. They want to use Zhao Miaoxiang’s life in exchange for a chance to gamble. They wanted King Zhao Miaoxiang’s suggestion: “Your Majesty, as long as we can survive this period of time, we will surely be able to win. 々!” If we can win, the benefits they now have will not be taken away. If you fail, you won’t necessarily kill them and get in the front.

It’s Wang Zhao Miaoxiang.

King Zhao Miaoxiang is like a shield. Those who advise him to surrender are the loyal ministers who really care about his life. And these people who gave him false hope are just trying to use him to gamble against politics.

“Go through it? Where do you go? How to go through it? What you said is easy!” Someone said with outrage that Zhao Guo has no hope anymore, and every day is passed by.

“Of course it is waiting for Qi and Wei to send troops. They will not die without saving. It will not do them any good to watch Zhao Guo be destroyed by Qin. The king must hold on. When the reinforcements arrive, everything will be done. It’s alright.” This is the only reason that can be found to deceive King Zhao Miaoxiang.

But is King Zhao Miaoxiang really stupid? He is also a generation of kings, he is a bit stupid compared to winning the government, he may become a king, in a high position, watching all the troubles in the world, and over time, he has developed a pair of different eyes. Everything they see is different. The same is true for King Zhao Miaoxiang, he is not stupid. He knew it was just an excuse.

Not to mention that Wei Guo was threatened by Baiyue, he didn’t even dare to fight, let alone send troops to assist Zhao Guo. The reinforcements of this country can be ignored directly. The Kingdom of Yan was supposed to be on the same front as the Kingdom of Zhao against the Kingdom of Qin, but was preempted by the Kingdom of Qin to instigate a rebellion. this

What an unprovoked loss of a nation’s ally.

Zhao Guo didn’t talk about it himself. He had completely lost the right to compete with the winning government. As long as Wang Jian waved his hand now, the 400,000 army would immediately destroy Zhao Guo. There was no truth at all. And Qi Guo has not sent troops for some time. In fact, I can think clearly. King Qi must have seen everything, knowing that Zhao Guo and Qi Guo can’t agree to Qin State together.

All simply avoided, and did not have a head-on conflict with Qin State, so that Qi State could exist more and more day by day.

Suffering is not going to pass. Everyone has arrived under Zhongmu City. Unless reinforcements appear immediately, Zhao Guodu will not be able to survive for a while.

When Wang Jian saw that King Zhao Miaoxiang hadn’t spoken for a while, he waited a little anxiously: “Will King Zhao surrender? If he surrenders, King Zhao will be able to live in peace like King Han and King Chu. Isn’t King Zhao unwilling?”

This remark made King Zhao Miaoxiang a little moved. As long as he is an individual, everyone will choose to live, and if he is not dead, there will be no change in the general situation of the world.

The prolonged torture has caused King Zhao Miaoxiang to collapse. He felt that he had a splitting headache. He held his head and moaned in pain for a while, unexpectedly fainted in front of his eyes. He was lifted from the city wall by courtiers and asked Wang Jian to be merciful, and Rong Zhao would make a decision after he woke up.

Zhao Guo’s important ministers put it together, and surrender is the best choice now, not only for them, but also for King Zhao Miaoxiang, but also for Zhao Guo. They worked together to squeeze out the courtiers and nobles who did not want to surrender, and prevented them from contacting the unconscious King Zhao Miaoxiang. They sent their most trusted person, Guo Kai, the veteran of Zhao Guo, to persuade King Zhao Miaoxiang.

This is the last game of the State of Zhao. If the ministers win, the State of Zhao will surrender, and the State of Zhao will be destroyed when the nobles win. There is not much difference for winning politics, but it is a big deal for Zhao Guo.

In order to fulfill his mission, Guo Kai directly asked the imperial medical needle to awaken King Zhao Miaoxiang. Time is running out, so there is no time to give him a coma. As long as King Zhao Miaoxiang is willing to surrender, there will be days for him to sleep in the future.

And Guo Kai’s reason is simple: (Good King Li)”” King Qin would not kill the king easily. King Han and King Chu both lived well. As long as they were willing to surrender, winning the government would never kill the king. When the time comes, the king will be killed. You can live comfortably without worry. ”

“How do you guarantee that winning the government will not kill the widow? He is only one step away from destroying Zhao Guo. The life and death of the widow is completely in his hands. He will only have endless troubles if he keeps the widow. King Han married his daughter to Qin Guo. King Chu gave Princess Yuxue to Yingzheng, and he personally went to the State of Qin to apologize. This allowed Yingzheng’s men to be merciful and saved their lives.

For some reason, King Zhao Xiaocheng still has an enmity with Yingzheng, and he will not keep a widow. “When King Zhao Miaoxiang woke up, he seemed to be much older. When he said these things, his whole person appeared very weak.

“Don’t worry about the king, you will definitely survive, and the minister will guarantee your life!” Guo Kai said categorically, and the road for King Zhao Mourning was ready. .

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